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1954992 No.1954992 [Reply] [Original]

has /biz/ ever had an experience with high end escorts?

what was is like?

and how much do you think pic related would cost for a night?

>> No.1954998

No, waste of money.

Closest I've come is a Las Vegas strip club, which was also a waste of money.

>> No.1955005

So you have no experience yet a strong opinion. Thanks for the insight, will donate 1BTC to Susan G. Koman in your honor.

>> No.1955006

Yes, because escorts are very clearly a waste of money.

>> No.1955049

Just one small initial investment for her to come to you and for the sleepy stuff then she's free forever. You probably might want to pay for her food though.

>> No.1955064

she's probably not worth what you will pay, but you should get some good stories at least. That's how strippers tend to work for me.

>> No.1955069

Na luckily im not aspie and get pussy for free literally just nextflix, chill, then fuck

>> No.1955099

not really, no

they have a specific time and place

>> No.1955124
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High-end escort here

>> No.1955128

post proof

>> No.1955136

Unless you're using them to entertain clients, yes, really.

>> No.1955143

Why are you asking this on fucking /biz/?

>> No.1955146

if you don't want to put up with pretending to like a girl long enough to fuck her, then having to deal with the fallout afterward, a hooker is a better solution provided she's attractive and clean

you will understand when you're older than 22

>> No.1955156

29 and casual hookups are a thing.

>> No.1955166

yeah honestly if you're in your late 20s and still doing casual hookups on a regular basis, you're fucking up somewhere

if i can pay to not have to deal with the hassle, i'll do it

>> No.1955178

this girl probably isn't an escort

that said, the most expensive escorts cost about 1200/hr

you can fuck a decent looking one for between 300-600 depending on your negotiation skills

>> No.1955188

Escorts are ridiculously expensive compared to an average qt you can pick up at a local nightclub.
Now I know some of you don't have the looks or the time to pick up a girl at these places. I understand perfectly troublesome it is, the akward chit chat, the mindless dancing, buying drinks and there is a chance you can get blue balled. Forget about all that heres what you do
>withdraw cash
>go to club
>find qt
>ask her if she has a bf ( if you're ugly skip this step )
>if she says no offer money for sex
>if she refuses look for another
You're bound to find atleast one slut that will accept and you will save time on the formalities.

>> No.1955193

i can tell you've never actually picked a girl up before

>> No.1955195

>not paying for sex
>not having to deal with drama
>fucking up
You have a strange definition of fucking up.

>> No.1955209

it's not that i have a strange definition, it's that you can't read, famalam

>> No.1955211

How much and where?

>> No.1955219

Fairly certain I can read. Maybe you can't write?

>> No.1955222

>the russian kim k... anastasiya kvitko

i see you're a high test male, op

>> No.1955223

at some point you have to realize its not worth replying in a b8 thread anon

>> No.1955226

no. now i just cut to the part where i call you a faggot manchild

>> No.1955231

I know you're right, but sometimes it's fun.
Okay sweetie. You have fun wasting money on prostitutes while I put mine towards vastly superior activities.

>> No.1955235

>go to club
>solicit sex from non-criminal females
>get arrested, charged after getting nose broken by bouncers


>> No.1955238

Been doing this for almost 2 years works almost every time. Women like confidence and money, you need to be straightfoward with your intentions but also you cannot be a creep about it. If you don't believe me it's fine, but I don't get why is it hard to believe that women would accept money for sex.

>> No.1955248

>t. Dude who's gay enough to do mindless faggy shit like bar crawls

>> No.1955253
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>I know you're right, but sometimes it's fun.
playing the shitpost game makes you become the loser

>> No.1955257

to commit to such outlandish and idiotic behavior, i.e. offering non-escort women money for sex (something I'm sure has gotten you into a shit load of trouble), is truly an impressive feat

really i commend you autism

>> No.1955286

It can get you into trouble that's true, but I am lucky enough to not get into it. Guess I have an eye for telling when a girl is a skank

>> No.1955293

the fuck do you keep calling them escorts?
she's a hooker, call her for what she is.

>> No.1955306
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>When you're a grown up like me you'll understand the advantages of prostitution

>> No.1955315

>he doesn't see the irony of him mocking someone's maturity while posting nazi memes

how's life as a reclusive neckbeard, you disgusting loser

>> No.1955469

Do you ever plan on settling down and having a family and all that?

Or are you a permanent party girl?

>> No.1955510


Do you ever enjoy the sex with the client, or is it just 100% about putting on an act and getting the cash?

The one time I tried a hooker I did not feel good about it. She was all about the money right from the start, and didn't really seem interested in doing me, just getting my cash and getting out. Buzzkill.

>> No.1955517


> Talking to a girl you just met
> Offer her cash to have sex with her

As someone who is decent with women, that sounds like a terrible idea that would go poorly about 90% of the time.

But I do agree with the sentiment. If you're about to spend $300 on a hooker you can take that same $300 go to a nice bar in town that has some single women and just buy some woman some drinks and take it from there. At least then you know you earned it.

>> No.1955541


>what is tinder for 200

>> No.1955549


Tinder is SUCH a pain in the ass.

And yes I have gotten laid from Tinder before, but lemme tell you how it goes.

Among women you match with:
>50% will not even respond at all
>30% will respond once or twice then vanish
>15% will talk for a while, maybe even over a few days, but when it comes time to meet it's excuse after excuse
>5% will actually meet you after some talking

Among that 5% half of them are gonna look worse than their picture. The other half will look like there picture and you can potentially get a nice little date going. And then 3 dates in you discover they are fuck crazy.

Which is why they are on Tinder.

>> No.1955553
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>> No.1955555
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Phuccin T H I C C holy shit

>> No.1955569


>> No.1955662


How long can you do the job without getting involved in drugs?

How much do you spend on upkeep vs. earnings?

Are there fetishes outside of BBW that rake it in?

>> No.1955797


What's the name of the girl in the pic?

Plz anon

>> No.1955802
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New topic of conversation: are the melons that >>1954992 has real or fake?

I'm inclined to say fake, but you can never be too sure...

>> No.1955911
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>muh superior activities
>posts on the chan

What did he mean by this?

>> No.1955922

You literally sound like a shut in who's only view of the real world comes from what you've seen on a computer monitor. It's pathetic

>> No.1955951

"prostitution is a disgrace to humanity...in its acceptance will the civilized peoples degenerate and gradually perish' -Adolf Hitler

>> No.1956059

>1 post by this ID

>> No.1956061


don't worry, maybe one day you'll grow up and realize bragging about the BMW you make payments for isn't a very fulfilling lifestyle.

>> No.1956104

How much money do i need to make to have a toy like that in my bedroom?

>> No.1956110

>pretend to like
I just fuck woman i actually like.
I also just fuck woman who like me.
OP is the kind of guy who needs escorts

>> No.1956113


same dawg, don't even need netflix at that. if you don't live in a shit hole, go on a walk, come home, drink or tea, fuck

>> No.1956116


women dont give as big of a shit about money as you think

>> No.1956154

very illegal

>> No.1956347
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Are you even trying anon?

>> No.1956387


>> No.1956821

>normalos will never ever understand implying they have the looks and confidence to pull off drama-free hookups yet still ending up on 4chan makes them look worse than the fat neet in his mom's basement

>> No.1956858

lotta poorfags in this thread

>> No.1956867

>22 years old

Good God.

>> No.1956871

>You're bound to find atleast one slut that will accept and you will save time on the formalities.
In a club I'd say a good 10-20% will take the cash. Generally out of women in their twenties 1 in 25 fucks for money. Read Freakonomics.

>> No.1956884

>a waste of money
Anything that doesn't produce profit is a waste of money

I like the way you think

>> No.1956886

Despite all pics on Asian backpage ads being fake, still booked a girl for $150/hr

Cute 30-something Chinese lady
Knew virtually 0 English, but was professional and was a good experience

would do again.

>> No.1956889

>$150/hr for some slant-eye who only knows how to say "me rove you rong time"

And "30something" is middle-aged for the profession.

>> No.1956898

jesus, just dress up nice and go to some shitty party. not that fucking hard. $150 an hour for a bitch chink that there are half a billion of on this planet...AND she's 30....epic fail man. epic fucking fail

>> No.1956901
File: 110 KB, 853x1280, 3834274_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the uk and while its technically illegal here the police dont care as long as the girl isnt underage or trafficked, we have a site called adultwork where women advertise their wares

i visit one usually twice a week, i usually stick to the czech girls as there cheap and provide decent services, your looking to spend around £50 for half an hour, extras (anal, rimming etc) are usually an extra tenner,

Havent been in a relationship in about 4 years and im slowly getting addicted to shagging whores.

heres one im visiting later tonight

>> No.1956906


>> No.1956908

dont knock it till youve tried it

>> No.1956923

Man having white girls to choose from must be amazing. 99% of escorts here are Asian, Latina, or black.

>> No.1956933

Only if your chad. If your not chad you better have money or a decent job or you aint gonna get any tang. Well you might can get tyrones leftovers but thats about it.

>> No.1956939

its the complete opposite here, ive been waiting for the best part of a year to try get a decent asian or black girl, grass is always greener and all that.

>> No.1956940

>Quotes Hitler or calls you a Got
Man, /pol/ is really poisoning 4chan these days

>> No.1956941

Just sharing an experience, no need to be upset
also it's a pretty good deal compared to the other girls on backpage....least in my area

I currently have a FWB so don't worry about me, but if I want a prostitute in a dry spell, I can afford one,
especially having yellow fever, I don't exactly live near the half billion chinese girls in asia fyi,

>> No.1956972

>visiting later tonight
Pics m8

You know what to do (sharpie in pooper)

>> No.1956981
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x3024, 20170403_224904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesnt allow filming mate, heres one of a czech milf that does though, 50 quid half hour, anal included

>> No.1956994

By rimming, you mean she will tongue YOUR anus?

>> No.1957002

yeah, i would never do oral on a working girl, fuck that.

>> No.1957012

I always wanted to try adultwork but I've been too much of a pussy.. any tips on choosing your first one?

>> No.1957016


Just pick up women on Tinder for free

>> No.1957028

Thanks I just got fired.

>> No.1957032

low-mid tier pornstar: $300

top tier pornstar: $1200

>> No.1957046

depends on where you live in the uk but heres some pointers:

do NOT book any romanian girls
only book girls with good reviews
dont book on the site, just phone or text them
before booking do a search on ukpunting.com, they have indepth reviews on most girls

>browsing 4chan at work

>> No.1957062

thanks for the tips, I live in London so there seems to be a lot of choice which makes choosing actually quite diffcult

>> No.1957088

in London they have alot of girls on tour from abroad and charge an arm and a leg, no matter who fit the girl is never pay more than 120 quid for an hour ( i only book 30 minutes sessions) and make sure to enter the username she uses on adultwork on the ukpunting forums as the adultwork reviews can easily be faked.

>> No.1957106

Life must be easy mode when you're Stacy/Chad

OP's girl is so fookin joociey boi.

Anyways, I have herpes so my hooking up days are over.

>> No.1957175

Would you ever recommend doing a walk-up in the Soho area?

>> No.1957457

back from my visit, great time was had lol, ive never punted in london but from what ive heard its similar to the brothels you get in manchester and edinburgh, wouldn't recommend it, the girls there see up to 10-20 clients a day so theres no enthuasism, you will end up with a crappy blowjob with a condom and half arsed sex, stick to the independant girls on AW, i know this from alot of trial and error just make sure there well reviewed, good luck lad

>> No.1957462

She looks so fucking fake

>> No.1957517

are you married to a girl who also has herpes, or are u forever_alone.jpg?
i think there is a dating site for sluts with STDs.

>> No.1957572

I'm a forever alone with herpes. Pretty much ex gf gave me the herp when I was 19. She cheated on me and didn't tell me. Then the guy told me he fucked her.

And now I have herpes.

It isn't such a bad life especially 10 years since the fact. Want to know a secret? Women don't care. Seriously. They don't give a fuck. Every girl I've told since then didn't care. If I wasn't a christfag I might have gone through with fucking most of them.

>> No.1957578

In 4chan, a Chad is someone who can hold a conversation with a girl

>> No.1957621

for a long term relationship it sure helps to be financially stable at least. and if you aren't a well-adjusted good-looking normie it will help if you're rich and successful to compensate for it. like i don't think elon musk would be dating actresses etc if he wasn't at least a millionaire.

>> No.1958120

You aren't going to have any kids. If you do, they are going to be fucked.

>> No.1958375


Genital or oral?

How bad is it? I've heard some people say it's no big deal, they got a little rash once or twice. Then I've heard other guys say it's pretty bad, they get bad sores, and it makes girls scared.

>> No.1958541

I'm that guy. It's not bad. I don't even break out anymore. The breakouts get less frequent and milder over time. Plus I eat well and excercise. If I do get a breakout, I just take a pill and it's gone in a week.

I got it on my dick full HSV2. Like I said, it's not bad. Sometimes I forget I have it. Wanted to kill myself when I first found out though.

>> No.1958604

Does anyone have any experience with shemale/tranny hookers?

I have a long term gf but I'm not gonna pretend that the feminine penis isnt alluring

>> No.1958688

Just FYI the strip clubs are bad in vegas. And very over priced.
And the hookers are worse. Never buy a hooker there, dead fish is the norm,

>> No.1959012

Well I'm guessing your in America so very expensive with poor customer service is what your going to find sorry. Other wise just go to the whore bar and find one that seems like a professional and enjoy.

>> No.1959068
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>> No.1959487

I was told a long time ago that every time you go out, make an effort to approach 5 women and hit on them. 9/10 you will find someone to go home with. I took this advice to heart and used it. It worked for me 8/10 times. I have never paid for sex. I am a 5'6" skinny dude with average looks and average personality. Been shot down lots of times, hooked up lots of times. Have hooked up with models and fatsos. Go out and have fun, if you go home with someone, that's cool, if not, just enjoy the night out with your friends.

>> No.1959502

There's no such thing as a "high end" escort. You can find decent girls for the average price (250 per hr). The "high end" girls aren't significantly hotter or provide better services but what they WILL do is turn you down if you're not a rich old guy, even if you have the money to pay them for the session, it's not worth it to them to take you over the guy in his 40s who makes 200k because the latter is going to be a repeat client, he's going to tip more, and he's probably not going to be as pushy as a younger guy.

You need to just familiarize yourself with the scene. Go take a look at some escort review sites for your area to find out who's good, who's not; whose pics are real, whose are fake, etc. Stick to girls working at agencies if you can. I don't know about your area, but around here the independent escorts are entitled cunts. They actually expect you to give them past references from other escorts you have fucked and other personal info. That's why I never go indie girls tend to pull bait and switch scams much more often.

>> No.1959509

I have oral herpes that I got from my parents. I haven't had a cold sore since I was a kid. I don't even think I can give it to another person.

>> No.1959659

solid advice
Unless you only aproach < 5/10s, in that case kys

>> No.1959843

Question: How hard do hookers let you fuck them? Let's assume it's a slightly pricier than average hooker.

I'm always worried that a quality hooker would have too many boundaries, and that there really wouldn't be much you could do about it since she has plenty of customers who are just happy to touch a woman once in a while.

>> No.1959892

I would assume the cheap ones are the ones who would let you fuck them like a pussy pocket. They'd drink your cum for a dollar.

>> No.1959910

And therein lies the problem, if the price of the hooker is inversely proportionate to how hard you can fuck them. I don't want a cheap one.

>> No.1960117

What kind of herpes? The ones on your mouth or genitals? I think 90 of the population has the oral ones so it's not a big deal

>> No.1960359

>living in aus dl tinder to see what the fuck it is
>1 match per week.
>20 matches one week. What the fuck ever prolly bots.
>was right.
100% of all matches fuck off after 2 messages. No problems. Safest bet I can take.
>one girl messaged me a third time. Jumbled garbage.
Time worth spent.

>> No.1960378

What the fuck is a Got? Some new nigger-speak?

>> No.1960386


Bar hopping is fun though

you do have fun, right anon?

>> No.1960448

Paid like a hundred something for escort to have sex hours before my 19th birthday, she was wondering why tf I was tense/nervous.

>>Her: "Why are you nervous. Are you a virgin, anon?"
>>"N..–No, I just never been to this side of the city, it's real sketchy"

She put the magnum on my cock with her mouth, then we started fucking

I told her to quit the fake orgasmic shit and just be natural,

For my first time I'm not gonna lie I was doing some extra fit pornstar shit, like I would fuck her slow first then speed it up and never run out of breath.

Then she would moan normally, I couldn't cum for some fucked up reason after like 40 minutes (death grip I later found out) then I jerk off and finished on her, so much fucking loads. Like I jizzed from her feet to her spine, and she caught some in her eye


>> No.1960727

'Hit on them'
What does that even mean?

>> No.1960752

Hey shawty. lemme holla at you right quick ya know what im sayin. checkin you out over there you lookin kinda good, ya know what im sayin. so i was wondering ya know how about you and me go back to the place, get comfortable, probably sip on some of this henney, you know what im sayin, and after that, you know what im... sayin, we can do the grownup and you can let me clap on dem cheeks, ya hear me?

>> No.1960765

you need to hit on somewhere between 20-30 women before you'll find one who's going to fuck you

and 20 direct rejections is probably more than most dudes will get in a lifetime

this is why all these PUA types eventually grow into raging misogynists

>> No.1960868
File: 1.23 MB, 708x1268, Liara Roux.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to try this girl.
Somewhat NSFW webm

>> No.1960953

Stop pretending, it's obvious role playing.

>> No.1960967

I read this post

>> No.1960993

"somewhat NSFW"

>> No.1961007

She is hairy as fuck

Did they reconstitute her navel into an anus?

>> No.1961015



>> No.1961021

I said it's nsfw.

>> No.1961044


ban this dude

>> No.1961157

This. This one girl that I visit once per week is starting to be real bitch wasting my time talking about how popular she is.

Are you from the Toronto or Vancouver area?

>> No.1961205

very hot, despite the armpit hair

>> No.1961667

"high end" escorts are the same who market themselves in regular agencies. It's just perceived value. At the end, they all suck your cock.

>> No.1961682

It's impossible to fuck hot girls for free unless you are Chad.

So coping with escorts is the only thing us sub-Chads can do.

I would kill myself if I was an USAfag tho, pathetic escort scene.

>> No.1961834

I could actually deal with the body hair if she werent so skinny. I like my women thick. No not fat. THICCCC. There is a difference.

>> No.1962100

>tfw escorts are the one thing Ireland doesn't have strict cuck laws on
>tfw I can occasionally fuck an "escort" for 50 euro a half hour if I want to

Ironically all the decent looking youngish girls are cheap as fuck and the ugly fat old women are like 200 euro. I guess there's actually plenty of decent looking young women but the old one's fill a niche fetish

>> No.1962142

What is the perfect amount of time to book an escort for? Is half an hour long enough?

>> No.1962348

I can deal with the bush... but the armpit hair... repulsive.

>> No.1962352

30 seconds for the average 4chan poster.

>> No.1962545

>I like my women thick. No not fat.
>There is a difference
Just admit you want to harpoon whales Ahab.

>> No.1962865

You need to go back to b

>> No.1962913

There is nothing feminine about male sex organs.

>> No.1962947

Ausfag reporting, I can tell you here the $500 - $1000p/h range will land you a professional that would even be enjoyed by the paying for it deniers. Mileage with the same money abroad varies, but generally the 'going rate' anywhere will net you standard or lower quality service.

>> No.1963005


I'd also like to know this.

>> No.1964146
File: 108 KB, 591x800, 11008593_10153295676062649_8933819902194055446_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britfag here on proxy >>1957046
30 minutes is perfect, if your a young buck or haven't released the seed in a while you can manage 2 pops in that time frame, don't know about the states but here you can book 15 minutes for around £30-40.

When its my first time meeting a new girl i usually go for this to suss her out, also good if your looking for a 1 pop pump and dump

>> No.1964609

>At the end, they all suck your cock.
yeah but the real high end will only suck it if you wrap it in rubber.

>> No.1965679

How are these shoes physically to walk in? Won't those tiny straps snap when she puts her weight on them? Unless she's putting her entire weight on her toes and the front of her foot, in which case those things must really hurt after a few minutes.