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File: 3 KB, 300x300, 5cd4ead690d2de5d99a7d5d7_RSV-stamp-black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19710652 No.19710652 [Reply] [Original]

at this point you gotta be a fucking idiot to have 0 RSR
and get out of the crypto game since you're not in it for the money

the investors list is like a who's who of investors
Coinbase has a stake. hello???
below $.01??? hello???
total circulation of 100B too high??? just as much as XRP and XRP went to > $3. hello???
same market maker as XRP's??? hello???

>> No.19710682

No thanks

>> No.19710770

100K suicide stack just like 1K for LINK
1M make it stack just like 10K for LINK

>> No.19710798

You're a moron, but stupid money, hurr hurr airports empty more people fly soon hurr, makes money.

Bought 160k RSR and 100~ TRB today, easily both 100x's (in real terms) in the coming few years.

>> No.19710854

If so, why did you not buy a lot more?

>> No.19710930
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Because MKR or anyone else could come out and slaughter this project if they're competent.

$500 into $40k real terms is great and all, but I'm sure Eth is going to provide a 40x in the next 5-10 years (in real terms) and is more or less a sure-thing, so why risk much with RSR now when they've yet to show their success?

The goal shouldn't be to get the most, to be greedy, but to position yourself so that when the inevitable collapse of the dollar occurs, and then the inevitable shift to crypto, you're positioned so that there's absolutely no doubt in your mind that you're sitting pretty.

Buying 1 / 1,000,000 share in potentially massive projects like this, then holding the underlining asset that makes them function (eth) makes you certain that you'll make it with some patience.

I own kyber and 0x the same way. 1/1,000,000th or so.

Not more.


Well what if Uniswap, the dex I actually use already, becomes the dominant one? Well they're both fucking garbage then and I should have owned eth.

The same can be said here.

What if Eth just becomes so obviously superior to own than a basket of commodities/currencies/assets that RSR's goal is made redundant?

The goal should not be to speculate, but to know in 10 years time you'll be having someone lick your boot for a living if you so desire it.

If you want to risk licking my boot in 10 years for the small chance to have the ability to boast about having more than a few fortunes, go ahead.

>> No.19710934

I want to kill myself looking at this post. Used reddit too much due to using vpn's and not posting on here that I've been corrupted.

>> No.19711011

good post tho

>> No.19711178


So just stack ETH with a few other side hits?

>> No.19711197

GTFO you pajeet faggot nobody wants your shitcoin. you had better chance of scamming someone with bitconnect. people arent going to waste their hard earned money for a hyped up coin.

>> No.19711216

MKR could not slaughter it. The investors this has could actually make it so MKR never gets mass adoption because of all the contacts rsr investors have and the power they have, they could suppress it as they have an interest in this instead.

>> No.19711228
File: 36 KB, 800x470, received_10212397230227927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon this one's actually got a shot
def not a curry/discord tranny p&d

>> No.19711263

I'd say 40% eth 30% btc 30% in a few good alts if you're poor.

If you have money/income get 0.85btc -> 1.25 btc, then maybe buy a little monero just "in case," then of your remaining capital 60-80% into eth and 20-30% into alts (primarily defi).

Maybe buy a few grand in gold/silver (physical) if you lack guns and are afraid of real life situations if the shift occurs due to civil unrest or other quick-causing reasons.

Test every defi project and research them when they come out to put money in when they're cheap and not used, before people understand them. Did that with many and it's basically free money.

MKR is too big and supported to be gagged, it'd have to be outcompeted.

I doubt MKR will, but if they released a true stable-coin based off multi-assets rather than just USD RSR's prospects would become very gloomy. Imo mkr will drop the ball and rsr will slaughter them as mkr is too complacent and the token holders are blind to fiat evaporating causes the token to become more or less worthless.

>> No.19711409

Fucking based. RSR is like buying Bitcoin in 2010. Facts.

>> No.19711495

checked, that guy is either poor or scamming but theres no way someone can be that poor so hes scamming

>> No.19711731

its more like buying XRP in 2014. same tokenomics, same market makers, american company in it's earliest infant stage.

i wouldn't be suprised if we see this doing exact thing like XRP. pamp to 3$.

>> No.19711755

The difference is xrp is a shitcoin that's propped up by the foundation while this coin has potential to actually have a functional use-case.

Imagine being so poor you have to go all in on random shitcoins because without 100x+ returns on your ENTIRE networth you'll never be able to truly buy anything significant.

>> No.19712400

I don't touch satsgang spectre sullied shit

>> No.19712410

love this reverse fud

>> No.19712418

paypal wanted to create global currency, reminds me of early bitcoin threads

>> No.19712447
File: 10 KB, 320x257, 500018200759_12476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically wageslaving out the ass so I can aquire 1 million rsr. Revolutionary stuff that will make us filthy rich when it takes the world by storm in a couple years

>> No.19712459
File: 184 KB, 1055x707, Nevin sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeets working overtime today

>> No.19712464

MKR will get slaughtered by Reserve : https://medium.com/reserve-currency/our-analysis-of-the-makerdao-protocol-4a9872c1a824

>> No.19712478

Paypal guys said Reserve is what they wanted to do but couldn't .