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1964012 No.1964012 [Reply] [Original]

Wife and I are getting divorced. Lawyers are way too expensive so we've sort of agreed that we're going to cooperate and agree on the terms ourselves. Things have been fairly amicable but today she mentioned that's she's going to ask for half of "our" savings.

I work, she doesn't (her choice - she's quite employable). We had been married and living together for 7 years and it wasn't until last summer that I was able to put my foot down and control our finances enough to actually save anything. I had to take a good hard look at the budget and the glaring problem was that my wife spent an insane amount on groceries. Like $750-800 per month just for the two of us. I told people what our average monthly grocery spending was and I had parents of two or three children telling me they don't even spend close to that much. I tried to tell her to stop buying so much shit (it was also apparent that we were wasting a ton of food because it spoiled before we cooked it), but she basically whined and acted like I was downgrading us to poverty-tier spending. I had to take over the grocery shopping myself and I was able to cut the grocery expense down by about 40%. That was when I was finally able to start putting away $400-500 each month instead of living paycheck to paycheck. Through discipline on my part and absolutely no encouragement or help from her, I've saved almost $9,000 in 9 months.

So I know that generally speaking, it's not unusual for this to be split 50/50... but it's fucking soul-crushing. She has been nothing but a hindrance to saving money and now that I have some, she wants half of it.

But that brings me back to the fact that we aren't going to have lawyers. I've been thinking of just telling her I won't agree to more than a 25/75 split and hoping she'll feel she has little choice but to agree to it since the alternative would be involving lawyers that cost many times more than what she would get out of it.

Any other ideas though?

>> No.1964017

How is the money saved? In an account under your name or a joint-account? If it's the latter, you're fugged.

>> No.1964023

If it was morempty than 9k it'd be an issue but just split it and call it a day man. Get it in writing and both of you sign and date it. She's gonna make this a hassle.

Yeah she's a retard and you only saved despite her. She will never understand so just cut your losses and leave. One more reason to divorce.

>> No.1964029

Game theory 101 my man.
If she doesn't have money for lawyers you dictate the rules. If she ends up lawyering up, lawyer up and drag it out for as long as possible till she runs out of funds and they kick her to the curb.

Western cucks need to stand up for themselves.

>> No.1964031

Joint, it didn't make sense to save money in an individual account as a married couple.

>> No.1964039

I mean, I also don't have the money for a lawyer, so I'd argue that all either of us can do is obstruct an agreement.

>> No.1964049

Plus giving up $5,000 is a more sensible thing than spending $15,000+ just to try to avoid giving up $5,000 without a guarantee of success.

>> No.1964065

This op. You just got a $4,500 life lesson. U need an official contract from a lawyer for the money split and have it notorized. This bitch will likely find a reason to ask for all of it and women most always get wtf ever they want. Sure hooe yall dont own a house...

Fucking females

>> No.1964073

You anywhere near vegas. My buddy bars in about may.

>> No.1964079

Legally you don't have a leg to stand on and if it does go to court you might be stuck with her court costs.

Don't be stupid.

>> No.1964088

These. Just give her half and move on. She'll burn through hers in no time and you can increase your savings significantly without her.

>> No.1964092

suck it up and move on
>together for 7 years
sounds like you're about to be prime real estate while she'll realize she made a mistake.
if you decide to keep in contact with her after this, might I kindly suggest getting advice from >>>/r9k/

>> No.1964093

>I work, she doesn't (her choice - she's quite employable)
Absolutely hilarious

forgive me for engaging in schadenfreude

>> No.1964140

Then write it off as a relatively expensive lesson.

>> No.1964149

I would be very happy to split everything 50/50 in the scenario described. It burns a bit, but I'd wager that it's probably the best option available to you.

Obviously I can't offer legal advice, but I am a law student (in Canada) and there are plenty of cases here where a woman like yours (not working) is actually given significantly MORE money precisely because she is unable to provide for herself and has become dependent on you. It runs completely contrary to the logic about who actually earned the money in the first place, but given this info (and it wouldn't surprise me if courts wherever you are behave similarly), I'd consider a 50/50 split a massive victory.

Get everything signed and made official as other Anons have suggested. If she's a real sabotaging bitch you might find it advantageous to play things out and argue in a way that makes her feel as though she 'won' the 50% of your savings, but know deep down that you're dodging bullets beyond bullets here.

Glad to see that /biz/ has a rough consensus about this as well.

>> No.1964151


So here's a follow-up question.

The divorce will take some time to finalize, and in that time I will continue to earn money and I'll still want to save it. Is there a way to protect what I save starting now? Every month that goes by is another $1,000 I save, or another $500 she'll expect. I want to cut her off here and only have to give her $4,500. I could just... NOT save, but then that extra money still goes into checking and she will likely be entitled to half of that too.

>> No.1964178

It's your fault for marrying a retarded whore. Get fucked normie.

>> No.1964180

As long as it is only about saving accounts, you could be physical silver and store it. Just be sure to pay cash. If asked where the money went, tell them you paid for services.

>> No.1964184

keep enough for emergency purposes so that you can pay bills and eat. bare minimum
take the surplus, convert it to cash to avoid a paper trail and buy silver. do not tell anyone about it and hold on to it for awhile.
1. investment that'll increase in value over time reliably
2. you can't track it
don't tell anyone about where you store it.
this nigga gets it
OP, you're spending $800 a month in groceries remember?

>> No.1964194

Now I have a follow-up question and I'm not even the OP. Why doesn't he just start draining his saving into silver, and just go "oops, too many beers lol" to avoid having to split any saving with the cunt?

>> No.1964199

i bet op makes fun of /pol
i bet op voted hilary
op you got what u deserved

#nohymennodiamond #mgtow

>> No.1964201

because that's traceable through bank transactions and receipts. if the court finds that he took money that would've gone to the woman and tries to spend it, then they can reasonably garnish future wages to make up for it.

>> No.1964221

Damn my dude, this is why I will never have a state-sanctioned marriage

>> No.1964224

If you're talking about the existing $9,000, probably because it would be too obvious what I was trying to do and she would probably lawyer up if she suspected I was trying to cheat the system. I think it would backfire.

Interesting idea, but the cash withdrawals would definitely be tracked. I could make up an excuse like I decided to go buck wild and buy a bunch of lottery tickets or stay at a nice resort but it would never be convincing, and I think that's important when it comes to keeping lawyers out of this and maintaining the perception of fairness and integrity.

>> No.1964233

Say you started buying escorts? She crushed your spirit so you turned to women and liquor.

>> No.1964236

avoid common-law states as well
it's up to you anon. from this point forward it should be about protecting yourself from her.
i'll assume you get direct deposit from your place of employment. you can cancel that and ask for check in hand and cash that in at a currency exchange. best bet for going under the radar.

>> No.1964256

Losing $4500 in a divorce is pretty reasonable. Just cut your losses, and go make that money back now that you don't have to support her. If you go to court you might lose all of that money, and have to pay 20% of your salary to her. It's just not worth the risk.

>> No.1964292

did you agree to no shared assets when getting married? if not
your choices are:
a) convince her otherwise -> she agrees | she refuses go to court
b) agree -> lose half your savings
c) go to court -> pay for her and your lawyers from your 50%, then give her 50%, the lawyers also take 5% commission from the final settlement amounts

the financially sound decision is to agree to split stuff without lawyers

>> No.1964327

I'm military and I'm pretty sure they don't pay in any other way but direct deposit.

Before I told her I wanted a divorce, I moved all of my savings into a separate account that only I owned, not to hide it but just to keep it safe IF she completely lost her shit and wanted to spend it all out of spite, for example, buying a first class ticket home. Luckily that didn't happen, but nevertheless she now sees that I moved the money into a separate account and now she sort of warily reminds me that she's still entitled to half of it, wherever it is.

She can't see that account's balance or see transactions in it but she could have a fairly good idea of how much is in there based on the transfer record.

>> No.1964338

>did you agree to no shared assets when getting married?

That's a lesson I'll carry forth into the next marriage, if there even is one.

>> No.1964365

Is it weird that this scenario scares me shitless?

>> No.1964369

Why don't people just settle this shit with a prenuptial agreement? If she starts going on about "waaa you don't trust me" it's clear she doesn't understand personal sovereignty and the responsibilities that entails and is probably not a reliable candidate to entrust with your joint financial endeavours as she is likely to have an inclination for irrational behaviours and prone to emotion-driven decisionmaking.

>> No.1964371

Listen to this man. Give her $4500 up front and seal the deal as quickly as possible. Before she starts thinking about alimony. $4500 isn't chump change, but for a divorce that is literally nothing.

>> No.1964373

Alright, so the situation is:

She has the means to know how much is in savings right now.
She has recently told me she's worried about me fucking around with the money and hinted that she'd be ready to lawyer up if I did.
She said she wanted a cashier's check for the amount she's owed.

At the very least I want to make sure that she only gets 50% of what's in savings right now so she won't be entitled to what I continue to save between now and the finalization of divorce.

One idea is to withdraw, say, $1,000 cash from savings and hide that cash, then gradually deposit what I save from upcoming paychecks in there until it's back to the original amount and hope she doesn't notice.


I could just try and convince her outright to accept half of what's in savings right now and notarize something saying that's all she gets.

>> No.1964376

Also, my parents burned about $50k in lawyer fees fighting over a $75k-$100k nest egg. Seriously man, just do it.

>> No.1964379

No. It's 50% chance and fucks you over. Don't get married.

>> No.1964380

No. Diving naively into a standard marriage without a contingency plan is a bad idea.

Alimony will still have to be paid, she isn't that stupid. If I could just pay her $4,500 and not a dime more, ever, that would be a dream.

>> No.1964384

I won't... Both happy and scared to read about this shit. I'm not form the US though, but i think it's pretty universal to share the wealth 50/50 regardless of the person earning it to the household.

>> No.1964386

Don't hide it, you dip. Be honest, and stand on the moral high ground. You already know what she's gonna spend it on, fucking junk food! Consider it a costly lesson in mate choosing. Document and sign EVERYTHING you do, that way you can say you're trying to be as honest as possible.

>> No.1964390
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>> No.1964394

You should be happy she is not asking for alimony.

>> No.1964399


>> No.1964400

Agree with this assessment.

Also agree with stacking silver. Put all of your surplus income into silver so she cant get anymore money.

God, isn't it sad that we have to do this? What happened to marriage?

>> No.1964402

This image seems more true every time I see it.

>> No.1964410
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>$800/month in groceries for two people

Jesus christ are you guys eating red caviar every meal or what

>> No.1964452

-buying way more perishable food items than we consume, and letting them spoil
-anything that was just hers (razors, soaps, hair dyes, etc.) was always the most expensive brand they had
-lots of snack food and frozen food
-some really expensive snack food
-lots of juice
-always picked up a sandwich at the deli
-who the fuck knows what else

I definitely take some blame since it took me so long to put a stop to it, and since I enjoyed some of the excess shit she brought home.

>> No.1964455

Oh and she went through toilet paper five times faster than I did and never took the dogs out when she was supposed to so a lot of paper towel usage as well.

>> No.1964484

>Alimony will still have to be paid
Didn't you say she is quite employable? What kind of scheme are you playing in the U.S.?

>> No.1964512

I don't know about other states, but alimony here isn't based on employability. I'm not surprised since that's a difficult thing to put into real numbers. Anyone could lie and exaggerate how unemployable they are if it benefits them. Instead it's based on income, which is much harder to lie about.

40% of my income subtracted by 50% of her income = monthly alimony payment for 36 months. Regardless of what degrees or qualifications she has, her income is zero, therefore it's just 40% of my income. I've talked her into 33% over a slightly longer period of time so the payments are more comfortable.

>> No.1964515

>slightly longer period of time
What time frame are we talking about here?

>> No.1964575

OP, sounds like as good of a deal as you are going to get reading this thread. Just GET IT IN WRITING AND NOTARIZED. The faster its behind you the better.

>> No.1964591

Honestly, pay her out and settle it. You'll be able to save a much larger amount post-divorce as you control your costs. Consider it a 4.5k sunk cost.

>> No.1964613

44 months. It ends up being the same amount in the end, just in easier installments.

Update: She agreed to take half of what's in savings now (which is actually $4,000 of $8000) and nothing more (besides alimony). Sucks to lose 4 grand like that but you're right that it's not so bad. Before the marriage fell apart my goal was to save $10,000 in a year, and with 3 months left in the goal, this will definitely make that impossible but I'll bet I could adjust my budget to save $14,000 in the next 12 months and make up for it.

At least it feels good knowing she'll probably squander everything I give her because she's terrible with money.

>> No.1964679

>At least it feels good knowing she'll probably squander everything I give her because she's terrible with money.


>> No.1964695

$9k lmao that's fucking nothing. Just write a check and settle.

fucking poorfags

>> No.1964702

Either give $4500 or spend the whole $9000 for a lawyer. Your choice.

>> No.1964705

Congrats on not having to subsidize her for life. Just make sure to get the lawyers and notarization before you give her a cent. Otherwise she'll just take the 4K, and come back in a month demanding more.

>> No.1964707

Half of $9000 is a damn cheap divorce.

I've had rough times with my wife and part of what motivated me to keep going was 40x what you're concerned about

>> No.1964709

LOL holy shit why do people get married?

Fuck that shit op. Turn ALL the money you have now into bitcoin and just move to another country.

I'd rather not see my family and country for years than have to give nearly half of everything I earn to some lazy bitch.

>> No.1964712

reading this makes me feel real bad. Sorry you are poor man. Murica is not what it used to be.

>> No.1964720

Jesus Christ why are you so thick? Open a new account with just your name. Fucking hell it's like you want to continue giving

>> No.1964725

man imagine being so poor that you're caught up on a piddly $4500

sounds like paradise

>> No.1964755

Cut her and give her the money. Its not nearly the worse loss I have heard.

>> No.1964756

you would abandon your entire life over 4500? are you retarded?

>> No.1964782

If I ever decide to get married, please someone shoot me in my kneecaps.
As for OP, you got it easy. 4,5k is a small price to pay for freedom. Consider it an investment in your well-being. The bitch won't last long alone and she might contact you again in a few months. At no reason you should reply.

>> No.1964833
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The big issue here OP is that you're assuming this woman is going to behave rationally. She's demonstrated at least twice that she isn't a rational being. Once every time she's a woman and the other by spending an insane amount of money on food.

I'm getting divorced and my former cunt decided to go the attorney route. I hope it turns out better for you OP.

Maybe try to communicate that she can take an easy 2500$ that she didn't have to work for. Or you can spend the $9000 fighting about it in court.

Either way, I'd start pulling out $500- $600 in cash every few days and hiding it somewhere until you come to a resolution.

>> No.1964842

Is the account both-to-sign or either-to-sign?

If the latter, move everything into a sole account in your name right now.

If you told her "no, you bitch, I'm keeping the savings since I accrued it through my money management, and since they represent reduced waste rather than any kind of sacrifice to your previous lifestyle no court in the land would conclude you're entitled to it", what would she do? You mentioned legal proceedings aren't likely.

>> No.1964857

Nice blog post. Just give her the $4500 you nutless loser

>> No.1964888

You complete cuck. Give her 100% of your savings and then masturbate while crying. That's what you want, isn't it?

>> No.1965229
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So I have lawyers in the family and have seen many divorces.

I get what you are saying, but in the eyes of the law you are incorrect.

When 2 people get married everything is 50/50. Even if the man makes $200k a year and the woman never works. Savings are included in this situation. It's gotta get cut down the middle.

And many divorces start amicable but very rarely do they end that way. Especially because of the key issue: money.

Try to convince her to some kind of split you find fair, but if she lawyers up the law and the system itself are more in her favor than yours.

In 2017 I'm still dumbfounded who ignorant men are about what they are signing up for when they sign those marriage papers.

>> No.1965239

$4500 is nothing man.. My friend recently got a divorce and I think the wedding ring that his wife kept was worth $6k. Not to mention she got the house, land, car that he paid for, and half of the joint bank account.

>> No.1965260

Didn't you read? He also will have to give her 40% of his income as alimony for years. Fuck that.

>> No.1965292

Good for you, seriously.

>> No.1965297

Think about this op, if she suddenly disappeared would anyone go investigating?

>> No.1965328

7 years and no kids? Why even get married?

>> No.1965352


I was in same position. Trust.

Move the money to an account in your name only. Dont say anything more. Take any other assets and liquidate. Don't lawyer up. Wait till she divorces you. When you go to court. DENY EVERYTHING. They can't prove anything if you don't say or sign anything. Don't let her manipulate you anon. Please don't. Your worse case is alimony.

>> No.1965360


How in the fuck do you let your wife use your money?

My waifu and I always split and I only put limited necessary money on the joint account.

>> No.1965366


Buy your savings worth in gold and store it away in a safe in a bank in a good country

Spend it all and she cant claim what you dont have.

Remember to pay a hitman some years after the whole thing

>> No.1965367


Called a black swan. Women pull this shit all the time while complaining about equality.

>> No.1965372


I never ever would think about using her money or her using mine

Granted I've bought her expensive shit but it was shit that I wanted her to have regardless of her oppinion.

And if hypothetically I was a cuck, I'd still have an undisclosed bank account or two with all my real money and some shitty money on the joint one.

>> No.1965384


Sometimes they treat you as a seed. A seed that grows and blossoms into a pretty flower. Once you drop your seeds, she brings in the wasps to take your paychecks.

Don't let her think she's different. By her doing that, she's already blinded you. As proof, you'll deny what I'm telling you now.

>> No.1965391
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Time to re-enlist to pay that alimony nigga. I'm assuming you're enlisted because you can't afford a lawyer and married a dumb cunt. Do what I did from here on out (from one vet to another). Chuck money into your TSP, don't get fucking remarried, don't have kids, save, save, save and use the fucking GI bill. Oh, and don't forget to file a disability claim when you're out. Did I say don't remarry?

>> No.1965399


I agree but I've always been very self conscious about money and business, and separated it from personal life.

I can fall for buying her expensive shit when I dont need to, but I'd never EVER share my savings with her EVER.

Right now she makes more money than me, but I never take from her either.

It's literally fucking retarded. Why would anyone put their life's work into a woman's hands? why?

If my waifu seeded me into giving my money up I'd get the fuck out of there inmediately

>> No.1965402

Half of $9000 is fuck all. Pay her the $4500 and be grateful that that is all she is getting. Thank god you don't have children. You can pay her off now and that's it. You can move on with your life. It would be good to see a lawyer to ensure you are not exposed to anything down the track. A few hundred dollars would be money well spent. You could probably call a few lawyers over the phone and get an idea of what is needed. Even go to legal aid.

>> No.1965410


Nothig assures she wont lawyer up after OP gives her money.

She probably will since that is a good way of draining OPs soul even more. And she can probably deny any transaction or agreement since OP is a cuck and will probably not record it in any way.

>> No.1965413


Have you considered hiring a professional so she has an unexpected accident?

>> No.1965415

Who the fuck pays for beer with card?

>> No.1965416


>> No.1965472

>2011 + 6
what the fuck else would I pay for it with? shekels?

OP, every time you hit up the grocery store from here on out, get cash back and buy silver with it

>> No.1965552

Here in the US people buy pretty much everything using credit/debit cards. The average person under 30 rarely even carries a $20 bill with them.

>> No.1965574

>Bitching about 4.5k
>Not giving her 4.5k to sign a paper saying that's all she gets.

She could of taken you to the cleaners and you're crying about chump change

>> No.1965640


This is really all that needs to be said. Consider the 5K an investment in your future. Lawyers will eat up at least that much of it anyway. Depending on where you live she is probably legally entitled to half of your shit. Just think of how much you will save in getting rid of her. Find, download, and use a simple divorce agreement, preferably one that is valid for where you live. Wake up tomorrow and enjoy your freedom.

>> No.1965736

she is taking him to the cleaners... it's all he has
>instead of living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.1965760

>Take out $1000 at atm
>Buy bitcoins from local coins in cash
>have bitcoins
>people ask where ya money went
>tell them to eat and dick and that u spent it

>> No.1965781

Normie here. GFs are the life. Never get married. Had a 3 year relationship and still resisted.

>> No.1965798

Get your own savings account.
Say that you will continue to pay bills but she should get a job to be ready to divorce.
At this point you are two individuals living in the same house.

>> No.1965801

This is starting to seem like bait. Still not getting married, but still.

>> No.1965805

You are retarded.
He was living paycheck to paycheck without her working.
He could be paying alimony every month.
Without her he will be making bank and make that money back in half the time.

>> No.1965808

OP. This hurt me to read. You are not obligated to give away half of your freaking money in a divorce. That is insane. That is wrong. You never agreed that you would pay for her forever, right? That is completely nuts. Find your fucking ballsack, put your foot down, and stand your fucking ground.

White bois, I swear.
>S-s-should I give my divorced wife half my shit
How about man the fuck up.

>> No.1965810

Fuck i knew you were a retard because you fucking married a dumb cunt.

But how hard is this to understand, when you get you pay. You go the your bank and say i would like the withdraw all that is in my account. You take the cash out, and then buy bitcoins, or physical silver or gold WITH THE CASH.

Now when people asks why you took all your pay out you say i spent it on, beers, strip clubs, marrying dumb cunts.


>> No.1965816


>> No.1965822
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I've been divorced b4.

give her the money.
If you lawyer up she's going to get half PLUS ALIMONY.

It wasn't just her choice not to work IT WAS YOUR CHOICE TO SUPPORT HER. You will pay for that.

>> No.1965823

He's paying 40% of his income to her for the next three and a half years.

>> No.1965845

You are right. I missed some posts.
In that case she is running a train on him. Rather than worry about saving money by not getting a lawyer he should have told her to either accept less money or use it for lawyers and get nothing.

>> No.1965872

>tell her if she hires a lawyer the money will be gone
>she hires lawyer with credit
>lawyer gets legal fees awarded to OP
>OP spends next 10 years paying for wife's lawyer
>or more likely OP declares bankruptcy
>screwed for a decade either way

>> No.1966474

This isnt a lawsuit.
Alimony hearings are like child custody.
You could have googled this in 5 minutes.

>> No.1966517

Whore 101

>> No.1966641

>he doesn't know divorce court divvies up debt as well as assets
>he doesn't know you're allowed to go into debt to get divorced
>he doesn't know you can force your spouse to pay the debt you run up during a divorce

stick to things you do know.
whatever that may be it certainly isn't divorce.
>inb4 I'm a lawyer
sure you are, kiddo.

>> No.1966798

I hate how true that is. I narrowly avoided this situation, ended up staying single thankfully.

But what if I do want to be in love with someone, and kids someday?

>> No.1966819

>since the alternative would be involving lawyers that cost many times more than what she would get out of it.

A decent divorce lawyer will only run 2-3,000 per person unless it drags on forever. Lawyer fees are normally negotiated into the divorce with only one party paying both lawyers. Lawyer fees are NOT considered in the ruling. Which means if you have 9k in savings, that is split 50/50 leaving you with 4500. If the lawyer fees are 6k for both of you and its worked into the decree, you would walk away owing 1500.

>> but she basically whined and acted like I was downgrading us to poverty-tier spending

And im sure you wonder where the marriage went wrong and how you got to this place in life dont you?

>> I've been thinking of just telling her I won't agree

Thats probably your best idea since its fairly obvious you are getting away like a bandit without lawyers. Divorce STARTS at a 50/50 split. In most cases the person who is at fault or initiates the divorce gets closer to 30-40% before fees

>> No.1966821

Court fees and lawyer fees have nothing to do with alimony. Alimony is where you are required to "maintain the lifestyle the spouse has grown accustomed"

In short, you cant throw your wife out with nothing and expect a court to be ok with that. In the case of a wife who doesnt work, OP would be on the hook for roughly 20% of his income until she remarries

>> No.1966829

>But what if I do want to be in love with someone, and kids someday?

Then accept you will work until the day you die to pay the finance charges on everything you possess just like the rest of society

>> No.1966830

Buy $9k worth of silver bars, "lose" them tragicly in a boating "accident", find them after you've sacked her

>> No.1966932

Just split the money and don't look back.

When I read posts like this it infuriates me. What a broken system. I have a feeling birthrates are going to tank in the US in the next few generations. They have to for things to change because these laws are fucking ridiculous.

>birthrates drop
>tax revenue free falls
>social welfare systems fail
>politicians panic
>forced to change laws

That's the only resolution I can think that'll work.

>> No.1967487

You may end up paying alimony if you bring this to the courts. Just give her the 50%.

>> No.1967492

Ahh yes, i forgot you get benefits from letting big gov know Everything you do, right?
Fucking goyim

>> No.1967509

Alimony is usually <half of the length of the marriage. It's seldom if ever permanent, even if she never remarries.

>> No.1967551


Yeah what the fuck man no wonder people bitch about marriage/reproduction rates declining in the West.

Who in their right mind would get married with a system like this in place? Nobody making decent money, that's who.

So it's no surprised poorer people get married/have kids while people with something to lose don't trust eachother enough to hook up.

>> No.1967554

This is exactly what I'm worried about. I'm 24 and single, and currently save about £700 each month, which I put into a few different investment funds. I just know that I'm going to get to my late 20s or early 30s, get some gf who won't really love me but will settle for me, will convince me to withdraw my savings and we'll spend it on pointless shit, and then she'll take the rest in the divorce 10 years down the line. Probably get custody of the kid too. NOT looking forward to the future at all desu.

>> No.1968560


>it's either loser everything and be miserable or be normal and be miserable

Wow man it must be hard being you

>> No.1968622

jesus that is one thing i would never agree to. quit your job go to an other country fuck her!

>> No.1968647

bitcoin would be more convenient. also impossible to prove you have them.

>> No.1968656

Marine here.

Got a decent woman, of which I have been with for a decade now, living together for eight years AND got a kid on the way, which is both scary, and kind of amazing.

Humble brag aside, take it from me, marriage is nothing but a title, one that hurts men, especially us hard working United States men the most.

I am not saying marriage is a scam, but what I will say is that it is not designed for American men anymore (if it ever was at all), and if you work hard for your money, the worst "investment" you could make is getting married.

Oh, and common law marriage States are a joke to, so if you live in one, I would recommend you move out before you pursue any other relationship after your divorce is settled.

Best of luck, brother.

>> No.1968671

living together is the same here. just make sure your woman makes and saves as much as you. this way divorce is not a big deal.

>> No.1968693
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>> No.1968712

>living together is the same

Hah, not even slightly, at least, if you plan things out correctly, heed my examples:

>Go on dates with random girls, until you find one that you decide one getting with an actual relationship with.
>Make sure you have some ground rules set up off the bat and make it clear what you are both looking for in the relationship, if you both agree, then you become boyfriend and girlfriend.
>Stay together for a year or two and, so long as there are no big issues arising, move in together.
>Continue having sex, confiding in each other, and all the other significant other jazz until you decide to have kids.
>Save up money more for the long-term, and make sure that you both have separate accounts for money and that you both are making a stable enough income for whatever family expenses may come in.
>Once you are both ready mentally, physically, and most importantly FINANCIALLY, start going in without condoms, birth control, and all that and get the baby making started full time.
>Once she is pregnant, congrats, now all you should do is keep up the good work and hope and pray that the kid comes out healthy.
>Oh, and make sure, in case you are unaware of common marriage laws that you have lived together and been together in a state that DOES NOT ADHERE TO SAID LAWS, so that way if hormones get the best of her, YOU are not the one paying for it.

As for what being parent is like, well, I can offer no advice, as I am technically not a "dad" just yet, but if there is one thing to take away from this it is to not get married, and also to avoid any situation where you end up "common law married" to the person you are with, and also only have kids if you are both ready to accept that responsibility AND have enough finances in place to support said child.