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19699635 No.19699635 [Reply] [Original]


Pls frens. None of this money matters to me with no gf i can text every night. I dont care about being rich if gf-less. A lot of people are mistaking what i want
>sugar daddy?
no. I already lost a lot of money to a catfish. I will pay (You) lots of money. Like a lot if i meet dream girl who wants to LDR. But im not paying the girl
no. I already did escorts. Now i just want girl who likes texting me online every day. Sex doesnt replace love. Nothing makes me more happy then girl wanting to talk to me online.

I have like over 100 k LINKs btw

>> No.19699828

bump :(

>> No.19699848

You need to value yourself, not just linkies

>> No.19700389

bump :(

>> No.19700436
File: 58 KB, 512x351, pepehug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roasties are temporary
frenship is forever

>> No.19700459

Just go talk to them my friend. Don't aim too high in your standards and just be yourself. More importantly, have fun. Don't feel as though you always have to make an advancing move. Let it flow naturally.

>> No.19700491

just be yourself :)

>> No.19700501

There are learning guides for this all over the internet
The natural by rsd max is one of the best and can be downloaded for free on torrent sites

The only thing stopping you is your own inaction
And no i dont want any links from your pathetic 5 fig stack. Keep em just in case youre the rare whiner who isnt a complete pussy and does it. Kids are expensive

>> No.19700518

Flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.19700520

being desperate for human contact is a huge red flag because they can tell it's not them you want but just any warm body willing to give you the time of day. you need to be happy with yourself first. that will lead to confidence, which will lead to gf. might not be helpful but the second i stopped trying to meet someone and went out to just enjoy myself i met someone incredible

>> No.19700529

i already sent you an email with my address you stupid nigger. stop bitching and pay up

>> No.19700531
File: 39 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to love yourself first fren

>> No.19700709

You've got mail