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19695198 No.19695198 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19695222


>> No.19695255

The SEC is going to throw the fucking book at the uniswap team if they don’t do something about this shit soon.

>> No.19695264

what is this telegram faggot

>> No.19695268

I mean on what grounds though? None of these tokens are securities, it'd be like charging people for making and selling digital art, only people who make assurances of a return could possibly be charged. I think these are all scams but the SEC shouldn't be involved imo.

>> No.19695272

>muh SEC

>> No.19695276

It's a uniswap listing alert. Each message is a new uniswap token since June 3rd.

>> No.19695281

For what? Selling tokens that you think aren't worth anything? Same as 99% of crap you see sold on Etsy

>> No.19695287

You can’t commit securities fraud on etsy

>> No.19695296

this reminds me of that pajeet messaging a white girl for about a year with no reply

>> No.19695297

The coming economic revolution is upon us. Repent now before its too late

>> No.19695317

God dammit go play in traffic. Nobody is committing fraud here. Everyone who buys this shit is an active participant in a free market.

should we ban online betting because some people lose everything? Of course not that would be retarded.

>> No.19695330
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>> No.19695366

>a digital token is a security
You are a retard.

>> No.19695384

>Nobody is committing fraud here.
According to the law they very well may be. I’m not here to argue whether said laws are just or not, just saying that they are being violated and it may be best for uniswap to correct course before a regulatory crackdown occurs.

>> No.19695406 [DELETED] 

If you protect everyone from everything that could be dangerous then noone can do anything anymore. Rusk is inherent with innovation. If you ban prople from taking risks then you wlse halt most innovation as a result.

>> No.19695430

The SEC hasn't defined those tokens as securities.

>> No.19695444

This is peak boomer posting. Tokens aren't securities.

>> No.19695448

If you protect everyone from everything that could be dangerous then noone can do anything anymore. Risk is inherent with innovation. If you ban people from taking risks then you also halt most innovation as a result.

>> No.19695449

You very well are here to argue these actions are breaking the law.

Let me fill you in, its Not going to happen. Pandora is out of the box. Creating a truly free economic system puts the burden of responsibility on the user. As other anons here said its nit illegal to create a digital token nor is it to create a digital marketplace. Furthermore uniswap is the killer app of modern programmatic finance. Its perhaps the most beautiful example weve ever witnessed in our lifetime of lowest barrier to entry for a digital marketplace. The best has yet to come anon and the feds have nothing to do with it.

>> No.19695476

>Its perhaps the most beautiful example weve ever witnessed in our lifetime of lowest barrier to entry for a digital marketplace.
The pajeet cries out loud

>> No.19695502

mfw the listing alerts is part of the actual scam to get retards to buy scam tokens early then remove liquidy.

>> No.19695503

holy shit fuck off u curry nigger

>> No.19695506

Should be ban bitcoin because drug cartel use it? Or perhaps prevent people from using dai because stable coins are regulated? Maybe ban ether because someone can extort millions using a hack? Maybe SEC should ban the erc20 because it allows tokens to be printered? You’re literally advocating for the abolishment of the entire space in the name of consumer protection. Its a super weak argument that has no grounds here. As a mentioned just consider yourself lucky were here to witness the dawn of a new economy

>> No.19695518
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literal pajeet tier writing

>> No.19695530

Absolutely based and libertarian pilled.

>> No.19695531

>sub 90 IQ posting
Stop b8ing faggot nobody cares

>> No.19695537

>hurr SEC
it's just code faggot
only a dumbass falls for bad code

>> No.19695543

But should we regulate the sale of sex?

>> No.19695547

kys lol

>> No.19695558

If you fall for pajeet scams you have no one to blame but yourself, and you were going to lose your money to some form of scam anyway. You either become financially literate or get fleeced in this world.

>> No.19695566

fuck you pajeet and fuck your mom too!

This board needs flags!

>> No.19695603

Probably this channel: t.me/uniswaplistingsfresh
Shows you new uniswap listings, most of them are scams but 1-2 decent ones show up every day, pretty easy 5x, everytime for me desu.

>> No.19695647

I agree anon, that's one ugly telegram theme

>> No.19695813
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Don't throw bananas to bicycles, fren.

>> No.19695840

Why do people larp on anonymous boards?

>> No.19695961

lol. those scams are not even illegal. People buy stuff that is useless. Then liquidity owner draws the tokens. Why should this be illegal?

>> No.19696008

How is it a LARP?
Take this coin for example
Posted a few hours ago, I put in 0.2 and it's already worth 0.77 now. If you don't believe me, go back into the tx history and see how much eth people were spending to buy X amount of coins and compare the data to now.

>> No.19696069

>Doesn't understand securities.
>Is just dumb & arrogant

Its crazy the amount of newfags that don't understand securities regs.
Guarantee they think blockchain = Cryptocurrency.

The definition for cryptocurrency is below faggots
>a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

I know you'll argue with reality.

>> No.19696077

Link to telegram?

>> No.19696125


>> No.19696140

there is a delay on this... kek

>> No.19696155

There are two channels, this one shows faster with an etherscan link as well so you can quickly read the contract to see if it's using a generator or not.
The other one has a one hour delay, this one has like 40-50 mins and this shows more coins as well. I subscribe to both.

>> No.19696158

Did any of these effortless scams made any money

>> No.19696178

You can literally see how much each scam make.
Go to the transaction section on etherscan.info link.
Subtract the Removes from the Adds.
usually around 0.10-10 eth profit depending on how many people get cucked.

>> No.19696180
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or just view the etherscan creation contract in realtime

>> No.19696267

Show me one instance, ONE, of a non ICO, cryptocurrency token being investigated by the SEC and the creator being charged with anything. Just one, it's been over a decade.

>> No.19696397

Every token is an unregistered security until it has an utility.
If it's not PoW it's security.

>> No.19696426

>Show me one instance, ONE, of a non ICO, cryptocurrency token being investigated by the SEC
The SEC aren't doing shit, but civil action can still occur. Take the ripple case as an example. Cryptocurrency is not regulated by the SEC, its regulated by the CFTC. These Uniswap tokens are not cryptocurrency, they are within the SECs remit. Lost of scams on going right now, the whole china hustle is evidence of how little the SEC care about retail. The SEC doesn't give a fuck about some million dollar scam.
>Just one, it's been over a decade.
ICOs really didn't come till ETH in reality ('15). Yea they were around before, but nothing huge.

Just cause nothing has doesn't mean it won't in the future. regs are being broken, end of.

>> No.19696445

But uniswap tokens aren't ICOs. If I make a token and call it 'peepeepoopoo' and just slap it on uniswap, it isn't an ICO. An ico is when I take ETH with the promise of issuing tokens that are tied to a platform. These uniswap tokens may as well be cryptokitties. They are closer to a cryptocurrency in that they are individual units that confer no value besides what people pay for them. If they're part of an actual platform like LINK or XRP that provides a service then it's a different story.

>> No.19696464

Its an airdrop whatever, airdrops are still securities.

>> No.19696507

As I said, you lack an understanding of securities regs.
These 'utilities tokens' need to actually provide utility. They're just used to speculate, be honest with yourself. No one is using them for the utility, purely speculation. This is the reality the courts/the SEC will see.

>> No.19696512
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How? Please explain to me how it is a security.

>> No.19696520

>for their utility
What if they don't have a utility? A lot (see: most) of the scam tokens promise absolutely NOTHING and have no use case beyond a funny name.

>> No.19696537

1st link on a google search
2nd link on google


>> No.19696542

it’s a fad and will simmer down eventually
right now it’s just an abstract form of gambling because the system is new
when defi options trading becomes the thing people will stop fucking around so much with token generators

>> No.19696548
File: 94 KB, 787x360, securities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the SECs OWN guidance on the issue. You have to meet all these requirements. If a person issues tokens that serve NO purpose whatsoever they aren't securities you faggot

>> No.19696568

Your OWN link BTFOs you, it says that the airdropped tokens were redeemable or useable within the platform making them an agreement between recipient and the issuer which makes them a security. Conversely a token that simply EXISTS and has no interaction with a common enterprise is not a security.

>> No.19696637

>What if they don't have a utility?
They're an unregistered security.
Holy fuck you dumb cunt. many will hear few will listen. before i even break this down. I've already proven airdrops are securities.

1. 'crypto' is money
2. all the units were created by 1 entilty. that's common enterprise. read the below link that made cryptocurrency a commodity.
3. people buy with the expectation it goes up in value
4. See the 'Solely by the Efforts of Another' section in the below link.
>common enterprise
See the below link retard, you don't know what a common enterprise is apparently.


Stop thinking you know what your talking about. You clearly don't

>> No.19696687

If Bitcoin got away with not being a security I fail to see how that wouldn't apply to any other token that serves no purpose other than to be exchanged between willing parties.

>> No.19696719

you're fuckin dumb, read the link I posted retard. its why BTC is a commodity.
Read the link newfag, here it is again

Stop 'investing' in things you clearly don't understand

>> No.19696814

I did read it, it's not exactly conclusive, it states that the status of bitcoin remains a contentious topic precisely because there is a lot of ambiguity about what constitutes common enterprise, and an investment of money.

>> No.19696830

Shitcoins literally check every box what are you getting at here

>> No.19696847

>expectation of profit
I don't see any 'expectation of profit' from 'De King' coin. It doesn't even have a website or coders or an owner.

>> No.19696887

what do you mean? There is no "team" that runs anything, thats the literal function of a blockchain

>> No.19696953

>I did read it,
no you fuckin didn't cunt, you read till you found what you wanted. its 64 pages. FUCK OFF i know you didn't.
Stop applying your confirmation bias. You clearly don't care about your investment if you can't read 64 pages of what makes cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency. Bye newfag, I can't waste my time on all of you fuckin retards.

investment of money
>Bitcoin is a “form of money” for purposes of the Securities Act.

>common enterprise
Also, the investors in Bitcoin “share in the benefits of Bitcoin's programming and cryptography, which are essential to the ability to sell Bitcoin in the future.”110 Moreover, there is vertical commonality with the miners, as it can be argued that to a certain extent, the investor “is dependent on the miners’ efforts or expertise for their returns.”111 Indeed, miners’ efforts will dictate the productivity of the system, and, by confirming the transactions and building on the blockchain, this will impact both the value of Bitcoin and the returns to the investors.
Read miners.
If you bothered to read it (you didn't) you'd know that mining is the answer to your question.

read it retard, not replying till you have.

>> No.19697025


>3. people buy with the expectation it goes up in value

says who? they are just released to the market/blockchain, if people think they go up its the same as buying adidas shoes

>> No.19697061

Read the link here >>19696719.
They are buying them as collectable, hoping the value will raise. again so many newfags, read the doc. it will answer your question.

>> No.19697079

I'm not reading a fucking 63 page paper

>> No.19697093

then I'm not wasting my time on someone that doesn't give a shit about his investment that his saying is like buying addias shoes

>> No.19697231

Does this mean beanie babies count as securities?

>> No.19697718

blockchain exist worldwide not in US

check mate

>> No.19698013

So how the fuck do you make money on these and how do you separate the absolute scams from those that make money

>> No.19698047
File: 3 KB, 176x21, Screenshot 2020-06-13 at 09.20.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum ruined crypto.

>> No.19698090


This was inevitable. The long tail of crypto was inevitable.