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File: 81 KB, 640x1136, 1492145202958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1955410 No.1955410 [Reply] [Original]

this guy is probably happier than most of you will ever be

>> No.1955416

I doubt that for some reason.

>> No.1955419


>> No.1955420

Actually, when I was poor I was unhappy. Now that I'm well off, I'm actually a lot happier.
>money doesn't buy happiness
Is true. Happiness is a byproduct of my having money, I didn't need to spend it to get happy.

>> No.1955422

It at least buys good food

>> No.1955444

The funny thing is that, statistically, money does buy happiness up to a certain point. Happiness rises with income until you can afford to not worry about money anymore.

>> No.1955972

But the funny thing is that effects don't actually stop.
They keep going in little ways like stress levels and health benefits, up to the point where the ultra rich all but glow because they just feel so secure and confident and prestiged
It's quite interesting

>> No.1955982
File: 1.98 MB, 221x189, girlfrinds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be poorfag
>get good education and a good job with high pay
>finally buy myself good quality dress shirts and dress pants for 150$, excellent quality dress shoes for 750$
>girls mirin
>guys jelly
>feels good

And all thanks to money.

Remember - the only people who tell you that money doesnt buy you happiness are either those who never had any money to begin with or dont want you to have any.

>> No.1955987

Money, to some degree, gives you status and safety, and those things increases happines. Compared to when I was poorfag im much more confident and calm now. Really much more happy

>> No.1956057
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 63a7d4ad258c81dbd2f22ef5de1907c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw broke college student
> $10k i debt so far
> tfw I will never be able to take a bath with a poorly made hotdog floating by right next to me

Why live.

>> No.1956092

it's the sense of security that made you happy

>> No.1956100


>dress shoes for 750$

You might be a fag

>> No.1956197
File: 67 KB, 1152x720, Mrre62W[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. minwage poorfag

>> No.1956224

Why would someone opt to wear hard uncomfortable dress shoes instead of some comfy sneakers?

>> No.1956263
File: 21 KB, 430x295, 4435837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't need to spend it to get happy.

>> No.1956290

Rather be cmshitposting from a gold laced 757 then a 15 uear old car that might not make it home.

Fuck off

>> No.1956293

>money doesnt buy happiness.

Maybe nit newfag bit it buys a hoe and 2 trucms so i can dick and pour a dick shaped bunker...

>> No.1956305

Money doesn't buy happiness, but I'd say it increases your happiness as an exponent. A poor person who loves spending time with his wife and children will be more happy than a rich man who pushes everyone away. -- So it follows that the happy family would be a lot happier on a luxury vacation than a loner.

Money is an important factor, but it is not everything.

>> No.1956497
File: 140 KB, 700x939, 1489941142966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being poor is stressful, it leaves no room to find happiness

Being rich means you can retire, and focus on all the things you like, like watching anime, masturbating to loli hentai and maybe get a qt golddigger gf

>money doesn't buy happiness

that's just a phrase wagecucks repeats to themselves to make their existence bearable

>> No.1956727

Why is that image getting used so often. It was amusing years ago, not so much today.

>> No.1956732

truth is depression can quickly engulf your mind if you don1t have something to struggle against.

if you can't challenge yourself set goals to yourself and strive o reach them, no matter how much money you have you will become unhappy even suicidal. if you are rich tho you can chose from a vastly more wide palette of goals and struggles than bare existence obviously.

>> No.1956810
File: 64 KB, 1200x849, kev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happiness doesn't buy money.

>> No.1956848
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I've heard that phrase often enough but surprisingly not so much from poorfags. I'm an immigrant and the first in my family to actually get into higher education. I've been driven to it by my entire family as they always said that if I don't get a proper education I will live like them, working 10 to 12 hour days just to pay the bills. The people who say money doesn't buy happiness are always upper or upper-middle class and they never lack the typical SJW qualities like "everyone is equal" and "we're all just human". They have never had to deal with any shortages and their parents pay for every one of their desires. It is not rational people who say this. It seems like a very lofty idea, bordering on delusional. With money you are free to pursue whatever makes you happy. You can choose what job you want to work. You can travel. You can buy quality gifts for you friends and family. Not having any money leaves you with nothing but one thought, how to earn enough to get by. And as that thought clouds your entire life you grow into a miserable lump. Thinking about it, money may not actually buy happiness. It is a vital requirement for happiness. Of course, by happiness I mean being capable of living a fulfilled and meaningful life. Living without money has made me bitter in many ways, making me jealous and angry but I feel like I have grown a lot over the years and taken a much more realist stance than those preaching such unrealistic fuzzy ideas. I have planned my future and I know I will be able to provide for my future and ensure their quality of life, while those who have been telling me money doesn't matter, lose everything they thought was a given. Please excuse the mistakes I make, English is my third language.

>> No.1957086

in a way it doesn't directly

if you have money in the millions and thats a point you can live a middle class lifestyle without much worry about your future financially

however by products of the money can give temporary happiness (cars, clothes, drugs, etc). the key to sustained happiness is a sense of genuine belonging (like having friends you truely like who truely like you or a significant other who you really like/really likes you) and money doesn't get those. although you can argue it helps having money as opposed to being broke

>> No.1957101

It's just one retard spamming his shit.