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File: 31 KB, 547x547, mark-zuckerberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1969148 No.1969148 [Reply] [Original]

His wife is fucking ugly

Do you think he fucks 10/10s on the side?

>> No.1969153

He fucks beans

>> No.1969156

Maybe she smells real nice and he doesn't care about looks

>> No.1969169

actually rich people don't have to worry about proving themselves through how many mates they had or what they looked like, because that's actually literally tribal african nigger thinking that they can't fall victim to

>> No.1969172

And... What´s the problem?

>> No.1969183

No. Zuckerberg is ugly and a cuck. He buys 10/10s for his wife.

>> No.1969191

Sergei Brin had a 8/10 wife, and fucked 8/10s on the side. So did Musk. So I'm guessing that no, even with all their money they have a psychological stopper that doesnt allow them to claim a 10/10 woman.

>> No.1969192

I just know this guy has a stash of all the hottest pics on facebook tucked (or should I say "zucked") away on his laptop somewhere.

I can't look at his wife for more than 4 seconds and not feel infuriated that he married a total wastebag of a girl despite being a multi-fucking-billionaire.

>> No.1969223

His wife is fine as hell. You'd have to be blind not to notice that stacked body of hers, and isn't she a doctor to boot. Top tier Asian genes, zuckerjew knows what he's doing

>> No.1969227
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Please don't troll this late.

>> No.1969235
File: 307 KB, 700x970, 1483377962853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think he fucks 10/10s on the side
He won't do that until he hits middle age and realizes he squandered his youth and he won't get that time back.

>> No.1969240

'Closet' fag.

>> No.1969244
File: 276 KB, 580x683, IMG_0784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick, fit, curvy, perfect.

>> No.1969252
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>> No.1969260

He's fucking ugly too, though. I mean maybe he has the humility to accept that his offspring are also going to be ugly anyway and chose her based on intelligence.

>> No.1969262
File: 17 KB, 650x650, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy fucking 10/10s then getting sued for rape or marrying one and divorced.

>> No.1969281

this is what fucking gets me too...I wish I had cash man im so fucking poor for the love of God

>> No.1969290

why is he wearing sandals..... this guy doesn't deserve money

>> No.1969295

I get fucking a 10/10, but why would you want to marry one?

>> No.1969298

This might shock you, but the best women aren't vanity-obsessed plastic whores with no personalty who would only marry you for money.

>> No.1969496

Shut your fucking mouth, mouthbreather.

>> No.1969517

Larry Page's wife was pretty hot though

>> No.1969535


So I discovered that many uberrich people have a smart and powerful wife. Then they can have powerful kids together.

Then that man fucks 10/10 side pussy.

Pretty normal for the ultrapowerful. Guys like Zuckerjew do this to keep their offspring strong, but can still get their rocks off with shallow hos.

>> No.1969538


i dont know that specifically

.. but i bet he his jewing around on the side, one way or another.

>> No.1969619


Anon has a point. Majority of 10/10 have a shitty personality. Not saying you won't find a diamond in the ruff eventually. Key word being eventually.

Plus you gotta think wat top 5 he picks out while fucking her.

>> No.1969623

They are only "10/10" because they wear makeup, get plastic surgery, tit jobs, etc

They're hollow, vapid trash.

>> No.1969635

She looks like an ugly asian dude, not even the nice east asian, but like cambodian mud asian.

I would not be him despite being a fucking trillionare and have to endure that ugly cunt.

>> No.1969638


Well anon it appears you haven't met a natural 10/10.

>> No.1969644

This thread just proves that Zuckerberg is a nice guy and deserving of his wealth and you are all shallow, bad people that deserve to stay poor.

>> No.1969656

this is not /biz/ fuck off to /b/ with your garbage

>> No.1969658

She looks twenty years older than him.

>> No.1969668

he's literally in bed with the Chinese...
I don't like this

>> No.1969685

Classy thread guys

>> No.1969702

>Classy thread guys
What do you expect at the arse-end of the internet?

>> No.1969703

>His wife is fucking ugly

She is a post op trannie. So she aint that bad looking

>> No.1969786

>that goofy cuck Jew face

Mark Zuckerberg is the pronto Jew nigger.

>> No.1969798

this. shitty jewish genetics.

>> No.1969802

She's atrocious but never forget that zuck is a jew, and a very smart one. She was his gf before he got famous, so he can be quite certain that whatever she sees in him, it's not money.

>> No.1969817

UGH he's rich he should get rid of his high school sweetheart and marry a bimbo!

OMG SANDALS? Where are his Gucci watches and lead and prada shoes?

What is this, normies general?

>> No.1969821


>> No.1970161

>top tier
>anyone Asian


>> No.1970165


In my entire life. This is my entire fucking life, meeting thousands and thousands of people. I'd say I have met maybe 2 or 3 perfect 10 women that also had a great personality.

Personality is an adaptation for the most part. If you don't need it to survive, why would you develop it?

>> No.1970167

no, he probably treats her like a muslim woman and she can't do any better.

>> No.1970250

I hate this fucking Jew so much, his story about starting from nothing and having a lightbulb moment at his Ivy League school is such an obvious crock of NSA shit

>> No.1970267

Women fuck up or across, never down
And sadly Cuckerberg has shitty Jew genes

>> No.1971745

zuckerberg is the embodiment of a turbocuck beta male. i'm not saying that he doesn't fuck hot strippers and whores, but he's definitely paying them top dollar if he is.

watch him squirm in this interview. no woman could be attracted to his lack of confidence. he has abosutely zero value as a man beyond his wealth.


>> No.1971747

>>>no reddit?

>> No.1971755

idk why he would ever go chink when the japanese are universally more attratcive, even most koreans.

not to mention she looks like a fucking dude. guy must be into that shit.

>> No.1971770
File: 104 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how an high school dropout Chad working in McDonalds rawdogging 9/10+ jailbait goddesses on the reg has a life this genetic trash wishes to live. You can't buy the most precious asset: god-tier genetics that give access to unprotected sex with prime-aged goddesses while they beg for your 8 inch cock.

>> No.1971772

maybe hes content with his family? whats the point of mindless sex with (((10s))) that only like your money when you have a wife that has been with you since the beginning and a child to raise?

sure theres still the risk of her cashing out later but i mean how can she really hope to marry up coming from 50 billion dollars especially with her looks

>> No.1971777


I, too, like to fantasize as the girl

>> No.1971788

you speak of genetics but how many of those chads are actually siring children in a stable household? while also having the means of ensuring possible hundreds of generations to come

>> No.1971790

They're all a bunch of betas.
Imagine putting these in a club with 9s and 10s who didn't know they was rich or famous. they wouldn't get a sniff in never mind get laid

>> No.1971797

Agreed wtf man. I would be in some comfy boat shoes

>> No.1971809

How many nudes go through facebooks servers every day

A man can dream

>> No.1971833
File: 98 KB, 837x892, Brendan_Fraser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He chose her because he doesn't want to wake up one day looking like this.

>> No.1971837

She's getting a bit fat these days.

>> No.1971936

A mere 8 inches is the cutoff for rawdogging 9/10s now? Maybe there's a chance after all.

>> No.1972013
File: 10 KB, 200x258, 5646842684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ip location: DR Congo

>> No.1972055

Maybe she smells like lean rice

>> No.1972183

She probably looked like your generic azn qt in highschool or whenever they met and has aged like milk.

>> No.1972382
File: 45 KB, 720x638, 17457251_10100288082194715_5519022746370949932_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 men.

>> No.1972435

Pretty common for those silicon valley types to sport hoodies and sandals. Hoodies for the cold offices and server rooms and sandals for...fuck if I know. Anyway, it's typical college attire and I don't think any of these guys ever leave college, mentally.

>> No.1972450

he's beta af, just not a pussy-grabber type.

>> No.1972767

The only passable chad there is on the very right. Rest are literally r9k tier

>> No.1972861

She's not a 10 (or even close really) but even so, he's still punching above his weight class.

>> No.1972906

You guys are fucking idiots.

Do you realize that he can never fully trust anyone he meets for the rest of his life? He will never know if they are faking it and trying to get access to his money, connections, etc.

He was dating this girl before he became wealthy and famous. He has no other options except marrying a billionaire female (and they're all old as fuck).

>> No.1973056

With his money, he probably cuts up newborn babies and wears their insides as a cape while running around his house singing George Michael's greatest hits

>> No.1973177

Yeah fair point but you gotta figure they get a threesome in occasionally, some kinda freaky shit. He's a limp dick Jew and she's a 45 year old massage parlor whore, well except the part where they have billions of dollars

>> No.1973182

>white or Jewish guy with asian wife
not even once. the guy is always a major league beta.

>> No.1973401


>> No.1973426

Implying you watch porn because you aren't attracted to the females and you want society to know how many different females you fap to

>> No.1973635

>going to le club

They wouldn't give a fuck either

>> No.1973654
File: 54 KB, 425x362, 29307840328409832094829038409238409234234325235235 facebook zuckerberg jew genetically superior to blacks racist 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.1973704

i watch porn so that I'm NOT attracted to females

>> No.1973712


>> No.1973715

>i watch porn to cope because im ugly and i cant get laid with hot girls IRL

>> No.1973798
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT Virgins not understanding the advantage of high IQ dragon lady

>> No.1973966
File: 39 KB, 540x304, 151127150637-priscilla-chan-540x304[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluent in Cantonese, English and Spanish
Buddhist values
Harvard graduate.
Child-bearing hips

>anon still want their 10/10 Romanian gold-diggers

Priscilla Chan is a dream waifu. Kids these days don't (won't) get it.

>> No.1974041

what does it matter what I do
my point is that multibillionaires aren't bound to the same nigger tier thinking of lesser mortals

>> No.1974063
File: 746 KB, 599x669, Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians are the most materialistic race in the world you fucking dumbass

>> No.1974068
File: 45 KB, 352x351, 1492063753557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will this meme end?

it has been proven that asian is the dumbest race. even dumber than niggers

>> No.1974077
File: 637 KB, 408x399, Slick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
