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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19680355 No.19680355 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19680397


>> No.19680426

Dead cat

>> No.19680445
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>> No.19680452

jews literally anon, all this market bullshit is all lies. They will use any rumors to fuck you up. Just hold for a year and dont look back.

>> No.19680460
File: 57 KB, 594x439, D8148B01-0B65-4266-8377-DBE468BD2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the FED

>> No.19680474

this man understands

>> No.19680495

They just wanted to fuck the robinhood xoomer faggots first.
Fucking with options is degenerate anyway. They deserve it

>> No.19680515

Meme stocks of the day are MGM / IVR / CIM
Yes I have calls in all of them
HTZ is doing crazy shit. Trade it at your own risk.

>> No.19680530

>Fucking with options is degenerate

>> No.19681036

>it's just a prank bro

>> No.19681232

finally someone says it

>> No.19681323

If this is legitimately a bear market, and it seems like it is, holding for a year may not actually net you gains. Personally I’d say that if you can exit a position in the money, you should probably do it.

>> No.19681398

This is the fractal mini-"return to normal" pump of the "return to normal" pump of the corona crash. Give it a week for the recursive feedback loop of pants-shitting fear and selloffs to fully establish itself.

>> No.19681425

Irrational stay market the can, solvent can longer you than stay

>> No.19681437

Wise man you is

>> No.19681469
File: 52 KB, 1182x754, EC217225-C76B-423C-82AE-1577E20A61D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are dividends? What is reinvesting interest for compounding returns on top of the average 6% gain in the market?

>> No.19681472


Did you miss the part where Thursday saw the biggest dip in 3 months?

>> No.19681494

What is someone who is too young to have experienced a protracted bear market?