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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19619868

Anime causes gender dysphoria.

>> No.19619881

2nd for WKHS

>> No.19619885

Airlines are going up again, right?

>> No.19619893


>> No.19619907

Holy shit, i love /biz/.
Gave me a good laugh, anon.

>> No.19619920


We're pumping until at least November, thus yes. Today's dip is perfectly normal.

>> No.19619957

Also was IVR a meme then? It collapsed a lot.

>> No.19619961
File: 100 KB, 1920x952, EVGF5obWkA0ziCk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does the average sanders' fan portfolio look like (assuming it exists)?

>> No.19619989

What happened?! I go out for a few hours and IVR and MITT have shit themselves.....

>> No.19620018

qt, but remove the wall carpet

>> No.19620022
File: 36 KB, 908x714, IMG_2623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if she's laying down on the floor or leaning against a wall

>> No.19620023

they were always boomer pump n' dumps

>> No.19620031
File: 70 KB, 563x443, March92020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys feel it in the air?

>> No.19620037

>went up +100%
>omg -10% today
holy shit i don't even know WHY THE FUCK IM SO MAD


>> No.19620040
File: 2 KB, 125x96, thinkingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there b 2nd wav or no?

>> No.19620047

I bought IVR at 6.96 and MITT at 7.37 should I kms

>> No.19620062

just do covered calls with them

>> No.19620064

yes but no one will care. our lizard brains have already accepted it. the scare is gone.

>> No.19620076

no wait awhile and buy something with the profit from IVR

>> No.19620077



>> No.19620082
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 11355074_368149116713791_1981210762_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IVR 7.0000 here

>> No.19620096

Can I pay the $5 monthly Robinhood Gold fee with their own margin?

>> No.19620106

I'm poor so I only could get 25 of each

>> No.19620119

>FOMO'd into the top

>> No.19620120

It takes it out of your bank account

>> No.19620151

That’s a Russian

>> No.19620154

What am I buying next boys?
Airlines? Cruise? Got like 2k to throw in.

>> No.19620162


>> No.19620174
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>his portfolio doesn't contain DENN

>> No.19620210


>> No.19620254

What ETFs are hot right now?

>> No.19620269

Only 1 that matters. TQQQ

>> No.19620324

I have $500 in gains I've left aside. What could I buy in the next 20 min that may open even 5% higher tomorrow? Dont shill SSL

>> No.19620348


>> No.19620357


>> No.19620365
File: 624 KB, 1902x705, smg dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i continue to dab on the haters

>> No.19620386

carpet on wall as per tradition

NOOOOOOO this cant be true. Why do you think so?

>> No.19620388

That seems reasonable honestly they are nearly at their 52 week low but I know nothing about them. Any reason to expect a rebound like that?

>> No.19620425

Russian Man

>> No.19620439

based russian man

>> No.19620509
File: 15 KB, 221x228, 65474747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the dumbest move you've made all year? I'd say not throwing more at airlines in March would be mine.

>> No.19620527

starting to invest yesterday instead of 3 months ago

>> No.19620548

Selling LTM in panic after they filled for chapter 11. Lost 800 bucks, and it's now almost back at the level at which I originally bought it.

>> No.19620552

Only buying 3 VTIQ @25 because it 's just a meme.

>> No.19620567 [DELETED] 

What does BLM advocate for? It advocates to defund the police.

Buy SQQQ. What is SQQQ?
SQQQ is a 3X leveraged inverse ETF (exchange traded fund), an INVERSE representation of the NASDAQ 100. If NASDAQ 100 goes down 3%, SQQQ goes up 9% (3X)

>> No.19620574
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x1200, 1589379830442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 more quarters until the fall of RH ledditors

>> No.19620590

Falling for the bobo memes and selling everything in mid April only to buy back in three weeks later

>> No.19620594

>they are nearly at their 52 week low
do yourself a favor and take your gains and run

>> No.19620595


>> No.19620600

This but one. Why did I only buy one? I feel like a mega-retard.

>> No.19620609
File: 267 KB, 3600x1349, EEE67BB1-2427-446E-9DBE-26362E7E8D83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought NIO at ipo price. Got just Ed super hard. Kept buying in to get my average down. Managed to get it to $6:30. I’ve been holding for over a year and I’m finally in the green. Do I just jump ship now or should I wait? Does NIO have a future or is it just memes?

>> No.19620614


>> No.19620615

;) but why

>> No.19620622



What does BLM advocate for? It advocates to defund the police.

Buy SQQQ. What is SQQQ?
SQQQ is a 3X leveraged inverse ETF (exchange traded fund), an INVERSE representation of the NASDAQ 100. If NASDAQ 100 goes down 3%, SQQQ goes up 9% (3X)

>> No.19620648

Sold CCL calls and DFEN before they took off.

>> No.19620649

do the bare minimum research and at least read the description of SQQQ

>> No.19620664

BIG pumps upcoming

COTY - going 2 makeup line w kim k, new business strategy revolves around acquiring the highest profile brand deals influencers are everything in cosmetics now

SNE - ps5 dominates ezily

>> No.19620678

Ill buy it if you tell me the real reason you are shilling

>> No.19620714

trying to swing instead of hodling on blue chips.

>> No.19620718
File: 8 KB, 222x227, 21323t556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you feel what is happening?

>> No.19620758

I feel that, I if I had the money I do now in March, I would be over the moon right now

>> No.19620767

>djia -3% this week
>djia +25% next two months

>> No.19620769

Well I didn't buy any so I'm not THAT stupid

>> No.19620780 [DELETED] 

ass shit mods are abusing their power

report these fucks

>> No.19620802

never, weebs deserve all the pain

>> No.19620805

Are we still buying airplanes? Does anyone own Spirit?

>> No.19620836

Yea I got some spirit. Should get better. I also have more in LTM which is doing very well.

>> No.19620868

down like 9.6% today. hoping for green AH

>> No.19620941
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>11% loss

>> No.19620956
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I just read that IVR is rated as underweight and has a price target of $2. I don't know if that's big-fish investors just trying to scare newbies off but at least a handful of analysts think IVR is junk going forward.

Which is unfortunate because I'm holding a bag of it

>> No.19620962

got rid of GALT and bought 303 WTI.

I'm feeling the luck.

>> No.19620985

tomorrow i will buy(maybe)

>> No.19620988
File: 144 KB, 1024x762, calculation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only lost money on options i bought.
all theta plays were green.
really makes you think!

>> No.19620990

/jp/ is a dead board anyway who gives a fuck

>> No.19620997
File: 206 KB, 991x672, 0T89LKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought OXY at the bottom and sold the top fifteen minutes before market close.
Today was a good day.

>> No.19621012

>IVR drops to $2

Pain. I literally sunk more in today, am I drinking the kool-aid or is this thing really going to turn around?

>> No.19621016

Buy tomorrow or is everything going to die when the fed reports?

>> No.19621052

Bros I bought IVR at the top of the recent pump. I’m already down 12%. Kek.

>> No.19621066

I dont get why IVR should go up like this.
I cant see any indikator besides the chart of the past.....

>> No.19621069
File: 36 KB, 600x600, tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck the gooks, again
Already have.

>> No.19621083

I'm looking into stuff at the moment. It's looking like the $2 target price is based on information from a couple weeks ago. It actually has a "buy" rating from Barclay's right now and there's a shit ton of institutional money in it so I'm curious whether it will actually get as low as $2

>> No.19621090

Bro, it's only going down.

>> No.19621096

Fed is going to have to cool things off

>> No.19621103
File: 127 KB, 601x508, brainlet_mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking that I could time the markets.

>> No.19621108

I just looked at warosu for /jp/, wtf is going on

>> No.19621116
File: 51 KB, 550x550, tres-tres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that big dick green on MITT
GOD i love selling puts at the bottom

>> No.19621119

USD crash when? What does that mean for the US stock market?

>> No.19621121

>GME missed earnings by 250%
Can this company just die please. I want to see Burry cry for such a horrible investment

>> No.19621129
File: 89 KB, 640x640, 1591495220155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how many people here bought IVR after that one guy claimed to have made a bunch of money over the last few months and declared IVR to be his new stock pick.

>> No.19621132

Literally up 30 cents AH

>> No.19621141

IVR and the like make their money by investing in mortgage backed securities, which I would say to stay the fuck away from if it was 2007 but right now the lending requirements are different and people are still trying to figure out how to do real estate post-corona. I can imagine a world where these REITs get back towards their 2019 prices but not anytime soon; the spike this week was a bunch of zoomers cashing in

>> No.19621156

We got bogged today IVRbros. Just went up 5.3% though so maybe they’ll dömp et soon.

>> No.19621157

>First Quarter E-commerce Sales Increased 519%; Increased over 1,000% During the Six Weeks Following Store Closures Due to COVID-19
>Ends First Quarter with $570 million in Cash, Inventory Reduction of 43% and Accounts Payable Decline of 54% Compared to the First Quarter of Fiscal 2019
Sorry bears, looks like you're FUCKED! LMAO!

>> No.19621173
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Power to the players!

>> No.19621194

Oh, man. Guess that means it's all better now. The moon mission is starting after all.

>> No.19621199
File: 442 KB, 1317x1105, Screenshot_20200609-132032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEEE dont tell me this was only a 1 day dump some stuff got a pump after hours. I was expecting a 2 day dump and intending to go in hard tomorrow!

>> No.19621201
File: 153 KB, 750x597, C627F15D-E0A7-4DB4-B5B2-D1133F03E48C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start trading so i can buy my first car
>many wins, losses and experience later, score $10k in one trade
>objective reached, cashed out $14k and never touching on it with trading ever again
>left $2k in the account for the shits and giggles
>all in airlines again
>big green dildo yesterday, now at $6.5k
>roll the calls and gamble once again
>pic related today

I genuinely, truly and unironically dont care about this money. I want to gamble it in the most irresponsible way with options as long as there is some basis behind the trade and it looks profitable. I will do this until i reach $25k so i can actually start day trading or lose it all. What do you guys suggest? If the market looks like it’s closing red again tomorrow im selling it and going all in the next risky trade

>> No.19621207

Post your address

>> No.19621208


>> No.19621217

It's down

>> No.19621223

Buy options. PUT in Tupperware or PartyCity. Overvalued both.

>> No.19621260

I lost 30% profit today. I was up when I went to sleep, then before the market opened I was already down. Not being able to trade stocks at 7AM on Robinhood is a fucking scam.

>> No.19621262

Good dividend, stable price history precovid. Just like other stocks with stable histories precovid. Doesnt help that normies and 4channers flooded it recently. I got in before either group did so I'm still up.

>> No.19621280

Eh, I bought quite a bunch of TELL when it was below $1 with some analyst giving $0.1 price target. Sold some for pretty good profit and still holding quite a few with hopes of it going above $2. With current market it's hard to estimate an actual target price.
I'm currently holding 1000 of IVR at average of 6.43, so I'm biased though.

>> No.19621289

>mortgage backed securities
Wait isnt this the stuff the fed was literally protecting companies from if they failed?

>> No.19621296

it's an REIT with a price to book of like .20x.....

>> No.19621315


>> No.19621329

I want to try to invest in only American and European companies. What is good?

>> No.19621333

What is all this talk of the dollar becoming worthless when it isn't even less valuable than it was in early 2020?


>> No.19621336

I'm hoping that the IVR mentions in the media are really just big shots signalling to buy it while it's cheap (MITT too). It couldn't dump to $2 or less unless all the institutional investors pulled their money, and I'm pretty sure they're either red too or barely green right now

>> No.19621350
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>> No.19621353

Airlines and plane manufacturers are still cheap! Boeing's 737max is paralyzing, so it makes sense to go for Airbus. Any big boy airline is fine. Buy buy buy, big profits ahead

>> No.19621354

>Online sales are up!
Total sales are down

>> No.19621357

Great, my CPE was up to $5k yesterday, now it's $3.7k

>> No.19621358
File: 119 KB, 695x968, 20200607_222046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DID buy calls today, right anon?

>> No.19621370

who in the /green/ today?

>> No.19621372

And now its up. The fact is, the results were not as bad as expected.
>Short % of Float (May 15, 2020): 251.30%
Whos ready for a massive short squeeze?

>> No.19621382

That was my free stock lol

>> No.19621389
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, eunjibuzz-1269328165845045249-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my program goes like this it buys every stock on the market in the morning and sets a stop loss at 1 cent less than what i payed for it

and then for the rest of the day i allow all the stocks that never executed their stop loss to continue going up and up and up the rest of the day

i can never lose

>> No.19621390
File: 2 KB, 279x36, Screenshot from 2020-06-09 16-28-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every position green, including my latest gamble (pic related). It's to the moon from here boys.

>> No.19621391
File: 26 KB, 352x259, babby4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's only going down

>actually it just went up

>wow guess I'm a huge faggot

damn, >>19621194 this dumb little faggot instantly got blown the fuck out and pissed in his pants while responding. Sad!

>> No.19621393

Is it a good move to sell BA stock to buy some calls that expire on the 12th?

>> No.19621395

you cannot have 2nd wave if the 1st one never ends

>> No.19621399
File: 258 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20200609-133233_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell my MRO shares when I hit 1k in total profit from them? Or will it really reach new ATHs?

>> No.19621403

IVR is going to be under 3 dollars a share by friday

>> No.19621406
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>> No.19621411
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>nasdaq actually bounced off 10 000 for a second time

>> No.19621415

I did well yesterday, then before closing, decided to gamble some gains in HTZ and CPE, risky... I know HTZ is bankrupt but that isn´t stopping people from buying it and CPE might be in the same situation. I also bought some CCL because RCL has given me good returns.
But today, everything new and old just went red.
What a day.
May it all be green tomorrow again.
Also, I have been waiting for AMD to go up and it seems like it has begun, so I bought a few shares.

>> No.19621416
File: 88 KB, 730x783, 1588188418199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels so good to have timed the NKLA top perfectly, I don't care that everything else was red today

>> No.19621419


Whata the scoop boys? Just put 25% of my account into it.

Rioting City Slickers have to keep it pumping, no?

>> No.19621421
File: 44 KB, 1340x562, 1563536267493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not.

>> No.19621425

Summer is coming, so water

>> No.19621433

Will hit pre corona levels in a couple of month. Hold all of them. If it dips, buy.

>> No.19621438

>Pretend to show weakness by rejecting
>Ton of shorters before market close
>Blast it overnight

>> No.19621439

Institutional investors are fine if it drops back to 3. Most are still probably up +50%. https://fintel.io/sob/us/ivr

>> No.19621449
File: 2.20 MB, 600x600, 1589387731772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think im gonna go all cash tomorrow, greed is starting to get ridiculous

>> No.19621451

>the results were not as bad as expected.
I mean they missed... what expectations if not those? They also were already released last week. This is no new data.

>> No.19621455

Then why is it going up right now? Retard. Just a small correction today after a 60% gain yesterday. Shit's going to $10

>> No.19621457

I'm terrrible at math so bear with me

Say I averaged 1% gains a day over a year, how do I calculate my yearly percentage return?

>> No.19621460

Im aiming to sell at 8.5 or 8.00 depending on others stocks being better buys or not

>> No.19621468


>> No.19621474

Its heavy already isnt it anon

>> No.19621475
File: 5 KB, 299x169, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASDAQ futures are up

>> No.19621477

Pretty sure he is just saying fuck the QQQ. Can't really shill somthing with a 1 bil market cap.

>> No.19621480
File: 22 KB, 474x450, dfwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we gonna be green tomorrow guys? I can't take another red day. my wife is leaving me after today's losses

for any other anon who needs it... 18002738255

>> No.19621489


>> No.19621491

COPE. It didn't crash, and that means shorts have to cover.

>no new information
Thanks for the theta.

>> No.19621492

Only 1 cause i thought it was gonma dump 2 days in a row but its starting to look up. Well at least i didnt sell anything.

>> No.19621494
File: 147 KB, 916x1199, Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice that they let the mentally deficient online at whatever special needs facility you're at.

>> No.19621501


>> No.19621506

Investment * (1.01)^260

>> No.19621512

Today was only profit taking. Gov has more stimulus planned if needed. Market won't go down. China will crumble due to CCP aggression in HK. Dollar will be undisputed king again.

Good luck everyone. Hope you make it in 2-3 years before the complete recovery.

>> No.19621515

continuing to short in april, lost a big chunk of my profit shorting in march

>> No.19621516

you mean

>> No.19621517
File: 4 KB, 209x241, 1589399724777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another red day means i am red sonic

>> No.19621520

Is she hot?

>> No.19621523
File: 446 KB, 2048x1457, sailor_moo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, sold at 88.89.

>> No.19621524

Stupid larper, why does your wife know about your family finances? Women shouldnt be involved in your finances at all except to deposit into your account.

>> No.19621531

Dang there are a ton of new institutional buys from just the last week. I really wouldn't expect Vanguard and JP Morgan to be buying shitloads of IVR unless they expected some sort of return over the long term

>> No.19621538
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Price action today says continuation of trend likely. Big chunks of the morning gap down were bought.

>> No.19621548

I did that too and lost literally all my money, just broke even today

>> No.19621553

Tomorrow...we're going to HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD! Green days ahead, lads!

>> No.19621554

Yeah I'm probably going to invest my MRO money into something like DFEN next.
I'd like to get MRO Chad's input on this

>> No.19621568

Twisted my ankle.
No dumb financial moves. Bought 25000 of shit in march, 76 different stocks, retirement moved up by 5 years.

>> No.19621573

wtf am I reading here?

>> No.19621575

You'll see it in the reported case charts but impact on economy and market in general will be low to nil. No further shut downs.

>> No.19621576

By that logic the moment an uptrend starts it should forever go up. Thesame applies to a downtrend. Meaning most stocks once listed should either go to 0 or past $1,000,000

>> No.19621578

They already owned shares or bought prior to the pump. They're not the ones who will save this pump if its unsustainable. They can liquidate what they bought @3 right now, watch it crash, buy back in @3 or less with more exposure.

>> No.19621589
File: 90 KB, 1242x766, DDTG_133529-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish robinhood would fucking notify me earlier of drops! SOB, I have no funds to buy DCP or ENLC

>> No.19621592

What does ^ in this formula.
Pretend I went to school in Texas.

>> No.19621599

Down 3% today. Didn't sell the top on CPE but still sold positive. Lost on OAS, I assumed it would climb a little more the same way I expected CPE. Still green overall even if it was a red day, just gotta HODL and it'll all work out. Remember, bears are gay and dont bet against America.

>> No.19621602
File: 43 KB, 432x300, 714561C3-6A9B-421F-959B-F2503DB0850B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took profits yesterday, looking for reentry points on DENN and TSN. LOCO, WEN, RRGB, CAKE, all worth keeping an eye on too.

Goddamn if you’ve never had fried egg, bacon, and hash browns on a burger, you are missing out!

Excellent. Would livestream again. But did you pick three or just one?

>> No.19621603

I bought MRO at 4 with change and sold at 8 dollaroos desu

>> No.19621604

Not this week

>> No.19621607

If only it was so easy holding through the dips and dumps. If it all really goes back to normal a dump day like today shouldn't even be scary but you kniw, you dont actually know if it will go back to normal.

>> No.19621612

buying uso after first oil collapse, refused to listen to "it can go negative", dismissed it as FUD since it has never happened before. sold USO prior to reverse split and lost the moneys

>> No.19621617

Anyone have an opinion on buying TWO at these prices. Seems safe for a 2x in a couple months

>> No.19621619


>> No.19621620
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>> No.19621622
File: 420 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200609-164251_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty damn comfortable.
This will be well over 10k in a couple month or so.

>> No.19621626
File: 429 KB, 1395x2512, SmartSelect_20200609-140939_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I gonna make it?

>> No.19621632

DRN calls at open tomorrow?

>> No.19621635

>Theta is a measure of the rate of decline in the value of an option due to the passage of time.
I sold calls. I make profit.

>> No.19621640

>better example

>> No.19621643

They can, but I highly doubt institutional investors at that level are going to dump millions of shares they bought a week ago when there's a long term chance of it doubling or more

>> No.19621644

Can someone give me a (you)? I've made dozens of posts today and I haven't received a single one. Thanks.

>> No.19621645

do yourself a favor and stop using robinhood, a total fucking meme
>up 4k at 4 am in the morning
>turns out u can trade premarket at 4 am
>down 500$ at the beginning of the market open
ty robbinhood

>> No.19621647

>Sailor Moon
>Heart eyes
>squiggly embarrased smile
>Milking machine
The tail is a bit much for me, but UUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH IM GONNA COOOM

>> No.19621651


>we think IVR and MITT may be screening as cheap to those who are potentially being guided only by the most recently filed financial statements, which are still from year-end.

>in other words, investors’ stock screens may say the two REITs are cheap, largely because they are using stale financial statements.

>the analysts have a $2 per-share price target for Invesco Mortgage and a 75-cent target for AG Mortgage.

Do I cut my losses and run away crying? Or do I cross my fingers and commit suicide if it drops even more.

>> No.19621652

Saved and based.

>> No.19621655

I am in the same boat as you lol. Considering cashing out and blowing it on draftkings.com

>> No.19621656

>/smg/ meme portfolio
I want an index of those stocks to see how they preform against the S&P 500

>> No.19621660

IVR isnt a pump and dump you retarded faggot

>> No.19621664

That's hardly what I meant but ok

>> No.19621673

>Buying REITs
You fucked up.

>> No.19621675

The united states of america should allow Iran to have nukes and specialty chemicals

>> No.19621676

Hmm.....idk anon. Your money might be too spread out. Then again I have no idea what I am doing. I see a stock research it if I like it for long term I threw 1000 in it. (300 for cpe fuckkk) I did that with a month or so ago and up up %50+

>> No.19621679
File: 67 KB, 1024x614, C0593BF4-8ABB-40F9-86D4-6A8F98A69A5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go lad.

>> No.19621683

What did you buy today anon

>> No.19621684

Noticed this today too, what the fuck happened? Was it a bunch of Australians dumping their bags?

I'm thinking it's a long term hold because of the amount of institutional investors holding millions of shares. Time will only tell

>> No.19621691
File: 28 KB, 559x527, 1582411780750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's lying. It's a magic carrot. Exponents are fake merchant lies If it's this easy why isn't everyone zimbabwe tier rich? It's lies and Babylonian magicks. How could 2^3 = 8, but 2^8 be 256. Even worse, 2^256... is 1.15x10E77, Just ludacris. Don't believe the lies of the ^.

>> No.19621695
File: 153 KB, 1182x754, 1591728486977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to (you)

>> No.19621697

dude lock some gains on airlines, the robinkiddie pump is over

>> No.19621696

Ok, then your questions need to be more descriptive.

>> No.19621698

I agree with you, its a lot better of a choice than IVR or MITT

>> No.19621704

Yeah wtf is ivr? Graph doesnt look nice. Fuck that shit. Ima stay with oil and tech

>> No.19621706


>> No.19621715

That's it, I've seen enough! The green line went up again there's no way we're having a recession now! It's over!

>> No.19621719

It's been one fucking day. HOLD

>> No.19621721
File: 36 KB, 400x180, IMRN-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope none of you idiots bought IMRN

>> No.19621723

This formula gives you the return on a initial investment amount, right? It'll tell you if you parked $1000 is XYZ and it averaged 1% day, how much itll be after a set period, right?

I was watching a video on cash secured puts and the guy was trying to average around .5% a week. He did some shit on a calculator and was like .5% a week over a year is around 34%, or something like that. What formula would that be?

>> No.19621724

im not saying TDameritrade is the best, but its the first broker i jumped at finding out about the premarket and post market trades.

waking up at 4 am is something anyone can do, aussie or not

seeing how i was affected by it, now i must become a hardcore trader

>> No.19621738

On MITT and not feeling good if the fed doesn’t talk about it tomorrow

>> No.19621739

see >>19621691
you're gonna get fleeced. synagogue of stan

>> No.19621740
File: 184 KB, 413x448, 1586184288963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what part of my post you took that interpretation from.

>> No.19621742

because you dont make 1%gains a day
>exponent is just a different way to write multiplications

>> No.19621751

This is idiotic gambling. 3k is 3k, doesn't matter how you made. You're doing mental gymnastics. No reason to throw it away. Just put it in stocks with sane risks.

>> No.19621755

Tomorrow is a green day right guys?

>> No.19621757

graph doesnt look nice? its been steadily in the teens for the past 5 years. it dropped from corona like everything else

>> No.19621769

DRN is the best bet right now. Gonna be $18 by the end of the week

>> No.19621773
File: 201 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200609-164951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broker said he could get me around 8-12%, I said fuck that, hold my beer. I feel pretty good about my returns so far. Looking for some honest opinions on how I'm doing

>inb4 robinhood

>> No.19621776
File: 16 KB, 640x659, 1571504417381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how much in the market is sane? I'd want to hedge a ton if I bought AAPL or MSFT right now.

>> No.19621783

Gotta remember though, this is a high risk market. They could pull the rug if news about the real estate market turns bad. This pump was based solely on rumors. IVR might be fine long-term, that's why institutions bought in at the prices they did, but a short term pump of +50% in a risky market might be too good to pass up for some who want to take those profits to reinvest.

>> No.19621784

can we go to war with venezuela ffs something to pump my oil

>> No.19621786

You're assuming too many things and you are jumping around too much. I'm neither short nor have I ever touched gme options since iv is fugly. Earnings release is a non issue so far as the data was available last week. It's still down which means that the earnings algos think it's bad data. It's not important because if there is anything significant today it will be in the cc.

>> No.19621787

brokers are for low IQ boomers

>> No.19621792

>Q2 apocalypse soon
>DIS, AAL and many going bankrupt
>Domino chains with one bankruptcy everyday
Gonna be fun

>> No.19621798

Bruh looks good but you playing with high risk stocks. And if youre doing options then god fucking damnit. Be careful.

>> No.19621799

I bet only for Nasdaq will be green tomorrow, S&P and Dow will be red, then green on Wednesday.

>> No.19621804

>in IVR at 6.9
>it's now 5.77

hahaha i want to die

>> No.19621809
File: 23 KB, 496x286, 1581130632419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spanish flu disappeared in summer
>spanish flu mutated by fall to target those it didn't infect early on
>spanish flu was far more deadly in fall
king bobo will return

>> No.19621810

Q2 reporting season is gonna be amazing. I wonder if the bubble will pop during or before.

>> No.19621811

Brokers are scam artists.
50% is legit.
I'd roll back some positions at the moment if I made that much.

>> No.19621821

That's what I'm saying. My parents portfolio does like 4% 750k, I nearly spilt my beer when I heard that

>> No.19621822

Just wait until its at 2

>> No.19621824

you may not like it but this is the first time they got kicked out

>> No.19621825

Pretty sure IVR dumped today just because there is an earnings call tomorrow.

>> No.19621826

>(initial ammount)*((1+average gains per interval)^(number of intervals))

>> No.19621830

shitty Q2 is priced in, desu. I'm bearish too. the only thing that might rock the boat is missing guidance.

>> No.19621831

Down 4% today.

>> No.19621832

Not correct. Brokers/financial accountants are good for people with a large number of assets, property, jobs that demand their full attention.

>> No.19621834


>> No.19621837
File: 407 KB, 796x1060, 1538777581105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S&P closed today at the same level it was at lunchtime yesterday

>> No.19621840
File: 37 KB, 705x711, SWBI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good move.
SWBI is still undervalued on it's face let alone with social triggers. We got no less than 2 more racial riots b4 the election. Dems are up in rigged polls + we are overdue for a mass shooting. Both of which are favorable towards bringing up the ol' national gun control debate.
RGR got a nice bump from the last riot peaking, but SWBI didn't come into existence until that shit was tapering off. 10/16 $30C is the only cheapie left if you are feeling frisky.

>> No.19621841
File: 306 KB, 395x1369, stonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions General

>> No.19621848

No options made a good chunk from MSFT, AXSM, and SHOP

>> No.19621849

So far I've been damn near perfect. Today I sold some of my positions. If the market rallies again I have made my first mistake in 1 year.

Kneel before me.

>> No.19621858

Meant for
Got my shit all fucked up

>> No.19621859

When is the tech/essential stocks flippening happening? Economy reopening but airlines are crashing and fucking AMD and Apple nearing ATHs. This cant not be a bubble.

>> No.19621862

The Nasdaq is in correction mode. We're going down down down like Twin City property values.

>> No.19621870

also try to understand what it does, so you cant just forget it
for every interval you put an extra *1,005 behind your answer from the last interval and calculate new, this is shortened by using the exponent

>> No.19621871

Nice. Now realize those gains and buy some safe stocks that you know will 2x precororna. I would suggest oil but you never know

>> No.19621874

Buying NAT at $7

>> No.19621876

The British Carnival or the American one?

>> No.19621880

This guy has said this during every after hours the last 3 months and been wrong every time

>> No.19621881

AMD stock is so fucking stupid. The previous week when markets were pumping like fuck, it would crab and mostly go horizontal. Now that the market dumps, AMD goes up?

>> No.19621891

Google compound interest calculator, bro.

>> No.19621895

This time it's different though.

>> No.19621897


>> No.19621898

hey it's one of those low IQ boomers I was talking about

>> No.19621899

yes my nose is big and hooked

>> No.19621907

>have former president of Walt Disney television
>have former founder and CEO of Fox Kids
>have licensing deals to be sold at Walmart
>streaming on Netflix, Roky, Apple TV, Prime, etc.
Why is this going down when launch is less than a week away

>> No.19621909

British one

>> No.19621911

Thank god I never listen to this board advice. I'm still yet to buy any single stock advised here.

I quadrupled my stack with PHE, AFC, ballard and plug from sept till now, easiest money ever.

On this dip I bought more Polarean and I will be loading up on polarean and HASI for the upcoming year. I can't even pretend I care about the crash.

Stop losses in place, well into profit, easiest life ever.

>> No.19621915

If he says it enough times he’ll be right eventually.

>> No.19621919


>> No.19621930

i am zero cash balls deep invested

>> No.19621931

Okay. Watch CCL as well since they tend to trade valuation; you might be able to play between them to keep adding shares.

>> No.19621932

what are you talking about?

>> No.19621933

lmao twin cities real estate outside of niggerville is doing quite well actually

>> No.19621937

That's what I'm looking for at the moment, bought back into SOXL, like 6k and already did 30%. I might dump my SHOP and increase my position in SOXL. The world is addicted to microchips.

>> No.19621944

Was KOS a meme?

>> No.19621953
File: 85 KB, 856x254, meat prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya shit for brains KEK lord Powell is gonna talk tomorrow lmao. meat costed me 9 dollars today. i hope he inflates some more

>> No.19621958

If I forget to tell the IRS about my robinhood account what is the likelyhood of them finding out about the money ive made anyways

>> No.19621963
File: 54 KB, 535x462, 1425658857269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't any of you niggas alert me of this yesterday before it pumped 1000%?

>> No.19621967
File: 2 KB, 777x67, BAGGIE-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you even try?

>> No.19621973

I hate to admit, but you probably correct. But, absolutely horrible Q2 numbers won't bode well for the V shaped recovery. A company doesn't lose big one quarter and go right back to normal the next one. Especially with all the other factors going on.

>> No.19621974

Panic sell or hold for Q3/Q4 gains?

Bears might win in the short term but I thinking holding will be the better play.

>> No.19621976


I was trying to catch it on the way up, I have too much invested in it to just leave it sitting for a year. Yes I did fuck up, so do I sell at a loss now? Or hope it goes up enough for me to break even before a drop to $2?

I know it has a lot of potential for the far future, that's not what I'm worried about.

>> No.19621977

Filter this retard

>> No.19621988

Do you even know anybody that watches their programming, have you ever considered commercials targeted towards toddlers are the worst performing segment?

>> No.19621991

>what is a 1099
Idk what tax forms they use in yurop but.... pretty fucking good

>> No.19621996
File: 688 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200609-230452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, no?

>> No.19621998
File: 51 KB, 720x958, 1560122239635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil slowly crawling back after hours

>> No.19622000

Can't you see that the roof is on fire, the sky is falling and the planet is dying? Nasdaq isn't going to be 10,000 again until after world war 3.

>> No.19622001

I feel like it's GNUS meme.

Guys, once it pumps 1100% or whatever it was, you're too fucking late.

>> No.19622002
File: 24 KB, 657x525, 1587176613257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice fren

>> No.19622013
File: 44 KB, 500x475, 1591237941295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRS? Don't forget about me, anonito

>> No.19622020
File: 447 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200609-135826_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are people gonna go to jail over this?

>> No.19622021

You will never beat the IRS

>> No.19622025

>glorious prophecy checked

>> No.19622024

Putting $20k into WFC October calls tomorrow. Easiest 200% gain in my life

>> No.19622026


>> No.19622034

Unless some real screwy shit happens it's probably going to continue on a regular upward trend like everything else. I'm predicting $8ish by the end of the week but I'm also pulling that out of my lily white ass

>> No.19622037

Doesn't your broker furnish your trades to your tax collection agency?

>> No.19622039


>> No.19622047
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, Colors2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, they're gonna break down your door anon.

>> No.19622050
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>> No.19622055
File: 355 KB, 1280x1212, Screenshot (1485).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the jewish tricks didn't workout this time for whoever was on that ECL play

>> No.19622059
File: 263 KB, 1125x1193, 9758E10D-3572-4B50-AFC5-A4649E2EE392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out that afterhours darkbuying... or selling... or whatever...
VERY bullish.

>> No.19622061

I think the blonde girl in that would suffer fatal rocket burns.

>> No.19622068

I honestly don't know, when I filed my taxes last year I just sent them the tax forms that robinhood supplies me to give to the IRS. Was just curious. The difference between my stock market gains this year and last year is about 30k dollars

>> No.19622070
File: 481 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200609-230939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shit so expensive?

>> No.19622071




>> No.19622072
File: 79 KB, 756x649, 9.6roth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time since I had a down day, it was a good run.

>> No.19622074

my stock is down 20% should i just kek it away or double down on it?

>> No.19622077

amd sold more than intel this quarter or something like that

>> No.19622083

Too soon.

>> No.19622088
File: 541 KB, 643x900, F8FF38B2-86CF-43D0-B828-A35BDD7C9778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OR sexy hanako burns...

>> No.19622090

She's fine, she's stronger than she looks.

>> No.19622093

>We're going down down down like Twin City property values

Historically, property values go up after something like this when the clean up effort gentrifies everything and “woke” whypipo flock to the neighborhood for street cred.

>> No.19622098

Never doubt mama Su.

>> No.19622105

Playing it too safe in early April. I made good gains but I shouldn't have pussied out on the real money makers like airlines and shit, did boomer stock memes like KO.

>> No.19622149

I went in big on puts when shit starting hitting the fan in March. I sold I think twenty some odd SPY puts for a few hundred dollars profit. If I held 2 more days I would have made about $25K.

>> No.19622225

Boomers only

>> No.19622410

ah my bad I saw a different article saying it was on the 10th.

>> No.19622427

Pepsi > Coca-Cola for me but they both rot teeth because of phosphoric acid.

>> No.19622437

Nigger, the money has gotten to your head and fucks with your mood. close your account, you are not made for this.

>> No.19622514

Znga looks promising
. What do you think

>> No.19622540

what do you use?

>> No.19622566


>> No.19622580

is IVR worth buying right now?

>> No.19622620

biggest gamble of the century

>> No.19622709

Fuck yeah I'm all in

>> No.19622799
File: 360 KB, 1200x673, 1591622161839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are tanker bros doing?

>> No.19622878

It looks good and they recently acquired a big other company. They made farmville for Facebook which was huge when I was younger

>> No.19622951

Since I keep seeing this mentioned I'll finally chime in. Zynga is huge and makes huge money. They steal game concepts, rename stats and rework a few minor things (sometimes, sometimes they blatantly asset flip things, mostly flash games and non-copyright stuff or things smaller studios make that can't compete with their big-time lawyers)
Then they put a bright shiny coat of paint on it and sell it. Literally. Shinier looking buttons, UI polish, lots of microtransactions now I'm sure.
They make great games because they are just making new good UIs for already great games and reselling them.
Future is bright so long as people continue to not be scrupulous about trivial game purchases, so generally bullish just scummy to hold. But money is money so if you're okay with it, grab some.

>> No.19623002

>But money is money so if you're okay with it, grab some.
Meh i can make money in non shitty ways

>> No.19623035
File: 22 KB, 559x136, Screenshot from 2020-06-09 17-59-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to make it OIL bros.

>> No.19623054

I thought there was an oil glut.