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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 214 KB, 1668x1093, Untitleddgdfgdggd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19647449 No.19647449 [Reply] [Original]

Ghost train on rails

>The real white paper was just released
>The sell wall is gone
>masternodes are not ''gone''

>> No.19647463

>>masternodes are not ''gone''
Yes they are.. It says so in the "real whitepaper"

After much thought, Ghost has decided not to implement masternodes. The project
believes the lack of any substantial functionality improvements for the network coupled
with it’s inherent drawbacks simply do not hold up to the standards the group has for
the project.

>> No.19647464

Masternodes are old and retarded, we basically get the rewards with doing nothing. Sounds perfect.

>> No.19647495

>Masternodes are old and retarded, we basically get the rewards with doing nothing. Sounds perfect.
Masternodes are gone because masternodes were a Pivx feature... A feature that Particl doesn't have.

>> No.19647549

no one cares fag we're going to sell our GHOST when it goes up in value and spend the cash.

>> No.19647567

It confirms that the devs working on Ghost are poor quality.. Not like we didn't already know that

>> No.19647597

again, I literally do not care. I am going to sell the coin when it goes up in value, which it will

>> No.19647623

Who are you going to sell it to if everybody knows it's a piece of shit scam and people no longer want to buy it?

>> No.19647698
File: 122 KB, 1620x911, 20200512_155707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just changed the name forGHOSTVETERAN
still get the same rewards enjoy.

everyojne knows you can trust mcafee for legit privacy 1000% profit. sorry where is this scam you talking about?

every alt coin will be called scam by people who never gonna make it but poorfags opinion dosent matter anyway

>> No.19647892

I don't understand they changed the logo too?
I'm out. This project has fucked up in every conceivable way, the ghosties understand this but are basically in it for McAfee, but the hype will fade and eventually there'll be a new memecoin.
Funny thing is, if McAfee put a little more work and thought into this it could have been fucking huge.
Good luck to ghosties, this may even moon, but any profits you make will be dumb luck at this point.

>> No.19647919
File: 127 KB, 944x744, didntreadneversellingghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaving now is not wise but k later boi

>> No.19648124

*squints* 'luis marquez' aka admin. you idiot, this pro ghost thread just turned into fud. you telling me they have spic admins? what's next??? PAJEET TEAM?? say it aint so, I'll have to sell

>> No.19648148
File: 89 KB, 280x291, 1533082500505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please sell your whole 200$ bag nobody care about poorfags

>> No.19648213
File: 270 KB, 506x560, Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 5.46.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder faggot. this entire project stinks of curry and nobody is buying your shit token baggies little boy.

>> No.19649633

i sold everything it's a scam. copy paste of shitcoin particl and pajeet devs. no way this crap is worth 25m

>> No.19649759

imagine trying to bring fud when your bag is worth like $500 and saying "i sold" who gives a fuck kid just end your life you poor fucking faggot u will never make it i hope u die

>> No.19649777

and by the way that kid from the video is not even part of the team u stupid fucking nigger he is just a community member that made a video a volunteer i hope u get looted u fucking peasant

>> No.19649831

Nodes never mattered anyway. We will be making $10k per month staking MINIMUM. This is the best privacy tech EVER

>> No.19649855

Bye loser

>> No.19649871
File: 35 KB, 304x583, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got in with 2,300$
now its worth 28k

>> No.19650074

Try to sell

>> No.19650105

id buy his bags?

>> No.19650120

imagine being such a poor curry nigger you'd fud this mans achievements, congratz bro hope you put those gains to good use.

>> No.19650176

Then buy them. 1k of volume in the last 24 hours, you don't have much competition.

>> No.19650274
File: 81 KB, 600x536, llll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in ESH late April and sold just after the first white paper, just above $2. imagine still holding this thing, you will likely get dumped on into the ground bro. don't get fooled again

>> No.19650285
File: 268 KB, 2153x1029, 111123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit 1 million volume last 24h
please stop
you're humiliating yourself

>> No.19650461

>Post picture of developer proving that the new privacy sims work.
Wow great fud.

>> No.19651678

It's about to dump, you've been warned

>> No.19651690

but I just bought in...

>> No.19651778

Then you should learn how to read an orderbook before investing an obvious PnD. Look do what you want pal but unless we get a huge surge in buying pressure very soon, this is going down at least 30%.

>> No.19651854

ghosties are mentally ill lol

>> No.19651987

Literally every coin needs a surge in interest to go up retard that's how markets work

>> No.19651991

I'm still seeing 2m Volume? What are you on about

>> No.19652497

The last two 30eth supports keeping this token above 600k vits are gone. I hate being right

>> No.19652641

>proving it works
yeah i'm sure it's gonna work just fine right? lmao people lining up for that sim i'll bet. you should really trust this pajeet nigger telling you it works on this video, but no worries it's not out yet until september. you fucking idiots, you really think they're going to have ghost terrorist network phone? on what towers? what network? are they gonna spend billions to build their own? oh right the gov regulated towers and legacy networks are just gonna let old drug and terrorist service provider ghost phone in, right? fucking brainlet

>> No.19653137

warning everyone, there was a coordinated FUD discord group that had a lot of volume to manipulate with who coordinated this

>> No.19653153

warning everyone, there was a coordinated FUD discord group that had a lot of volume to manipulate with who coordinated the dump.

also, staking for all now so a good entry point for those without 20,000 buying power

>> No.19653195

ahh the cope. gotta love it. this fagot is also projecting because i guarantee he's from some faggot ghost shill discord himself

>> No.19653244

LOL its pumping bitch you lying sack of shit you go back to your FUD group

>> No.19653421

literally it went from $1.37 to $1.65 in a few seconds, fucking told you

>> No.19653767

lying faggot no it's not. that's another tell that you ghost faggots are the lowest iq retards in crypto, every time the price moves a little up "OMG IT'S PUMPING" fucking idiots. current cmc as i post this is $1.46 lmfao. this thing is in the shitter, sorry bud

>> No.19653827

well, not so fast
you newfags are way too loud

>> No.19654142
File: 815 KB, 4650x2497, GHOST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i spend all my wagecuck liquid on GHOST and still want MORE