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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 42 KB, 256x256, BUIDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19700041 No.19700041 [Reply] [Original]


Quick rundown:

>A new DFO called ethArt has been BUIDLed. It's a tool to make ERC721 based Non-fungible Tokens, without fees and without need for coding skills. Mainnet is scheduled for June 18th! Code here:

>Uniswap v2 integration release date will be released next week. Token holders of a DFO will be able to manage the DFO funds stored into the DFO wallet via voting, using Uniswap to add/remove liquidity into a pool and to swap tokens.

>IDOs (Initial Decentralized Offering): DFOs will be able to list Voting Tokens into Uniswap anonymously easily, and into the DFOhub GUI, Investors will be able to check the code, funds, and the rules to govern it. This is an important step forward to the concept of Initial Decentralized Offering.

>Every DFO is listed into DFOhub GUI, with On-chain information and a persistent architecture that works independently from the issuers, removing huge barriers and possible scams from the IDO movement.


>> No.19700081

Also, the first DFOhub AMA is at June 18 at 7:30pm UTC

>> No.19700591

hidden gem, let me accumulate under 1M anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19700629

Fuck....this project just keeps getting more and more exciting! I refuse to sell under $5 and I might not even then. Could actually USE this shit.

>> No.19700732

this is the big one folks

>> No.19700743
File: 3 KB, 250x250, buidlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the moon

>> No.19701585


>> No.19701643

Bump to the moooon!

>> No.19701661

Fudders have capitulated

>> No.19701709

Buying more before 5M market cap
Still under 1M
Bargain anon, bargain

>> No.19701787

jesus christ these are good updates. excited to see a new DFO get built on their platform - my only real concern here was a lack of adoption.

>> No.19702556

your only concern happens to be the biggest problem with this project and is the very reason why it will not recover.

>> No.19702660

What did these DFOHub Deployer wallets do exactly? What dApp was propped up, or feature initiated?

>> No.19702669

up 10c since this thread got posted sanjay

>> No.19702879

This is a real gem anon.

>> No.19703130
File: 693 KB, 527x582, onlycointhatmatters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best team, best project, best community; even after all the spoonfeeding only a few smart anons actually picked up this beast of a token. Anyone just finding this today, time to DYOR. You've maybe got one or two weeks max before this thing goes completely viral.

>It's still early, come $BUIDL with us

>> No.19703168

Is this integrating with Ghost?

>> No.19703193

Also, why are you launching at the start of mercury retrograde? This is bad timing.

>> No.19703231
File: 204 KB, 1200x873, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19703248
File: 52 KB, 256x256, $BUIDLit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not thinking big enough anon, BUIDL release has actually been timed with the return of Nibiru from its 3600 year orbit so when the Great Ones return they can buidl their UFO on a DFO

>> No.19703295

buidl fudders don't even try. i said "was," you nonce. because this update proves adoption.

>> No.19703317
File: 110 KB, 708x1062, d4e899dd157a0d00645d0ee65e6ce46d552f5a52e8b35dd77c59ec2b02e10911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assure you, this will fail if you make this release on the 18th.

>> No.19703433

They are doing brilliant work. What they need now is reach out to the crypto community of other projects and get them to trial and integrated. Its exciting stufff.

If they become what they are aiming for, this is going to be a meta platform for many other projects. Top50 coin!

>> No.19703448

token not needed
goes in all fields

>> No.19703616

Your assurance is as weak as your magic. Powerful warlocks are taking care of $buidl ;)
anyway it's just the logo contest releasing next week, the project has been successfully launched already.
>Join us, you feel the magnetism pulling you. Just buy a few $buidl

Brain not needed to post here apparently. It's a governance token that gives you equity in the github of ethereum that multiple projects are already launching their own governance tokens on. By design, the token is essential.

>> No.19703727

Would anyone wanting to launch an IDO need to purchase an amount of BUIDL to do so?

>> No.19703868

The creators are geniuses. This shit gonna fly hard hard ( more than 50-100 M Market cap for sure). Current Market cap still 1M and u are buying every day shitcoins anon...THINK!

>> No.19704056

They don't need $buidl but they pay a % of their tokens as a generation fee that goes to the DFOhub wallet managed by $buidl holders. This makes $buidl more valuable because it is backed by the DFOhub wallet.
>$buidl is backed by a small portion of every DFO’s voting tokens that are created.

>Every time a new DFO is deployed, a Generation Fee is paid by the new DFO voting tokens, and automatically sent to the DFOhub wallet.

>$buidl hodlers can propose and vote on how to manage these funds, as well as alter the size of the Generation Fee from the 1.5% default.

>> No.19704270

interesting. smart idea if this is well executed