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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19662107 No.19662107 [Reply] [Original]

People are so focused on DeFi they are missing alpha elsewhere.


>> No.19663352

best project in the space. coinbase very soon.

>> No.19663748

BSV solves this problem already

>> No.19663810


>> No.19663832

the problem of CP being deletable

>> No.19664109


>> No.19664170

arweave has been live longer than bsv and does it much more efficiently

>> No.19664505

This is actually good..

>> No.19665368


>> No.19665502


It’s already massively overpriced by market cap. Don’t fall for these stupid pumps

>> No.19666292

The market cap is like $30-40m

Siacoin is $100m+

Filecoin market cap is $1b+

Also no one on mainstreet knows about it and coinbase just said they are considering listing it yesterday, after they just invested in March.


>> No.19667318


>> No.19667660
File: 132 KB, 3125x2084, 1_ikyoCsfxxEWJbHHXEs59_w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arweave allows permanent data storage. Pay once, it gets stored forever. In other projects like Siacoin, Filecoin, if you miss a payment = your data gone. Filecoin/IPFS is more suitable for fast write (upload) and slow read (download), whereas Arweave is more suitable for slow write (upload) and fast read (download). Fast read (download) is more useful for most use cases, like hosting websites.

Regarding $AR token, it is used to pay for permanent data storage. The token goes into an endowment smart-contract, which pays out to miners over 100s of years.

Over 200+ dapps have already been deployed on Blockweave chain (permaweb).

>best advisors
There is no other coin that has better advisors than Arweave, they're backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Coinbase Ventures, Union Square Ventures.

Here is the crazy part. Andreessen Horowitz invested in Filecoin (Arweave's competitor) seed round in 2017, but after they saw Arweave's product in 2019 (which was 1 year after Arweave ICO btw), they Fomod along with Coinbase Ventures and bought Arweave on OTC at a price higher than 0.4 USD, some have speculated that Coinbase and a16z bought Arweave at an average between 70 cents to 1.30USD.

>best github activity
Their POW algorithm has been audited by 4 independent security research firms and also used in Monero. Their Github repos have 250+ stars.

Like I said, Andreessen Horowitz and Coinbase didn't fomo on OTC market for no reason. They have something special. Get in before this blows up.

>> No.19667958

If CP is deletable than anything is. All it takes is for it to be deemed racist or thoughtcrime and with enough jiggaboos chimping out and enough kosher financial pressure, anything can be deleted.

>> No.19668083

you can find out more about content moderation here:


arweave is working with the Internet Watch Foundation to address this

>> No.19668125

so hes right. nothing on the network is truly immutable then lel. sounds worthless.

>> No.19669229

have fun staying poor

>> No.19669310

have fun being a gay nigger

>> No.19669335

the only problem bsv solves is where to isolate the retarded cucks and toxic trolls that happen to be into bitcoin.

>> No.19669377

bittorrent is quiet immutable. the magnet uri contains the hash of the torrent file which contains the hashes of the chunks retrievable from dht you don't even need a tracker.

>> No.19669391

>so hes right. nothing on the network is truly immutable then lel. sounds worthless.

>> No.19669522

I see the shills are out again full force. people with legitimate questions will be answered with the same copy paste material that the shills have been using for the last umpteen threads they've created about arweave. or they try to hurt your feelings using their limited vocabulary that of an eastern european nigger or a 10 year old child. arweave is a shitty filecoin clone with 90% premine and not listed on any exchange with real volume. most of the supply has been allocated to the rich friends of devs who got in from the bottom while the not so rich play pretend mining with the remaining scraps and trade on chink exchanges with kyc. do your own research.

>> No.19669538

Filecoin is designed to incentivise storage of data for a period of time.

Bittorrent focuses on incentivising data sharing.

IPFS is a CDN, not a storage network.

They are all very valuable protocols in their own right, but they are not built to provide permanent data storage.

>> No.19669575

Arweave have just added an innovative smart contract layer (smart weave) to Arweave and will announce first use cases on Monday. Smart weave opens up a whole new level of applications and use cases for Arweave. This is turning Arweave from only a decentralized file storage platform (a unique one at that) to an actual Web 3.0 platform, one that natively allows decentralized smart contacts along with unlimited file storage on the same native chain. I would say this is also helping the price and sets things up for some really good action in the future as more of the cryptosphere finds out about Arweave:


>> No.19669653


>> No.19669704

you're a reddit spacing faggot and nobody cares about your copy paste arguments.
>muh new eth
>muh web 3.0
>muh decentralizded storage
it was born dead. devs were incapable of getting listed on an exchange in the last 2 years and they seem to have hired you pajeet wannabes to do their marketing for them.

>> No.19669716

i always get confused to me bittorrent is the file sharing protocol and there is a crypto (actually just a token) now and i never know what people talk about actually.

>> No.19669726

>announcing an announcement for use cases

>> No.19669763

You sound like the salty Discord faggot on Arweave Chat that was always crying about muh no exchanges. Did you capitulate at 50 cents bitchboy?

>> No.19669960

truth hurts topkek

>> No.19670029

>You sound like that one investor who we think might be a homosexual because he was concerned about the direction of the project in terms of liquidity and accessibility.
Is that how people with concerns are treated by the team? I wouldn't buy into something like arweave with so many red flags and shilled by faggots like you daily on biz, so it's that guy's problem not mine. You can fuck off back to whatever 3rd world shithole you crawled out of you dumb fuck.

>> No.19670067

>Is that how people with concerns are treated by the team?
kek Got em. Seethe harder bitchboy. You can fomo back at $5.

>> No.19670107


*mic drop*

>> No.19670142
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pic related

>> No.19670163


>> No.19670303

>Is that how people with concerns are treated by the team?
>"haha gotchu kekboy ur a faget for criticizing how we deal with people who ask questions"
I've never played pretend crypto with you discord trannies. You're free to believe in that delusion of yours just like you believe arweave is a real project with a competent team.

>> No.19670580

son, i am disappoint

>> No.19670967

just bought more. $3 by monday.

>> No.19670999
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>> No.19671112

shut the fuck up ESLfag. We get it you capitulated at 50 cents, you can always buy back at $3 next week.

>> No.19671196

so basically, yes. people with mental disorders chopping off their penises and declaring virtue jihad can and will make sure that only kosher data is stored. noted.

>> No.19672129

pools closed due to aids

>> No.19672185

Take your meds schizo

>> No.19672366

don't project your own insecurities about your inability to comprehend coherent arguments in plain english you street shitter. also your mother capitulated to me last night. she said I could come back next week and let her suck my ESL dick for 3.5 Arweave.

>> No.19672640

Fuck that then

>> No.19672661 [DELETED] 


>t. samefag

>> No.19672862

When is bittrex trading live?? Nothing available

>> No.19672911

sorry you'll have to find your illegal porn elsewhere

>> No.19672952
