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19602666 No.19602666 [Reply] [Original]

How legit is this? Any details on their CSD? Are burgers allowed?

>> No.19602707

666... strong buy signal. what is this tho?

>> No.19602760
File: 303 KB, 598x714, 1527021943080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinmetro exchange. I heard they will be launching a CSD platform in July, issuing tokenized bonds and real estate. I want to know if burgers would be allowed to participate.

>> No.19602944



>> No.19602991

balistic bb shot. = fast as fuck growth. WHATS THE TOKEN ADDRESS?? I WANT TO GET IN ON IT!

>> No.19603037

>Are burgers allowed?
yes ive been using it and held XCM for a while now

>> No.19603515
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It's only available on their exchange , that's the utility token for the whole Coinmetro ecosystem.

Listen guys , I hold a little more than 400k XCM. I have a little bit of insider info and rest assured that this thing will pump hard very , very soon. They are getting a lot of things going for them right now. Buy some while its still cheap and stay tuned is all I can say to you.

>> No.19603664

OK, how much do I need if I want to make it?

>> No.19603741

At least 100k , maybe 50k would cut it but 100k would be the optimal for me

>> No.19603797

I bought at the icon but never transferred the coins to wallet. Haven’t looked at the wallet in years do I need to transfer the coins over or anything or will they just be there?

>> No.19603841

You don't have to transfer them to a wallet. You will need to pass KYC if you haven't already and your coins will be available on the exchange.

>> No.19603874

Thanks I must actually go onto the exchange. Was excited for the project then crypto started crashing and I just forgot about the whole thing for a while

>> No.19604073

The pieces are finally coming together buddy. I recommend watching the last AMA (Q&A starts at 26:20) https://youtu.be/BqCG4dtsndk?t=1581

>> No.19604152


>> No.19604278

That's bullish.. r-right?

>> No.19604729


>> No.19605678

They have missed every deadline so far. Why do you expect them to launch in July this time?

>> No.19606192

You can't argue with 666 and id so fuck off

>> No.19606324

>tfw 210k XCM stack

I'm gonna make it bros

>> No.19606399
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FYI, they signed a contract for USD last week so expect it within a month. SWIFT transfers will be available by then as well.

GBP + individual IBANs + new dashboard coming this week though, stay tuned

>> No.19606741

I'll be filthy rich. Cya at $5

>> No.19606841

They miss deadlines but they are getting it done even if it takes more time than anticipated. You can go on the live AMAs with the money forehead every week and ask about the progress or whatever. This is a slow burn nerds and not some uni swap pajeet shit

>> No.19607345
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, boomerkevin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious trips.

Check out this recent huge CoinMetro review


Everyone who buys xcm now will be a filthy rich xcmlet in the future.

>> No.19607852

holy. that table of contents

>> No.19608018

Get real. At least two anons have posted proof of holding more than 5 times that amount.

>> No.19608042

that ambassador system seems great, with 40% fees from your direct referrals. that could become some serious passive income if the right people use your link. i just don't get it how some of the folks on tg get so many referrals. some guy claims he's got 1k.

>> No.19608056

your point being? he'll still make 100 - 200k with his stack at some point in the future, pretty sure about that

>> No.19608066

nice one, cheers

>> No.19608077

You make a site that "predicts" the xcm price and have a link to Coinmetro with your referral code stealthyinbedded in it. I can't imagine 1000 referalls being better than owning 100k xcm right now.

>> No.19608102

That would make two /biz/ posters millionaires. The bogs wouldn't allow it.

>> No.19608126

maybe they're the bogs
anyway, does anyone have any idea what source of income the exchange is going to live off if they give 40% of their fees back to users? seems like a lot. 10 or 20% would be enough

>> No.19608568

So? I'm not them.

>> No.19608592

They have several products that they cross-sell to clients. The fees they make on margin lending far surpasses what they'd make on normal fees anyway. The upcoming debit cards will also be a source of revenue for the exchange.

>> No.19609157

>The upcoming debit cards will also be a source of revenue for the exchange.

>> No.19609226

From fees, how do you think?

>> No.19609424

I like their copy trading.
Any small exchange that solely relies on fees will have an income problem. Also, they need low fees to be competitive.

>> No.19609639

TransferWise offer zero fees. How can they stay competitive?

>> No.19609915


>> No.19610028

Debit cards are a side offering, not the main product. Furthermore, Coinmetro's debit cards will allow you to pay with the fiat currency of your choice, as well as cryptocurrencies and tokens. So it's up to you whether or not you want to pay with EUR, XCM, BTC, etc. So it's a lot more versatile than TransferWise (though I admit I don't really know much about how TransferWise works, I assume it's just a regular card with no fees).

>> No.19610093

ico bagholder, bought more every time i could, poorfag so only 17k
loving the project, i coined the term money forehead
i just don't see xcm going that wild, the main reason is it's being exchanged for fees
meaning more expensive it gets, less of it is exchanged
meaning less volume
there must be an equilibrium point and i would say it's less than a euro

>> No.19610414

>meaning more expensive it gets, less of it is exchanged meaning less volume

Think before you post anon, re-read what you posted

>> No.19610441

>make a trade
>fee is 100 €
>it's 4000 xcm
>xcm goes to 1 €
>same trade
>fee is now 100 xcm

>> No.19610606

And if XCM is at 2€, it's 50 XCM. What's your point? The price of XCM is directly correlated to volume due to how it's structured, so as long as the volume of the exchange increases, so will the price of XCM. There is no "cap"

>> No.19610683

what's everyones' take on csd? is it relevant? being active in montenegro... i don't know how big of a deal it is.
i just hope it's not a load of hot air

>> No.19610875

and when someone with 100k decides to dump, it will dump the price hard, that's my point

>> No.19610992

it's not just fees. check the tokenomics section in that medium article. >>19607345
cm still develops more tokenomics aspects, yet, their token is already more useful than most other so called exchange or utility tokens.

>> No.19611026

>negative maker fee

>> No.19611150
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So you're saying that price is influenced by supply and demand? Fascinating observation, really made me think.

>> No.19611239

ok, now read my first post again, and think really hard about it
if you still can't figure it out, too bad

>> No.19611368

How quaint. Someone who has saved up slightly more than 500 dollars after buying in whenever possible over two years thinks it's opinion is worth anything.

>> No.19611529

Let me explain it to you since you don't seem to understand:

>someone sells BTC
>0.1% is deducted as a fee
>that BTC is then converted into XCM through a market buy order
>1-50% of subsequent XCM is then vaulted, while the rest is split between Coinmetro and affiliates

As such, you can see that fees generated from trades on the platform cause constant buy pressure on XCM, which inevitably drives price higher. Add to this that 1-50% of the bought XCM is vaulted and thus removed from the circulating supply, which increases scarcity.

Therefore, we can conclude that the price is XCM is directly correlated to the amount of overall volume of Coinmetro. Thus, as long as the volume increases, so will the fees generated, resulting in more buy pressure on XCM which ultimately drives price higher.

Do you understand?

>> No.19611631

>being poor makes you stupid
ok let me draw it out for you:
the premise of xcm's value is it's utility, being bought automatically for every fee on the exchange
but what happens when it goes up in value? it gets bought less
so there comes a time when it isn't basically being bought,losing it's main purpose

>> No.19611672

Do yourself a favor and stay away from financial markets, you're too stupid for this shit.

>> No.19611720

Being poor means you are stupid. On a related note being ugly is also correlated with being poor and stupid.

>> No.19611766

at least i'm not deluded
and you investing in the same asset as me somehow doesn't make you stupid as well?
lamoing @ ur lives

>> No.19612484

lmao you guys
scientifically correct

>> No.19612823
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>> No.19613215
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This basically pretty huge and a killer USP

>> No.19613257
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>> No.19614000

pahaha at the height of the bull run retarded anons overbought into the pre-sale thinking they had the next BNB ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha all of their ETH got foreheaded hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.19614103

wasted trips

>> No.19614146
File: 209 KB, 849x514, 4zjwqZgcMZwW4nAgdGcEo4LA7eD23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy baggies

>> No.19614187

what was the date of the ICO? and the presale? how much was ETH worth then? also how desperate are XCM shills in here. just a few questions to ponder in poorland

>> No.19614248


>> No.19614432

Something something 2017/2018. And ETH was worth much much more. So what? The exchange is up and running since end of 2018. Additional unique services are available. The team is strong, transparent, and working constantly on improvements.

>> No.19615669

>The exchange is up and running since end of 2018
200k volume kek
>The team is strong
The absolute COPE how much did you lose, loser?

>> No.19615972
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as of today about 100% ROI. sry that you are a dump fuck who bought the ICO and sold his bags during the dump to me and my fellow xcmlets.

>> No.19616929

what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?

>> No.19617666
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Bought 100k. Wish me luck

>> No.19618223

>666 again
g-g- good luck mr. satan

>> No.19618810

Burger who took part in the ICO.

>> No.19619006
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only own 15k sadly but promising project
price predictions?

>> No.19619299
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>> No.19619697


i predict 1€ per xcm eoy

shit man beelzebub, you're on fire

>> No.19619842

5€ EOY, and I base that on absolutely nothing.

>> No.19619904


>> No.19619913

What the fuck??? Same ID got 666 again????

>> No.19620036

If dubs €5 eoy

>> No.19620054

if dubs, Boogie dies from a heartattack this year

>> No.19620127

>As such, you can see that fees generated from trades on the platform cause constant buy pressure on XCM, which inevitably drives price higher. Add to this that 1-50% of the bought XCM is vaulted and thus removed from the circulating supply, which increases scarcity.

so long run, who would buy other people's bags? sounds like some retarded hyper deflationary broken bullshit, but that's crypto in a nutshell I guess. retarded economics to dupe faggots into buying some bags of shit.

>> No.19620155

Pay attention anons.

August 2020 = €0.055
October 2020 = €0.12
December 2020 = €0.22
March 2021 = €0.50
July 2021 = €0.75

End of year 2021
XCM = €3.50

>> No.19620261

Same as with all assets, people seeking a profit. You could make the same argument with any financial asset, i.e. "lol why would anyone buy Tesla stock at 600 when it was worth 300 not so long ago?". The answer is, of course, because someone still thinks there is profit to be made.

>> No.19620643

Brah bullish as fuck.

>> No.19620759
File: 80 KB, 960x640, 40658722_870993759773211_8610773794795028480_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't signed up yet you can use my signup link to get free shit

signup link is in pastebin


>> No.19621015

USE THIS PROMO LINK TO GET 100XCM FREE https://coinmetro.exchange/signup (redirects to the promotion)

>> No.19621046

here comes the refniggers

>> No.19621221
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that is a scam link, use this instead >>19620759

>> No.19621261

no, you really can't. most securities actually have a value statement other than, muh tokenomics pumpamentals liquidity crisis because no one wants to buy my artificially scarce shitcoin that's up 2000%

>> No.19621301
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this is accurate

>> No.19621322

Ur delusional. Utility tokens at least have different perks tied to using them on the platform. Stonks are based on vapor and muh feelz.

>> No.19621444
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no way this is real

>> No.19621472


>> No.19621577

Holy fuck kevin went to the moon?

>> No.19621624




>> No.19621752
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moon confirmed, buying another 100k

>> No.19621801

Lmao this guy

>> No.19621888

The gravity of this coincidence. I ... I don't understand. I'll better keep buying more XCM.

>> No.19621917

comfiest hold 2020.

EOY at least 50 cent so 20x

>> No.19621980


>> No.19622005
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>> No.19622033


>> No.19622096

We will all make it

>> No.19622222
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I ... I just found something

>> No.19622245


>> No.19622300


>> No.19622309
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wtf is going on

>> No.19622314


>> No.19622319


>> No.19622327
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blessed we are

>> No.19622466


Listen to what the universe is telling you friends and buy XCM I'm not fucking kidding

>> No.19622553

So it's official. I will be rich.

>> No.19622675
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B-b-bros, i'm scared

>> No.19622897

Worked, thanks

>> No.19622997

50x until EOY

>> No.19623000

why does this look exactly like swarm city?

>> No.19623543

Good review. Needs some proof read. The content of this exchange seems massive.

>> No.19623557
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all the gets itt

>> No.19623985

It's legit