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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1956152 No.1956152 [Reply] [Original]

>sub total: 159.99
>tax: 10.08
Literally had to pay the government 10 dollars of my hard earned neet bucks just for buying something. Why is this allowed? There must be some other way to fund government.

>> No.1956157

>must be some other way to fund the gobment

cuck lmao
you mean to not fund them

>> No.1956162

Im cool with not funding them at all. All they do with our money is use it for wars while our infrastructure lay in ruins.

>> No.1956166

There is, it's called income tax.

>> No.1956171

Next time use crypto.

>> No.1956187

Im not really a libertarian but the way the government wastes our money and even gets us into debt is starting to make me see that we may be better off without them. If everything were privatized there would probably be more jobs and less crime too.

>> No.1956218

>gets us into debt
It's actually the government that's in debt. They use our tax dollars to pay that debt, but if they were to default debt-holders couldn't claim your assets.
>we may be better off without them
You don't want privatized legal systems.
Privatized prisons are shit. Government isn't great, but it's better than the alternative.

>> No.1956222

It was a good system until the government started to create superfluous government jobs every year as in most European countries.

>> No.1956225

>hard earned neet bucks

you mean from your autism disability check?

youre right we should limit government spending, start with eliminating all stupid welfare programs like this one

>> No.1956226

congrats you grew up and realized taxes are shitty

welcome to the right-wing

>> No.1956230

He just needs to mature a little more and realize that the government performs vital services that need to be funded.

We await you in the left-wing.

>> No.1956233
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>earn $92,000 adjusted gross income last year
>have to pay in excess of 30% tax on that
>get a federal refund of $1,900 but I have to pay new york an additional $1500 in taxes and file returns in two other states
>$150 for tax filing software and fees means I basically got no refund (plus some postage for returns)

>brother makes $11,000
>he gets $1500 back between his federal and and NYS returns

it's not fucking fair

>> No.1956239
File: 1.86 MB, 2399x1784, Race has no biological basis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government throwing money at niggers will make their IQ increase

>> No.1956241

but think of how much more you used the roads than he did!
its called paying your fair share!


>> No.1956250

>random greentext that in no way challenges what I said

>> No.1956251
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>employer is taxed on their payroll
>taxed on their sales
>you are taxed on your income
>pay taxes on your purchases
>pay taxes on your utilities
>pay taxes on your gas
>pay taxes on your property
>pay taxes on your investments
>go to the government for a permit
>pay fees for the filing



>> No.1956265

It's not supposed to be fair. People who earn more are taxed more because they can afford to be taxed more. If you don't do it that way, the poor get taxed into starvation.

>> No.1956266

Top bait. I'm sure all those wars, and all that money being thrown to nigger schools, useless wars, and welfare whoer are things that our society is really in need of.

>> No.1956269

Wrong, all of you. It's you paying the retailer because they owe the government, not you. Learn to tax damnit. The problem lies with corporate tax, not your individual pleebian scraps.

Nixing that all about me mentality might get some of you ahead in life.

>> No.1956271

>into starvation
>poor people are the fattest fucks ever and obesity just keeps increasing

Really fires up my neurons.

>> No.1956277

You can talk about wasteful spending if you like, and I'm all for reducing it, but we do need a legal system, law enforcement, military, schools, infrastructure, etc. That shit ain't free.

>> No.1956383

Isn't Trump supposed to be giving us a flat tax soon? Or is that just another thing that will never happen.

>> No.1956414

Trump never promised flat tax, but he's turned 180 degree on literally all of his promises any way so we should be glad for that.

>> No.1956481


The American government is a giant giant powerful and wasteful beast. It needs a lot of cash to run.

They twisted and tricked their way into people's pockets every way they could for the past 100 years.

>> No.1956484


Just look into the City of Compton's corruption and you'll get a glimpse into what's going on inside the actual government.

Setting corruption aside, it's sad when 1 in every 3 American citizens are under some form of imprisonment, where the slogan is "Land of the Free".

>> No.1956506

Its funny you say that shit aint free when in the 1800s it actually was free. There wasnt any beraucracy in it. We had real death penalties that negated the need for massive prisons.

>> No.1956806

It's not free, but the real life cost of these services is below 5% of current government spending on these things.

>> No.1956830

Government gives money to Universites that promote diversity and liberal cuck issues. You literally pay for those fat feminists to complain about how oppressed they are and how black people deserve more free shit

>> No.1956840
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>sub total: 100,00
>tax: 60,00

Welcome to Brazil.