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19580376 No.19580376 [Reply] [Original]

>each token will represent 1/10th of the value of ETH in the next week or so when the mainnet goes live
>each token is currently 1/140th the value of ETH
Honestly who the FUCK isn’t in this token yet

>> No.19580413

> This is gonna 14x

>> No.19580424

OMG is 2017 meme

HEX3T is only thing that matters.
Plenty of potential.


>> No.19580466

I’m in, I laughed at the memes about OMG for a year now but this tether shit changes everything. I’m a Omisegoy now

>> No.19580499


Let them miss out.

>> No.19580524

Tether represents 1/3rd of ETH network transactions. OMG Network will charge 1/3rd the fee rate of ETH. 1/3rd of 1/3rd is 1/9th.

There are 140 million OMG (final count) compared to 110 million ETH (still growing). Overall this means the current value of the OMG Network is 1/10th the current value of ETH. That’s basic math. OMG Network is able to handle everything that ETH can.

Whether the price will reflect this is another matter, but the likelihood that the price will go up significantly is huge. 10x or 14x I’m personally not so fussy.

>> No.19580548
File: 81 KB, 600x536, 68249256-225B-4AD5-B551-31E38B0D814D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling a vapourware literal shitcoin in a thread about a token made by the largest payments provider in SE Asia
Hope you’re getting paid for that at least

>> No.19580642

When staking?

>> No.19580657


>> No.19580823
File: 294 KB, 545x522, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm split between this and Loopring, which 2 layer solution will see more gain?

>> No.19580915

Staking soon as “watchers” But you still get the same rewards until the team is happy the blockchain is running smoothly and there are no unexpected bugs. Then full staking will commence.

>> No.19580940

I would buy a bit of both desu, but I think OMG is definitely a more broad and standardised solution. Both the sender and receiving address have to own loopring to use it, which is a slight downside for adoption IMO. I can definitely see why tether when with OMG if that’s the case.

>> No.19580994

same unironically, lmao.

>> No.19581036

you're the same anon shilling this shit daily (and you did it in that linkies sent to wrong address thread).

>> No.19581048
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 5DF85A7C-A22B-4993-A852-8713F1E85DFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traffic does not drive prices up dumbass. when tether moved to ETH the price of ETH did NOT increase due to all that increased traffic. it was a nice theory but it is ignorant of facts - traffic does not drive price. sorry you're stupid

>> No.19581118

Wait why wouldn't more tx fees increase price?

>> No.19581120

no that was me anon

>> No.19581150


>he really thinks this

>> No.19581158

>more transaction fees for stakers won’t increase the price
Did you think about that at all before you posted it?

>> No.19581189

There's literally zero staking right now retard. Sure there's some vague promises of "staking soon* but no concrete plans or dates. It could be years and by then ETH could have scaled on its own.

If anything this will increase the price of eth since more people can use it again without paying $5 a transaction.

>> No.19581260

2k omg, i can afford another 2k, shall i do it or wait a bit?? The other stack is into ERD i rly dont wanna sell erd and go all in omg,

>> No.19581279

i remember making $4000 daytrading this back in 2017. good times.

>> No.19581281
File: 57 KB, 594x439, 55D46FED-A74B-41E9-BD8F-3850EF81BD7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the theory was tested when tether moved to ETH - ETH's price did not increase despite all the traffic
>Tether represents 1/3rd of ETH network transactions
theory: fail

>> No.19581286

There’s no staking on ETH either retard, and ETH staking is much further away.

>> No.19581306

Stop. Not done accumulating.

>> No.19581309

Tether was already priced in at the time because the price of ETH is based on speculation about future adoption. If ETH has been severely undervalued like OMG is, then the price would have moved.

>> No.19581326

How will this not be obsolete with ETH 2.0?

>> No.19581334

You’re unironically a brain let anon, I’m sorry to tell you. ETH staking is even further away than OMG which is exactly why OPs calculation still makes sense, they’re in the same position so you can compare them quite easily.

And yes, it might have a positive affect on ETH price too, that is irrelevant.

>> No.19581416

I see people post this shit all the time. ETH 2.0 doesn’t exist yet. It’s 2 years away at a best guess. Obsolete doesn’t mean it will be useless in 2 years.

In reality ETH will need both OMG layer 2 AND ETH 2.0 because business adoption requires more than 1 scaling solution to work in tandem. This is why the EEA posted their standards a few days ago and stated they recommend using layer 1, layer 2 and off chain scaling techniques for business application. OMG Network scaling also scales ETH 2.0 and together it will allow upwards of billions of transactions per second, which is exactly what businesses want in order to adopt ETH as the smart contract solution

>> No.19581459

Both the sender and receiver have to own and deposit OMG.
You don’t even know what you’re shillingz

>> No.19581473

Kek, anon please don’t make a fool of yourself like this

The price of ETH is based purely on what people think staking rewards will be like in the future. This is based on transactions on the network, just like OMG. You think the price of ETH is magically based on something else and that staking rewards don’t affect it? You’re completely wrong and as this anon said >>19581309
the speculation was already priced in

>> No.19581490

The receiver doesn’t have to own OMG, where are you getting that from?

>> No.19581542

I've been in and out of this shitcoin since June 17 and since then they've been promising staking as months away. I would bet my entire crypto stack that ETH staking is launched first. They say it's not far away but come on, they can't even give a timetable or any sort of details, or even confirm for a fact that it's actually coming.

I don't know enough about the product currently since it's changed so many fucking times but from my limited reading it seems like some sort of half assed centralized system with Bittfinex overseeing all the transactions (LOL) as if tether needs less transparency. I bet they'd need to redesign from the ground up to add decentralized staking.

Buy Kyber if you want staking rewards in the next couple months.

>> No.19581666
File: 41 KB, 396x382, 8DF7D44A-5B8D-4F38-A748-D10104E7C1DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you morons don't get it
and neither does this faggot. transactions on the network do NOT drive price, this has been proven when tether went to eth, it had ZERO effect on price despite the fagload of transactions it brought to the network. OMG could absorb a ton of transactions and that would still not drive the proce of OMG up. you retarded faglords are going toneck when yourtheoretical gains fail to materialize

>> No.19581679

Anon the documentation for setting up a watcher network is already up as you can see here

They intend to run watchers and let OMG holders stake as watchers as the next step. Vansa the CEO confirmed this in this interview which is on their website


Sorry anon but your OMG fud Khyber shill isn’t gonna fly here. OMG staking will be in the next free months and ETH is still years away.

>> No.19581706
File: 50 KB, 625x626, DBEF3F47-D4C6-4CC4-A5DA-50FDF9C8C5A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>staking return doesn’t affect price