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19659754 No.19659754 [Reply] [Original]

Buy the dip

>> No.19659785
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I remember you spamming desperation the other day. We are going down fren. https://uk.tradingview.com/

>> No.19659900

TA in crypto is such horseshit. The two of you should get a room and spend all day fucking about with voodoo dolls, trying to predict the future. Planks.

>> No.19659936

It predicted the March dump now it's gonna predict the July pump

>> No.19659966

Until it doesn't and you call it an anomaly and keep spouting utter shite

>> No.19660000
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>> No.19660083

Crypto reacts to the stock market, political shifts, announcements, public perception and a bunch of other stuff. It's called fundumentals. Trying to see Jesus in the tealeaves with fibonacci retracement curves and all that other garbage is such a waste of time. Yet here you are.

>> No.19660149

>he doesnt know Jesus is in the tealeaves

>> No.19660442

Found the faggot that hasn’t read a single book on TA

>> No.19660591

If you were so hot on crypto TA you wouldn't be here, incorrectly predicting massive market surges and drops. You'd be living it up in Tahiti. The truth in crypto is to buy the big movers; LINK, BTC and ETH, and sit tight, go long, and stop mucking about with your stack. Everyone knows this is the truth. Some think they are smarter than others.

>> No.19660643

What's your fav TA book? And if any of these books actually worked, why would anyone be arsed to write them?It's like 'self help' books, and 'Diet' books. Garbage garbage garbage

>> No.19660667

Actually crypto is the best market to TA.

and btw, we going to sub 5k in 2 months time, you can buy deribit puts if you will.

>> No.19660704

Rubbish. It might go up, it might go down. No one knows. Get over it

>> No.19660740

How many people have been burned, trying to short crypto? Think you're the exception? I doubt that

>> No.19660879

TA simply doesn't work. There's no scientific evidence that you can achieve any outperformance by trying to predict a stock's behavior by looking at past performance graphs and patterns. The belief comes entirely from the fact that the stock market has been going up most if the times which means you can fuck around with your oscillators and ma50 lines and you may get a little profit in the median from generally rising stocks.

>> No.19661816

Half right. You are correct that TA does not prove past performance of stocks

TA shows human emotions and nature. Stocks go up? Why? People are greedy, Stocks do not go up forever, they pop when the bubble gets to big. TA can indicate the probability, and human nature is predictable on a large scale but not day to day, so yes TA is just scalping if you are a faggot day trader who actually thinks his fib line is why he made profit in a massive bull market.

>> No.19661885
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>Buy the dip

>> No.19662184

>comparing 4 year chart to 1 year chart