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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 132 KB, 1484x884, Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 13.58.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19656398 No.19656398 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Ghost shills now? Huh?

"The real whitepaper"
"Forked from Particl"
"No Masternodes"
"Metaghost" My fucking sides..

>> No.19656436 [DELETED] 

they celebrating selling 700eth yesterday

>> No.19656587

accumulating while cheap

>> No.19656634
File: 815 KB, 4650x2497, GHOST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way it wont pump before the mainnet, have fun FOMOing the last second

>> No.19656643
File: 37 KB, 460x416, Brainletcheap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accumulating while cheap

>> No.19656764


Ghost could spend over a year to create something brand new and another year trying to get people to use it. However, the project decided a preferable alternative would be to build on an existing popular solution. MetaMask... "MetaGhost"

>Ghost could spend over a year to create something brand new

"Ghost could spend over a year to create something brand new"

That sentence in the "real whitepaper" Pretty much admits that Ghost Copy+Paste everything to "save time"

Have fun with your Particl copy + paste "mainnet"

>> No.19656782

ghosties are degenerates just like their shit eating "leader"

>> No.19656832


buying, what else should I do, fag?

>> No.19656868

>what else should I do, fag?
Maybe open your mouth a bit more so it's big enough for Mcafee to take a shit in it.

>> No.19656925

It doesn't matter, its all about the hype.
Once the date approaches and it starts pumping, more people will FOMO, and sone will make huge gains.

Proof of this is the fact that baseless rumor (binance listing) made it pump this hard. Even after the whole ESH saga.

People will FOMO into it, guaranteed.

Now, there is a chance that if the coin actually works (and is audited), it could take on monero's dominance, Why? Same reason people buy apple, brand and hype.

Im holding, would buy more but out of liquidity.

>> No.19656997

Been a great investment thus far

>> No.19657162

I'm still profitable

>> No.19657240

But there is no Hype... There is no fomo or brand recognition beyond the current community of Bagholders. John Mcafee's reputation as a brand is about as reputable as Jimmy Savile.

It's a fucking copy + paste of Particl which they say they are planning on building a "silkroad 2.0" on top of it. I'm not sure how you are supposed to "audit" an Illegal online trap house. I'm also not sure how they are going to host this marketplace whilst all the Dev's Identities are publicly known.

The whole thing so far has been a total fucking shitshow with scandal after scandal. And it's clear Mcafee and Josh are making all of this up as they go along there's too much irrefutable proof..

Everything from plagiarising the pivx whitepaper, Hiring "pivx devs" who have publicly slated Ghost, pivreborn1002 hiring TheQuantumPhysicist from reddit, then saying that the first paper was not the "realwhitepaper" it was just a "red herring" to throw off the NSA.. The legitimacy and credibility of the team is fucking laughable. If you have money sitting on this you deserve to loose every fucking last penny. There's no way in hell that CZ will list this given all the above points.

>> No.19657305

>"No Masternodes"
Yea but look at the staking returns for 20k ghosts, even if it stays at the current price, which it wont, then your looking at $10k a year.

>> No.19657418

>20k ghosts, even if it stays at the current price, which it wont, then your looking at $10k a year.

You are failing to understand the Mathematics of how a proof of stake ponzi scheme works. Good luck with that $10k a year though. I'm sure your drooling all over your keyboard at those unrealised gains.

>> No.19657432

yeah, they don't get that the money actually needs to come from somewhere

>> No.19658486

ESH was worth more than this...

>> No.19658798

nobody cares about masternodes you stupid nigger , PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THE REWARDS fuck masternodes and setting them up is shit why waste time setting up one when you get the same rewards without having to setup masternodes?

>> No.19658968

didnt they start buying this at like 0.003 cents, sort of pissed I havent figured dex's out yet senpai. Anyways, anyone buying now is a sucker for sure.