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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19547807 No.19547807 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the /biz/ness man stance on lying on your resume? Lying about degrees, certs, or experience? Anyone in HR know a thing or two?

>> No.19547982

i'm not in HR but i can tell you everyone seems to lie and use nepotism. I dropped out of high school, according to my resume I have a bachelors degree... never been checked so far. occasionally people get caught so be careful

>> No.19548224

Consider that if they're looking at you hard enough to potentially tell if you're lying, it means your interview ISN'T just a formality and that you may actually be in the running for the job.

But also keep the lying about job experience out. If I call a company and they've never heard of you, I'm going to put you in the 'get fucked' pile. Same with degrees. If you get through the system and it turns out that you really aren't a chemical engineering BS holder, that's my ass on the line for letting it happen.

Certs, yeah maybe can get away with that. The quality of cert courses vary so wildly that you could legit hold the cert but be actual dogshit in the skill. Also I don't know how old you are, but don't mention any political activism on your resume unless you're explicitly applying for a position in some kind of advocacy org or NGO.

>> No.19548246

/biz/ told me minorities get all the jobs yet i can't even get a fucking e-mail or call back with 3+ years of industry experience

>> No.19548378

It's the 3+ years.
Most jobs look for a full bachelors.
Also, you are trying to beat a bot most of the time so beef up your resume with keywords.

>> No.19548415

They check.

I lost a 75k manager job because I takes my degree.

>> No.19548434


They check less if you have a ton of exp

>> No.19548459

damn.. is your job related to your bachelors degree?

>> No.19548471

If youre applying to a corporation, lying wont get you anywhere because they fact check for insurance purposes. If you are applying to a private company, they will probably make their decision based on the interview. So lying on a resume is pointless

>> No.19548475

i have a bachelors in economics and 3+ years of experience. getting a good paying job these days is nepotism bullshit.

>> No.19548482

Anyone have expirience with milled degrees? Specifically, I've been thinking about using one for jobs teaching English abroad. Are they actually going to check?

>> No.19548493

Sorry, I didn't fully read that right.
IDK... just keep trying?

>> No.19548530

I'm not in HR but I do hire people. It's mostly for entry level stuff though so probably doesn't carry over for this topic but I do read at least a dozen resumes every day and it's obvious when people lie about certain things that pertain to my field.

Padding your resume gets you the interview though. From there it's on you.

>> No.19548542

>Padding your resume gets you the interview though
Pretty stupid blanket statement

>> No.19548566


story please

>> No.19548700

no, never. i have a "psychology" degree, without degree many doors are closed because people are retarded like that. I used to be against the idea of fudging my res.... but then you realize everything is bullshit and you're just going to get fucked financially by a bunch of liars anyway, who are often less competent. dog eat dog

>> No.19548709

Caught with a simple background check.
Caught when they look at the third-party site that validates them.
You might get away with this if you have some social skills.

>> No.19548784

>getting a good paying job these days is nepotism bullshit.
This so hard its insane. I know people who have been givin there position just because they know someone higher up in corporate management. Seriously though mix sum keyword in there like team-player, motivated, etc.

>> No.19548811


>> No.19548825

Forget a resume, just go and ask to speak to the manager and give him a firm hand shake

>> No.19548837

>You might get away with this if you have some social skills.

>> No.19548855
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>I dropped out of high school, according to my resume I have a bachelors degree... never been checked so far.

>> No.19548872

Good news OP.


>Only about 34 percent of employers check the educational qualifications listed on resumes, according to a 2004 study by the Society for Human Resource Management—even though the association found that 25 percent of people inflated their educational achievements on resumes.

>Among the minority of employers who do check college credentials, most only check a student’s attendance or graduation dates. Almost none check whether the university itself is properly accredited.

>> No.19548879

never have and I really don’t find it necessary

all I have is my associates degree and work experience. If you can make it to the interview you’re golden 9 times out of 10

>> No.19548947

Add a little bullshit skill that you likely won't be asked to draw upon, exaggerate your duties in your last job a little, don't make up degrees and work experience. The problem with the latter is it's super simple to catch out and you are fucked if they do. Only consider attempting really making shit up if you want to be there for 6 months and cut and run and really don't give a fuck if you get the job or not

>> No.19548981

irl meme
As in don't meme irl unironically

>> No.19549163

let me put in a disclaimer... I've never done this to get a job in field related to my "degree" it's only because most brainlet middle management jobs I've been doing require a 4 year or they won't even talk to you. I was lucky enough to get promoted to a management/authority position before i started lying about my degree, so i've got solid experience in managing people/operations, makes a huge difference if you have real world experience and some social skills. I'm also good at coming across intelligent/competent in person, in a very subtle manipulative way. In reality I'm retarded, can hardly spell or do math. You have to be careful and good at lying if you want to make it stick, better to just work for yourself somehow and not have to suck up, lie, put up with clown-world workplace to begin with

>> No.19549168

Always embellish, always be prepared to lie, have a plan

>> No.19549203

Yep exaggerate your duties in your last position within reason, basically give yourself a promotion but make sure you have an understanding of the workflow of the senior role. It’s the easiest way to move up, once you realise and comprehend that the reason people have their titles is because someone else said they could, you realise just how bullshit the heirachy is.

>> No.19549217

can you explain the keywords

>> No.19549254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19549287

Just bullshit, don't outright lie.

For example if you have a degree, put every little technique you used during pracs up as skills.

Ie. for a biotech you can write skilled in PCR, Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spec, etc etc.

Go back and check all your assignments for this sort of shit. Everyone does it so your fagged if you don't.