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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 1284x802, Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 11.02.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19591293 No.19591293 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19591340


>> No.19591365

Exit scam soon

>> No.19591381

greed, fomo

>> No.19591385

Trust Trump
Trust Sergey
Trust the plan

>> No.19591392

the clown world meme is real

>> No.19591406

The economy isn't anywhere near as fucked as the mainstream media would have you believe.

>> No.19591433


>> No.19591438
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>he thinks rising stock prices somehow correlate with economical performance

silly boy

>> No.19591459

2.5 million jobs gained last month, before most of the states have even opened up yet. What do you think is going to happen in June after most of the restrictions are lifted everywhere?

>> No.19591496

>he thinks the corona crash happened because of the media
go back to /pol/ retard

>> No.19591519

>he believes the meme flu is dangerous
Go back to plebbit

>> No.19591561
File: 1.22 MB, 1628x1318, Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 11.19.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an official CDC report from last week that not one single mainstream media outlet reported. Care to explain why?

>> No.19591564

I hope the U.S collapses soon.

>> No.19591570



>> No.19591602

>The greatest Pump and Dump event never told
you guys should start reading gustav le bon

>> No.19591612


>> No.19591627

>By Rajeev Chitguppi
Yeah nah pajeet. Reading reports wrong is not news.

>> No.19591658

Ok, then here are a few other sources along with the CDC report itself


>> No.19591665

A shit ton of bankruptcies and defaults?

>> No.19591700

dead cat bounce, it's going to plummet even farther than March by August

>> No.19591715

the great jew shill that wants to circumcise every american male, seems legit nigga

>> No.19591733

Who is a better authority on the coronavirus than the CDC?

>> No.19591765

>downward trending going into Obama's last term
>takes off as soon as Trump is elected
>skyrockets from stagnation

Trump is the libertarian goat

>> No.19591770

the rest of health organizations of the world, not some jew american one that wants to make the goy work again and buy some jew stocks

>> No.19591815

Based on antibody tests with known false positive rates up to 50%.

>> No.19591822

smoke and mirrors

>> No.19591831
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this is fine

>> No.19591842

They already got me, never even got a chance to get to know my foreskin before they sent him to the farm up north.

>> No.19591851

The stock market is always cheap compared to decades from now. idk why this is so hard to grasp.

Braindead put half your paycheck in index funds mogs 99% of active investors.

>> No.19591905

number go up

>> No.19592063

>he thinks the crash happened because of corona

>> No.19592087

when I said that retard?

>> No.19592243

love how the second half of the 12 year long bullrun is just total bullshit

>> No.19592362

you literally wrote corona crash dumbass

>> No.19592449

A lot of the top companies have never made a profit to begin with.. Amazon, Tesla, ect
It's a market share strategy

>> No.19592532

Stocks only go up

>> No.19592605

Capital has become sentient

>> No.19592617
File: 216 KB, 656x600, 1590773212603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countries are reopening while the global economy is recovering. Cruise lines, airlines, travel sector is about to reopen in summer, which leads to high demand on crude oil. Also the media likes to make things look worse even though it wasn't that really bad. For example, the media overestimated unemployment numbers and coronavirus victims. The media also overstated the riots and protests despite the fact that only a few cities in the US are affected, the number of protesters were also overstated. The media also downplayed the development of the coronavirus vaccines.

>> No.19592640
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>> No.19592671
File: 334 KB, 1179x516, 1591023391318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea im new to investing only got 1k to my name but i might buy some oil and cruise lines but i doubt theyre gonna open up since phase one only started today so i doubt there much of a demand for oil atm since i think most countries are closed likewise with cruises but they might be nice to hold for when they go up any shills?

>> No.19593238
File: 12 KB, 723x274, gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V shaped recovery complete.
You don't own stocks or participate in the "real" economy:
1) 55% of Americans own stocks (not You)
2) Negative yielding + 0% rate bonds exist
3) Money needs to move somewhere
4) The stock market is the economy 6+ months from now
5) The FED will do anything to backstop markets.

Too bad you did not 1) prepare ahead of time 2) make moves when it counted (PIC RELATED) 3) will always sit on the sidelines.

>> No.19593276

turns out the coronavirus was a nothingburger and everyone's gone back to normal already

>> No.19593292

What in the fuck is this clown world shit

>> No.19593316
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>> No.19593333

WHO said COVID-19 doesn't go airborne.
WHO is shit.
I actually agree with Trump disavowing WHO

>> No.19593338

Bear cucks on suicide watch 20k NASDAQ EOY

>> No.19593339

No it's rightly fucked FAR worse than the media reports. There is a massive wave of bankruptcies and delinquent loans incoming. Every trader is betting the American public will happily swallow all of it.

>> No.19593357

First it was make our portfolio's great again.
Now it is keep our portfolio's great

>> No.19593376

fake and gay
>Dec 31, 2012 96.60
>Dec 31, 2019 139.15


>> No.19593378


>> No.19593385

>this whole post
/smg/ tier delusional
>yea im new to investing

>> No.19593544

> stocks are always cheaper than a decade from now
No. There have been many 10-year periods on the chart where this was not true.

>> No.19593554

Go back to playing with your internet toy money then, retard.

>> No.19593643

If stocks are down, no other asset classes are giving stock-tier returns during the same time period. And if you kept buying in with your paycheck you would get dividends + cheapies and when it recovered you would get massive returns on the upside.

>> No.19593655

without dividend reinvestment probably only 1929

>> No.19593679

>WTI call 27% in the money with 11 days left
Feels good

>> No.19593685
File: 409 KB, 2804x2232, 20200608_092533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market was undervalued :)

>> No.19593844

you are missing the part where the 30 year bond is below the spy yields

>> No.19594065


>> No.19594591
File: 70 KB, 1024x903, 1586460085937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hides the amounts so no one knows his portfolio is <$5,000

>> No.19594866

>What do you think is going to happen in June after most of the restrictions are lifted everywhere?
The virus is going to come back for an even bigger wave and businesses will be forced to shut back down because everyone is sick.

>> No.19594888

I thought tutes weren't buying this dip. Who the hell is buying?

>> No.19594908

Too bad people have realized it is no worse than the flu

>> No.19594915


>> No.19594931

So post them

>> No.19595022

Boomers who kept wasting everyone's money started dying in droves
Expect an even bigger rise once the same thing happens to all the niggers soon

>> No.19595058

>still thinking people are looting
your hillarious

>> No.19595146

It doesn't matter if they're out right this instant or not, since they all already got it it last week

>> No.19595147

Boomers are not dying in droves retard

>> No.19595161

I would say the greatest american industry of the future is space.

>> No.19595556

I assure you that the amounts would leave 99% of /biz/ feeling overwhelmed - without mentioning the total balance of that particular account.

>> No.19595880
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x1144, 1591355994396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you have fast and alert plans for the inevitable result of playing this kind of market. This thing is a zombie, do not get crushed trying to grab nickels from in front of the steam roller.

>> No.19595897

this has never been a reliable indicator for calling tops dumbo

>> No.19596044

1) Money has already been made. Profits have been taken. Very high estimated taxes already paid.
2) Don't shoot the messenger, per my initial post, **money has to move somewhere with yields this low**.
3) Hint, hint.

>> No.19596241

the market isn't stupid, they know an election year hoax when they see it

>> No.19596483

I really really want to believe this but it's cope anon

>> No.19596543

Money is parking in the stock market because low interest rates destroyed the bond market

PE ratios will go to 100+ screencap this post

>> No.19597498
File: 24 KB, 468x380, 410007-1584572869315075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First things to look out for (these are actually happening now)

>commercial mortgage backed securities and regular MBS default rates sky rocketing (April to June)
>Real Estate market forms a top and then starts to sell off with liquidity completely dropping out of the market (July to September)
>cmbs defaults cause huge banking crisis, because of fractional reserve $100 of this debt going bad destroys over $900 of currency
>velocity of currency already at rock bottom due to corona, fed mistakenly thinks that because inflation hasn't shown up they can keep printing
>money flows downwards through pic related as panic sets in to financial asset markets (q1 2021) Dow and S&P crash spectacularly
>fed sees deflation, prints even more to try and prop it all up (it won't work)
>turning point is reached and faith in currency is completely lost, hyperinflation ensues (q1 2022)
>precious metals and crypto moon, stock market rallies but in real terms is BTFO, US is now stuck with a zombie economy, anyone with half a brain leaves as it descends into a mix between Venezuela and South Africa

>> No.19597591

This is happening because retail traders are still net short

>> No.19597632

is trump even human?