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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19695167 No.19695167 [Reply] [Original]

If Link actually turns out to be an elaborate pnd scheme I’m going to kill myself

>> No.19695178
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>> No.19695185

What makes you think that's even a possibility?

>> No.19695189

if link is a pnd, then it's the slowest most 4d chess PnD in existence

>> No.19695206

Imagine how all the usd bagholders will feel when that ponzi finally crashes

>> No.19695263

>emotionally invested
>invested more than he could afford to lose

Get ready for dissapointment

>> No.19695306
File: 180 KB, 639x804, link betrayal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19695312

Order your exit bag now

>> No.19695320

Why would they spend 3 years for a pnd?
Sergay was multimillionaire rich before LINK idk why he would run the dumbest pnd in cryptospace

>> No.19695326

Lol sergey knows there's thousands of autists who staked their future on this project. He's probably terrified that if the team properly exit scams he'll be hunted down by nerds with nothing left to lose.

>> No.19695340

just dump it, link already had its run

>> No.19695347

bullish af

>> No.19695413

Absolutely, I think it's the only reason the project has gotten this far

>> No.19695491

That’s the power of meme magic

>> No.19695512

if it can elect dumpf it can motivate a pnd team

>> No.19695532

>if it turns out

Haven’t you been paying attention?

>> No.19695559

no its not, why would Coinbase list a pnd? scams do not have constant high volume on Coinbase, LINK has actual real demand and use.

>> No.19695572

Hey you fat cunt. Yes you Sir GAY. If you think, even for a moment, you can try and scam us I will single handedly hold you down on the ground with one hand, open your gay Russian mouth with the other hand and fucking rifle out a stream of HOT SHIT directly down your throat. Straight down. Bullseye. Like a fucking dart. Don’t push me.

>> No.19695986

You already know it is. It's not a good pnd to be in though because it's never going to pump massively. Majority of the supply is held by the Jews behind sirgay and they dump a few million dollars worth any time there is enough liquidity. The price isn't as important as liquidity to them. Their incentives aren't alligned with the bagholders, which makes it a very bad hold. That was fine during the bear market but it will perform relatively badly during the upcoming bull.

>> No.19696287

He already pumped it to 4$. Nothing prevented the nerds from taking some profit.