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19691787 No.19691787 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that buying a house IS renting. Youre just renting from the bank instead of a landlord.

Youre literally renting money and they can margin call you whenever you decide you dont want to work for 30 years.

>> No.19691818


and even if you have it paid off you're just renting it from the government and if you can't pay property tax they take it

>> No.19691839


Even if you get land you're still renting.

>> No.19691851

Buying a house is for idiots. The government can confiscate it at any time. Much better to invest in crypto and rent

>> No.19691852

the best move is to buy the house cash for 10% of your net worth

>> No.19691863

Yeah but the debt is fixed and the asset can go down. So you can end up hundreds of thousands of dollars down by mortgage vs rent

>> No.19691909

>margin call you whenever you decide you dont want to work for 30 years.

Yeaahh, what do you expect them to do just say sure fine just keep the house, don't pay us? Lol.
If you can't afford to pay for housing the bank will foreclose and kick you out (but you get your equity back). Same scenario as with renting, you're kicked out.

You make payments to the bank, true, but if you're not a bum you're essentially paying yourself every month and in 30 years you have a whole lot of something rather than a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.19692214

> they can margin call you whenever you decide you dont want to work for 30 years.
You do plan on paying your house off, right anon?

>> No.19692241

anon lives with his mom.

>> No.19692267

yep, except when my house is paid off my "rent" is $300/month [utilities included :^) ] opposed to $1,500 (median rent in America)

Also, if I lose my job I can cash-out re-finance and pay my mortgage for years to come whereas you rentcucks will literally be forcefully evicted after 30 days past due LOL

>> No.19692289

>after 30 years of renting from the bank, I now rent from the government (tax) for significantly less

>after 30 years of renting from a landlord I am still renting from that landlord for the same rate.

It's a no-brainer.

>> No.19692394

Stop posting. Get rested up for work. gotta pay that mortgage.

>> No.19692414

I have a normal adult job, you know, the ones with weekends off :^)

>> No.19692420

Wow so many seething rentfags. Fuck I’m glad I’m not poor

>> No.19692446

either way you're a slave.

>> No.19692456

>save down payment
>invest it into something

>have way more than you could ever make being boggled down on a huge house you couldnt afford

>> No.19692463

holy jesus people actually think buying a house is a bad idea.

>protects against inflation
>youre not paying someone elses mortgage or lining someone elses pocket which is ((cuck))
>at the end of the mortgage term you have an asset which has appreciated in value
>if you have a real job, you also have investments in roth IRA, crypto/stocks

>> No.19692491

tfw my mortgage payment is less than what i was paying to rent a much worse house

idiots. you spend the same amount of money or more renting or paying a mortgage

>> No.19692532


>> No.19692541

>buy $200,000 house
>FHA loan, 3.5% down ($7,000)
>rentcuck invests $7,000 @ average 7% annual ROI
>after 30 years has $53,000
>MortgageChad™ has $485,000 in equity (house appreciates @ average rate of 3% a year)

pftthahahahahaha yeah, great job you dumbass rentcuck

also, my monthly mortgage will be ~500/month for EVERYTHING in 30 years whereas in 30 years youll probably be paying close to $3,000/month hahahahhahahahahahaha

>> No.19692551

Why don't you just inherit?

>> No.19692567

This I own 2 houses, 1 is rented out and pays for it self. Some other fuck is paying the mortgage and taxes.

>> No.19692576

This. It's like Boomers never heard of Section 8.

>> No.19692601

>just wageslave for 30 years and then pay thousands of dollars every year after or government thugs will evict you at gunpoint

>> No.19692608


>house is an asset
>lives in it but doesn’t rent it

Liability you mean fren

>> No.19692619


>> No.19692623

That bank will be the ones holding the bag when the market drops.

>> No.19692647
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>holding the bag

>they already got your 40k downpayment that you traded for a wooden log shaft with gypsum paint

>> No.19692654

Rent vs Mortgage.

I have a mortgage and are better off than 90% of my friends and family. The best move is to...

Move in with parents/roomate.


Because money that would of gone to Jews could go towards stocks/crypto. Which should make you more rich.

Selling my house and moving back in
Still making 20k profit from real estate. Going towards investments.

>> No.19692742

(and that's a good thing)

no seriously. banks allowed up to grow at an exponential rate economically

could you imagine having to pay for start-ups upfront in cash? we'd still be living in the fucking stone age. our cities would be 1800s style and run by a single Chad Baron

>> No.19692767

no you retard without loans the price of houses and cars and college would go down to where people could afford them

everything would go down because nobody would be able to buy them with no loans and only what people could afford would become the new price

>> No.19693241

>no you retard without loans the price of houses and cars and college would go down to where people could afford them
>everything would go down because nobody would be able to buy them with no loans and only what people could afford would become the new price

But wouldn't wages retreat also?

>> No.19693257

How about don’t buy a huge house, but a modest one that suits your needs? Still better to pay your own mortgage than paying someone else’s. That’s pretty cucky tbqhwyf

>> No.19693439

>buy $200,000 house

In what dreamworld are you living

>> No.19693457

>implying a mortgage needs to be 30Y
>implying equity isn't literally ownership
>stick to the man by living in a cardboard box
15 is a much more popular term, 30 is kinda the maximum
You would rather pay rent? That money just leaves, it's gone, you've got nothing to show for it
>get $200k mortgage at 6%, 15Y fixed.
>$1687.71 a month
>total repayment is $303k
>assume zero appreciation and no other income from owning the house
>down $97k at full equity sale for 15Y of housing
>Pay $1,000 a month in rent
>15 years later
>down $180,000
"But I can put the $687 remainder into stocks!"
Houses appreciate too
>3% annual appreciation, compounding monthly
>15Y later grossing $383k
>minus $303k for the mortgage
>nets $80k
>makes 8% on $687 compounded monthly
>grossing $238k
>minus $180k spent on rent
>nets $58k
>>>>$22k penile differential
There are many houses near me going for near that figure, they're not shitholes, they're well kept houses on large plots with access to waterfront owned by whites
You need to drive an extra 15 minutes to get to work
Also since 0% down doesn't happen on mortgages your actual loan will be less than the sticker on the house.

>> No.19693466

Not in California basedland or Jew York City. Outside there, you can get a nice house in an upper class suburb for $200k.

>> No.19693487

Buying a house is not an investment.
It's a lifestyle decision.
done. Easy.

>> No.19693492

>Much better to invest in crypto and rent
based. broke a cupboard last week and virgin landlord had to replace them all

>> No.19693501

>Upper class suburb

Only place where I've seen this is in upper class Chicago suburbs where your property tax bill on that 200K home is 8-14K/year.

>> No.19693511

>owns an asset, chooses to let it produce income every month
>occasionally has maintenance expenses not exceeding the total revenues from (You)

>> No.19693651

The south.

>> No.19693685

You build equity up and own an asset that appreciates every year in value. Rent you throw your money down the toilet, you’ll never see that money again.

>> No.19693701

Can't you just pay the property tax for years in advance? Effectively owning it completely without worry for that many years. Just pay the property taxes on it for the next 50 years or something.

>> No.19693710

Housing Market is in a massive bubble fluffed up by dirt cheap interest rates, what sort of house could you afford with say a 10% rate?When your 400k house is now worth 230k that you've payed 50k into the banks will be left holding the bankruptcy bags.

>> No.19693724
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>retarded rentcucks making up bullshit to support their cuckholdry
im shocked

>> No.19693730

Banks can call you on the full balance of the debt at any time, this happened in during 2008 mortgage crisis and can very likely happen again if corona chan comes back. Lets not also forget that one bad decision with a thot, she can take your house you toiled so hard to pay off, and she can keep it and move in with her new fuckboi's, welcome to feminism in western society.

>> No.19693737

taking into account property taxes, mortgage interest and hoa fees add up to just over half of what the rent would be for an equivalent property near almost every major city
renting is for literal cucks

>> No.19693745

Abolish property tax

>> No.19693760

Have fun earning your landlords equity rent cucks.

>> No.19693782

anyone stupid enough to think they can win a game rigged against them deserves to lose everything desu

>> No.19693797

woah epic one single line is the cost of owning a home in chicago

zoomer larp cope exposed

>> No.19693802

>Daily reminder that buying a house IS renting.
You obviously mean getting a mortgage and not BUYING a house.

>> No.19693835

idiot - why would they let you pay at a lower value when land only appreciates

>> No.19693837

the only places you can get a nice house for $200,000 w reasonable taxes are located in backwards redneck shitholes in the middle of nowhere USA because no one wants to live there

>> No.19693895
File: 45 KB, 805x687, chi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is wrong. ghetto south chicago has low property taxes, and nice white north chicago has high property taxes

>> No.19693931

Unless you're not poor like you and pay it off in cash.

If you want to stop being poor, FUND solves this. Buy Unification.

>> No.19693989

Houses are cheap in Illinois, but that because taxes are crazy, a 400k house here would be a million in Cali.

>> No.19694092

Look up Winnetka, Illinois and then report back. Run down houses have been sold for <$300K. 8K+ property taxes on those houses (assessed higher if greater square footage).

Presumably you can get a run down upper middle class single family home for 200K in a >90% White suburb with $250K+ median household income but you will pay 8-14K in property taxes per year.

>> No.19694118

No, brainlet OP and his merry band of retards actually mean that buying a house and paying property tax is the same as renting.

>> No.19694124

>t. unsuspecting tax victim

>> No.19694130

unless you know actually buy it

>> No.19694138

what happens if you need to move? let's say you lost your job tomorrow. there's one in the next state over. now what?

>> No.19694160

>Houses appreciate too
Until they don't. The idea of shelter-as-investment is very very new and clearly terrible for the economy.

>> No.19694203

This. It makes literally zero sense. Land appreciating in value eternally is understandable but not houses. It's so obviously an unsustainable bubble but mortgage cucks and their 'muh equity' FOMO bullshit can't see it.

>> No.19694279
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Daily reminder: Rentcucks pay my mortgage and property taxes while I live off the profits.

>> No.19694425
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Banks lending for speculation is literally ponzi lending. If we all lend money to pump asset prices, with the assets themselves being the collateral, it's just an unsustainable self inflating bubble. Just think about it, what value is being created? Are prices going up due to value creation and economic growth, or is it inflation?

Of course people won't complain either because they just see their assets going up in price and they think they're getting rich, when in fact it's all inflation. Due to the nature of inflation, those who hold the money initially before the effects of inflation kick in are able to spend the money with relatively low downside. However, in the end, society as a whole loses as the country's monetary system starts coughing up blood.

Ban speculative lending. Loans should largely only be for things that increase productivity, value, and GDP. Fuck central banks.

>> No.19694448

One has an end in sight, the other doesn't.

One allows you to sell and withdraw whatever money is left, the other you're still a broke poorfag.

Simple as.

>> No.19694459

What will you do when your property value drops in half and you are leasing at a loss.

>> No.19694460
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Don't forget you rent your home from the state through taxes. You also rent your life from the state through taxes.

>> No.19694483
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At least the banks cant force you to take a loan. The state forces you to pay taxes always. Banks are literally better "masters" than the state.

>> No.19694601
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Pls respond.

>> No.19694618

Please read this

>> No.19694642


No you can't pay in advance. The taxes also go up every 4 or 5 years.

>> No.19694648

>Loans should largely only be for things that increase productivity, value, and GDP. Fuck central banks.
You have the correct mindset, anon. And before anyone tells you that an economy based on actually-existing resources and labor is bad somehow, know that Marx, Lenin, and Hitler all agreed on this.
Money is tool, a token of labor. Debt is a claim on future labor. When banks print money, they are (in a very real sense) stealing from your future to get rich now.
Money isn't scarce. Resource and labor are.

>> No.19694656

With all these cops getting defunded soon you can just rent for free forever for the low price of the lowest price gun you can buy.

>> No.19694660

But what else am I suppose to do I need somewhere to live

>> No.19694673

Property tax is the tax you pay for the protection of you private land that you are renting from the US.

Abolish all tax except property tax

>> No.19694678

Mostly agree, but I think money is a tool of exchanging value. Labor is not the only valuable thing that exists. Value is subjective. Different people value different things at different amounts.

Debt is a tool just like money, but tools can be used badly. Avoid consumer debt anons.

>> No.19694772

I think if you can prove a long standing history of ownership on a certain plot of land you can actually gain sole ownership of that land and can be exempt from even property taxes.

>> No.19694779

Buy an apartment or build a tiny house so you can get around property tax laws.

>> No.19695845

>Buy a house
>Get kicked out if you don't pay tax and mortgage
>If boiler breaks or you get damp, flooding, electrical fires, rodents, literally anything YOU have to pay for it
>Planning permission laws, busybody neighbours, surveyors, councils etc mean you really don't have that much freedom with what you can do
>Yeah, so can I, not everyone has some psychopathic boomer landlord
>In 50 years my parents will be dead and I'll inherit their houses so who gives a fuck, I'd rather be comfy and rent until then
Is there anything more based than being a middle-class renter?

>> No.19695898

Im a trust fund babby with a rent free apartment while my wagie flatmate gives me free money for the other room. Is that based?

>> No.19695953


>> No.19696796

>>MortgageChad™ has $485,000 in equity (house appreciates @ average rate of 3% a year)
you forgot 3.5 interest on the loan over that time + taxes + expenses YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING NIGGER YOURE NOT FOOLING ANYONE YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT FUCKING END YOUR LIFE

>> No.19696858

> 30 years
Retard. You do realize you can prepay mortgage? Typical 30 year loan only lasts 7 to 8 years fool due to prepayment.

>> No.19697214

>be rich
>buy house

get fucked rent cucks

>> No.19697299

You have to pay Taxes, Maintenance usually 2-3% of the value of the house every year (there will be contractors that perform bad work), decoration costs, maybe a lawn service or at-least a lawn mower, plus you waste a ton of time cleaning and doing bullshit keeping the house up. Buying a house is a liability for the most part. You do get more privacy and the luxury of being able to do what you want. There will never be a landlord snooping inside your house. Houses are mostly a big expensive box that is constantly having issues. If you buy a house made before the 1970’s there were probably dangerous building materials used in the construction or no good insulation.

>> No.19697709

>only 40k
That can buy you a suicide stack of link, worth millions in the near future.

>> No.19697802

>If you buy a house made before the 1970’s there were probably dangerous building materials used in the construction or no good insulation.

I thought it was modern cardboard houses built by Mexicans that have shitty insulation

>> No.19697878

>paying for something you own is dumb
>paying for something you don't own is smart
>doesn't understand how appreciation on a low interest leveraged asset works.
>spending half your income on nothing

If your entire argument, as a poorfag, for not wanting to own a home is "I don't want to fix stuff that breaks" you're ngmi

>> No.19697981

You also need to factor in property taxes which will increase quite a lot in 30 years, maintenance costs which over 30 years will be substantial (2 new roofs? New hvac? Plumbing, electric, gas, flooring, paint, garden, septic???), the neighborhood can transform quite a lot, and you're giving up a lot of potential if you succumb to living in the same place for 30 years. Rent cucks are not COMPLETELY retarded. They pay $0 if the house crumbles to the ground. Landlords fix it, plus they get a tax break for doing so, it's a comfy relationship

>> No.19698015

>They pay $0 if the house crumbles to the ground. Landlords fix it, plus they get a tax break for doing so, it's a comfy relationship

can confirm
house burned down landlord gets fucked
I also got really fucked but at least it was not my fugging house lmao
all landlords are scum
have fun fighting it out with my insurance lmaooo

>> No.19698048

>nets $80k
Minus 15 years x property taxes and maintenance that renters don't bother with. Your assumptions show homeowners are about $60k better off, but 15 years of property taxes is about $20k+ depending on state (Illinois it would be lol $50k+) and maintenance at 1% home value per year is another $30k so really y'all need to calm your farm

>> No.19698079

You can also expect rent to go up as it has been doing so at unprecedented rates.
>you can just move
Ok, and you can pay first, last, security, and a brokers fee. Have fun coughing up 10k just to go live in some faggy apartment.
Theres times it makes sense to rent and there's times it makes sense to own.

>house crumbles to the ground
Houses don't just crumble to the ground.

>succumb to living in the same place for 30 years
You can move and rent your house out.

>neighborhood can transform a lot
Yeah, so buy in a place that is economically diverse and not dependent on one industry. You can also use that logic to your advantage.
>hey this neighborhood is kinda shitty but it's in a really good location and people are expanding outwards.
Not for nothing but thats how a lot of spics have been making their money. They buy some dump in the hood or the outskirts of the hood, fix it up, and sell it to Whites for an insane markup.

>> No.19698093

>all landlords are scum
Strongly disagree. I'm a landlord and I'm awesome.

>> No.19698107

>Have fun coughing up 10k just to go live in some faggy apartment.
For fucks sake there needs to be age verification on this site.

>> No.19698125

Im 32, nigger

>> No.19698129

Burgers are just cucked, yearly property tax is the biggest scam.

>> No.19698139

land does not belong to anyone asshole, no one worked to make it but God, not you not even the government. You should be happy the government facilitates us to keep a slice of land to ourselves for a while.
We need a progressive property tax, the more land you "own" the more you pay.

Anyone who doesn't understand Georgism (or thinks it is communism) is abysmally low IQ.

>> No.19698147

>In 30 years you can make someone else a bagholder

do you even listen to yourself

>> No.19698197

K I'll be sure to tell the benevolent goverment to raise the taxes on middle class homesteaders

Berkshire Hathaway owning those 200,000,000+ acres for absolutely free is cool though, daddy powell said it was okay

>> No.19698237

I get 0% down because im a doctor. imagine being a literal normie and having to pay 20% down or else you get PMI slapped on top of your gigantic debt XD

>> No.19698248


Have you ever been to texas anon? they actually have pretty dank suburbs with nice food and solid homes for about that price range. Really any of your medium sized cities like pheonix, minneapolis, madison, etc will have affordable houses for decent areas

>> No.19698362

There are so many factors at play that unless you are talking in very specific parameters it's impossible to make a broad "houses are always better" argument. Closing costs, maintenance, how frequently you move, the growth/decline of the area you're buying in, your personal financial situation, the physical details of the home itself, lifestyle, etc, etc.

There are entirely separate arguments for residential real estate or for any properties where the goal is less a place to live and more a place to generate cash flow. The major difference for this is the insane amounts of leverage you can build.
> 200k house
> 40k down, 160k in residential mortgage
> put additional 20k into improving the home
> rent it out at 5% CAP
> refinance home at 260k, netting 40k liquidity
> With the 40k in liquidity, use as downpayment on a second home
> rinse and repeat
If you want to get into the landlording business, the vast majority of your properties will be financed by debt but the cashflow from rent will keep you above water. I'm not convinced that merely flipping houses is enough, there are many areas with houses that are STILL underwater from 2008.

>> No.19698401
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>House prices can only go up



>> No.19698432

houses are built on land.

Rent your house out or sell / 1031X it. Potentially do a cash out refinance and use the equity for a downpayment in another home in that state. Maybe something smaller like a condo.

It's called have an understanding of why home prices are valued the way they are. People aren't buying houses right now because morons with bad credit and $32k in income are getting $500k 0% down loans

>> No.19698453

Lol at comparing Winnetka or Vernon hills for example to chicongo. Jfl. Not the same place. Close but no.

>> No.19698492


>> No.19698541

This is only potentially true for rental properties. Primary residence is protected. The mortgage can’t be called unless the mortgagee is in default.

>> No.19699193


Based discussion

>> No.19699360
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>mfw 1,2% fixed 30y mortgage

>> No.19700357

But isn't having a house equity?
I mean you're litterly just shifting some numbers on a sheet.
You can always sell the house again (hopefully at breakeven/profit).
Renting, the money evaporates. its gone forever.

I wouldnt want to own a house with a mortgage though.

>> No.19700447

Tfw inherited at the age of 19 LMAO
Also btc 6k next week

>> No.19700456

If you miss a single payment they can demand the full balance this clause is in all bills including cell phones.

>> No.19700476

>wouldn't want to own a house with a mortgage

That's literally the best part. You are getting extreme leverage over a giant length term with minimal interest rates.

>> No.19700701
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Living With Parents Gang rise up

>> No.19700790

>Property tax

I've never heard of any of these

What kind of third world country doesn't let you own land?

>> No.19700807

>when you’re done renting from your landlord you own the house outright
Uh huh.

>> No.19700899

so if my property gets robbed/vandalized i can just sue the state for the damage?

>> No.19701027
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Daily reminder that owning anything IS borrowing.

When you die you lose "possession". Eventually everyone dies and it returns back to the earth.
Eventually the sun begins to die and run out of fuel. As the gravitational forces weaken, it begins to expand, eventually engulfing our planet in a red star.

When spent, the sun collapses in on itself before exploding.

Literally every atom and element you see around you is made of such star cycles.

Native americans understood this.
Mother nature eventually reclaims everything.

>> No.19701342
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Home ownership as an investment appeals to flyover maga brainlets because their fundamental motivation is grounded in a massive inferiority complex, this perpetual insecurity that manifests as an anti-intellectual black and white outlook
the relative return of other assets, all of the undisclosed costs, the time/effort sunk, etc. doesn't matter, because they equate paying any rent at all as getting taken advantage of
in a myopic world view where every single person is either doing the cucking or getting cucked it's easy to see why they think they're somehow ~gaming the system~

>> No.19701429

Autism the post

>> No.19702391
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>Illinois it would be lol $50k+
yes it would

>> No.19703018

Should I buy this property when I make it