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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19653180 No.19653180 [Reply] [Original]

1) Cash grab ICO

2) Announce crypto BS partnerships with literal ‘who’s’ like N26

3) Hype up future of potential market

4) Offer staking to lock brainlets funds away for a year

5) Release a mainnet that is broken by a guy setting up a node

6) convince brainlet community that centralised database “with 5 internal Nodes” is actually acceptable.

** community have already locked their tokens **


8) exit scam.

Pathetic excuse for a blockchain.

>> No.19653212

Its good coin mister sir
Plz buy

>> No.19653248


>already has customers
>is backed by serious cmopanies

>hurr ThEyRe ScAmMiNg bEcAuSe ThEy SoLd SuM tOkEnS!!1!!ONE!!

Jesus christ guys, you can do better than that.


>implying there are pajeets in Lition


>> No.19653267

Dont invest in anything german. Only short. Their whole country is in a grip of mass psychosis.

>> No.19653291

Backed by serious companies hahahahaha hahaha

The whole operation Is running on the fucking CEOs PC you Brainlet

>> No.19653309

Anon did you believe in the Quant FUD at 1.82$?

>> No.19653362

Mass crypto psychosis after the German project UBT made 50x .

>> No.19653433

>does 4x
>brainlets on /biz/ don't sell
>REEEEEEEEEEE SCAM when it drops 50%
your own fault

>> No.19653507


Article is tagged with #Microsoft by cointelegraph nothing to add.

>> No.19653517

Quant is just as bad.

>> No.19653537

Topkek, doesn't like to make money with cryto.

>> No.19653617

>Their whole country is in a grip of mass psychosis.
nice philip k dick reference, lol

>> No.19653868

Obvious scam available to 1.5 million German customers via the N26 banking app:

>> No.19654015

Lition is the biz iq test.... youre failing the test guys dyor or continue browsing this board of uniswop shit tokens forever you retards

>> No.19654024

Hahaha imagine thinking this is big.

So the deal is that N26 get a kick back for essentially putting a Lition ad on their website. You fucking mong. It’s the same as giving all Amazon users a 10% off code for Disney land.

There’s been next to zero uptake on this.


>> No.19654062


Sounds like:

"Mom mom mom ... mommy mommy mommy... the coin i bought at the wrong entrypoint didn't instamoon. Im going on a personal crusade now, with me luck fudding people that actually achieved something in life"

>> No.19654103

pretty comfy staking, but yeah the dump has been pretty hard though...

>> No.19654121

t top 20 bagholder

>> No.19654133

OH NO the team is SELLING TOKENS???? Never before in crypto such an OUTRAGE happenned!!!
>t. Schizo fudder faggot

>> No.19654231

LIT = shit. simple as

>> No.19654303
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder for the /biz/ frens here, that if people who spend all day shilling uniswap pump and dumps go to the trouble of creating fud threads to scare people off from legit investment projects, that's a sign it's a good project

>> No.19654323

how much are you trying to accumulate?

>> No.19654380

All it took was a tiny little pump for the fud to come out of the woodwork. It doesn't take a genius to understand OP's intentions.

>> No.19654405

I want the LIT CEO to be prosecuted

>> No.19654518

here is some more fud, their mainnet is broken because they didnt know there is delay between syncing nodes.
their first smart contract for staking is bugged and only allows to move your coins with horrendous fees.

if you still think this project is solid and not coded by some college dropouts too high to make a youtube livestream than you are beyond fixable

>> No.19654557

Who said it's a big thing?
Just said it's legit cuz banks are good in compliance and due diligence due to regulation.

Having the big enterprise software bois as advisor and partner is big though

>> No.19654576

You don’t even have a working mainnet, it broke immediately.
The fact you still invest after this makes you a brainlet
Going to zero.

>> No.19654797

Got any more of that based fud?