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19545546 No.19545546 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19545648

This rally is driven by leveraged call options from retail traders with zero support from institutional and the counter trend blowout is beyond ridiculous. You're celebrating too soon and it's gonna be another episode of pink Wojak spam this summer.

>> No.19545848

Unexercised call options don't actually move the market.
If it's a retail rally, it's one driven by retail buying of stocks.
I bought a lot in March and April, including more Visa, Apple, and Take-Two.
If there's another pullback, I'll just buy more.

>> No.19545900
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>the fundamentals
they say that if you're still in the market by the end of June you'll be tying a noose around your neck by the end of July

>> No.19545942

Our market is supported by the Fed, dumbasses, and big noses currently. This rally is artificial af, but I did enjoy the $400 gains today. Sold almost all of my high risk stuff for lower risk companies that have high potential to become a 2x within 6 months and no risk of bankruptcy. Lower risk companies I bought more of include AT&T, Halliburton, Altria, Viacom, and Schlumberger

>> No.19546031

What do you think of KBR? I'm watching all these riots and I want to invest in private security. I'm probably going to get some HAL even though it already jumped. I'm thinking infrastructure projects will need some contractors that can work with the expectation of danger. I wish I knew some more obscure private security firms but they change names too often.

>> No.19546080

Private security is probably a good investment right now. Halliburtons fair market value is $26.00 a share according to Morningstar. I would try and get it cheaper, but it's still a pretty decent price currently

>> No.19546363
File: 230 KB, 1435x2735, Screenshot_2020-06-05-19-11-15~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my stocks if you're curious. Yes, I'm a wagie, but I'm working on crawling my way out through promotions and college

>> No.19546433
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Seething bearfag cope

How does it feel to miss the easiest dip of your life?

>> No.19546456
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 6941A7AB-6C24-4D3E-97F3-C0F54087EE97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about fed inflated stock market
>buys debt laden boomer stocks

>> No.19546503

How does it feel to lose it all? I really do hope you take profits by the end of June

>> No.19546520

I own stock. I hope it's bull market

When I bought, they weren't inflated.

>> No.19546548
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>When I bought, they weren't inflated
>they weren't inflated

>> No.19546598


I keep trying to understand this level of retardation and I just can't.

The March crash was the market pricing in an estimated 3.6 million Americans dead and the total devastation that would wreak on the economy at large.

Instead, we got trillions of brrrrr dumped directly into the market, and it turns out corona-chan is only lethal to economic liabilities (really old, already sick people). New ATHs are basically inevitable unless someone nukes Manhattan.

>> No.19546597

How am I going to "lose it all" with companies like Apple?

>> No.19546611

Paint me a picture of the markets in July, please do tell. What do you see?

>> No.19546649

How does it feel to be underage and ganbling away your parent's money?

>> No.19546652


Us about 3 months into at least a 12-month bull market, financed almost entirely by capital flight from Europe and EMs, aka why the money printer has been going brrr since March but there is only now the barest hint of appreciable inflation.

Everyone's going back to work, the Euros are begging to loan us money at any rate of interest they can get, the only possible area of concern is commercial real estate as companies realize huge offices with all their overhead are largely obsolete

>> No.19546696
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>3 months into at least a 12-month bull market

>> No.19546699

>If there's another pullback, I'll just buy more
If there's another pull back you're going to lose everything you gained in a matter of seconds

>> No.19546708
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Too busy with their mouth full of bull cock.
Suck me harder, bobo!

>> No.19546737

So you're saying that when multi billion dollar companies lost 80% of their value they were still inflated? Do you seriously think they were that overpriced? Now they are, but I don't think that was the case when I bought very close to the bottom

>> No.19546746

S&P500 is breaking all-time highs this year.

>> No.19546752

>a-a-a-any time now!

You don't understand the fundamental principles at play here, which is sad -- thus you've missed out on the dip of a lifetime, and you will continue to bet wrong

>> No.19546753

Bull cock tastes good. That seman means I don't have to waste money on food. Just suck more dick

>> No.19546800

fake news.

banks sell options, hedge with stock. thanks for playing.

>> No.19546820

Saved for a reminder to all the smug faggots when it comes crashing down

>> No.19546989

>if you made money you just did something wrong

the post

It's only a matter of time before they figure out how to phase out the small time buyers that are keeping these shares afloat but until then why not accept it as a reality and just try to be sure you are ahead of the game when they end all of it and go back to their good old boy system?

I haven't read too much about it yet but I'm assuming XAN has a lot of deal in NYC? You think they are going to go up?

>> No.19547016

Still here, just watching you get more deeply entangled in a trap market that you won't be able to time the exit for.

>> No.19547026
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More seething bearcope
Post your losses

>> No.19547040

Went balls deep in VXX today. Keep the smug talk going bulls

>> No.19547056

Please, post yours. I don't have any losses because I am still waiting. Patience is key.

>> No.19547068

Short term, yes. Those are some of my only high risk stocks remaining and I only spent $200 on REITS listed here and ones that I couldn't fit into the screenshot. So far, I'm up over $100 on them. I will sell if it hits 2x because I have zero faith in them.

>> No.19547118

I just posted my big positions here >>19546363

>> No.19547189
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reminder to block and ignore finance doomers from now on
the world economy literally went to 0 for a moment and none of their fantasies played out

gfy stay poor
never short america

>> No.19547226

Our economy is still destroyed and our stock market is having fake pumps. I'm riding those fake pumps, but almost everyone on biz loses due to being ultra bearish or ultra bullish permanently

>> No.19547249
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it's not a fake pump unless you consider the fed to be "fake"
they will continue to do everything possible to pump stocks

markets are forward looking. a rekt economy in 2020 is already priced in. doomers need to let go of the 1929 parallel and accept this crash was much more similar to 1987.

>> No.19547266

God damn this is bearish as fuck

>> No.19547267

This but unironically

>> No.19547271
File: 54 KB, 560x746, 2mdron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our economy is destroyed
Imagine being such a brainwashed liberal cuck that you ACTUALLY believe this

Do yourself a favor and turn off the (((news))) for awhile

>> No.19547290

>t. Non business owner
You might be a red neck when

>> No.19547295

You want Good Fundamentals? Pristine DD ? 100X Potential? Read this:


>> No.19547297
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lol cope more

you missed the biggest crash this decade
it's not too late to get in
the roaring 20s are just starting. don't be that retard who misses the entire move while looking for a slight discount.

>> No.19547301
File: 282 KB, 1334x750, D0FF8B3B-AF05-4193-A97C-B32843692D4B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a retarded rally completely unsupported by fundamentals.

>> No.19547307

I don't really care about next month.
I bought quality companies at reasonable prices, and I'm willing to hold for years.
If there's another major pullback, I'll just buy more.
I have 30% in cash and bonds, so I'm prepared.
Add to that all of the "smart" institutional money that panic sold in Feb-March, and is now waiting to get back in, and it's hard to see how we could have another major pullback.

>> No.19547322

I made 80% on the ride up this month now i sold everything and picked up shorts

>> No.19547326

Let me put it this way, our currency is backed by nothing and they just printed their way out of a recession. Granted, this recession was caused by a virus, not actual economic reasons, but some of the same rules apply. Worst case scenario, we're keeping up with inflation atleast. Best case is that we crash every economy but ours since everyone's economy is based on this fake petro dollar currency. Hoping for the best case scenario of course, but be cautious

>> No.19547330

Institutions have fiduciary duties and hard exits and had to sell. Ask me how I know you only started trading recently.

>> No.19547341

Riddle me this. What has changed since 2008? I bet you thought we crashed because of the Chink flu lmao...

>> No.19547355

Forgot to mention, you do remember what happen In 20s right ?

>> No.19547392

Large corporations are almost unaffected, but many small businesses will never recover. Our economy is doing poorly. The Dow does not equal the stock market, but I personally do love my stock gains

>> No.19547401
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1568690357020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well good for you
i'm speaking from a long term perspective. of course we'll pull back eventually in the short term. lows are in though.

>What has changed since 2008?
you're 100% right. hardly anything. america still the #1 economy in the world and the #1 innovator. the 2000s were a secular bear. the secular bull is starting to take off, just like it did after 1987. if you're shorting america, you're delusional. there is literally nowhere else to put your money.

yes, one of the craziest bull markets ever.

>> No.19547469

why is this even an argument? everyone has set trailing stop losses and gotten 30% gains.

>> No.19547522

saved for when you're wrong reddit frog poster

>> No.19547638


>> No.19548006

yeah, that can happen with extremely fat red candles, but i highly doubt we will see those. there will be no second rug pull. if there's a retracement or a drop below march lows, it will be a slow crab downwards, just like every other recessionary period that follows a bull trap.

this coping bear delusion that all the stupid greedy retail bulls will suddenly and instantly lose their 30% gains is just that: cope.

>> No.19548068

If you believe you’ll have the option to take a loss you’re foolish . Only takes one candle.

What’s there to be bullish about anyway? My cab driver was talking about stocks today. Hmmm when was the last time I took trading advice from a cab driver

>> No.19548128

get over it bro. you missed the dip because you're a scared faggot. there's no reason to be vindictive about it.

>> No.19548171

yep this one's going in the I told you so folder for later

>> No.19548227

unemployment numbers look better than expected. just 12% not 25% lol
we are recovering. markets look forward. and there is optimism. people are returning back to work.

>> No.19548295

But I didn’t miss the dip lol

>> No.19548499

Literally no one knows what's going on. Anyone claiming to is larping at this point.