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File: 166 KB, 500x398, 1590770179472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19543778 No.19543778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm deciding if i can trust anyone's opinion here because i suspect there are actually lots of low iq posters who have views based in beliefs not reality

>> No.19543812
File: 31 KB, 248x400, 1584607645651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is everyone here racist
Just against jews mostly.

>> No.19543835

racism is not low iq its the other way lmao

>> No.19543853

Only low iq people are not racist

>> No.19543854

Yes everyone here is racist, or probably at least too racist for you. So fuck off.

>> No.19543865
File: 6 KB, 189x267, Big Guy 4 U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Mensa-tier IQ and am cautiously racist.

>> No.19543873

Reality like how blacks commit 50% of crimes but only comprise 13% of the population?

>> No.19543893

xenophobic, maybe
racist implies action
most people outwardly deliberately try not to express racism in words and actions
most people do expreience some xenophobia toward people whose ethnicities are different from their own

>> No.19543899

do you think if there was a list compiled of all the most intelligent and productive members of society that they would be all racist?

>> No.19543924

Don't know why you're stunned. Retards always believe they're smart

>> No.19543932
File: 49 KB, 763x784, 1591115947822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people play DotA 2 League is Reddit and shitskin central.

>> No.19543938

If you do not understand the Kingman coalescent, lack working expertise in the diachrony of three language families, cannot explain the bathymetry of the Arafura Sea, are insensate before the paintings of the Maros-Pangkep karst — you cannot enter even the antechamber of racism.

>> No.19543965
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, N4zupbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are genetics rooted in reality to you faggot?
>The farther away from the tropical equator you go, the more long term planning you need to survive winter
Hence why Niggers Nig, and other races can actually practice self restraint.
>inb4 Inuvialuit
They had among the highest IQs of North America's natives. If left alone for another few thousand years, would have eventually taken over the rest of the continent.

>> No.19544000
File: 461 KB, 1198x798, 1569968661714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism is both a high IQ and low IQ stance anon

>> No.19544007

If they were honest? Yes.

>> No.19544050
File: 41 KB, 568x726, 1554679369489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of person doesnt value their own race more than others? Would you really trust such a person more than you would trust his opposite?

>> No.19544060

They would have libertarian views, which are technically racist according to niggers.

You can see this by comparing political affiliation to median household income of an area.

>> No.19544083
File: 496 KB, 669x637, Stupid-Racists-Pierce-Updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism is science and the science is settled.

>> No.19544096


>> No.19544101

and niggers, spics, jannies, and trannies

>> No.19544122
File: 128 KB, 1131x888, brain-size2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger do you need more red underlines or is this data clear

>> No.19544134

Yes. A list of all the racists in the world would just be a list of all the people in the world.

>> No.19544145
File: 726 KB, 450x1035, IQ-Related-To-DNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

75% of IQ is inherited, other studies show as much as 85%. Niggers have 55IQ averages in Africa, racism is science. 90% of interracial violence in the Us is black on white, because race.

>> No.19544150

I'm not racist but I'm not politically correct either. I'll say things as I see them no bias, no agenda and I have no political loyalty to any group or cause. It's everyman for himself here with a few genuine people who shill gems amongst all the shit

>> No.19544167

only against jews

>> No.19544172
File: 155 KB, 480x480, racist-word-to-shut-down-communist-criticisms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being racist is being at least a social but not economic communist.

>> No.19544211

People that center their worldview around an ideology, ie. identitarians, are low iq, regardless of where they sit on the political compass.

>> No.19544210

yes sir
fuck negros
fuck jews
and most of all
fuck all the tranny fuckers who feel offended by that

>> No.19544240

and I can confirm that /biz/ falls into this category

>> No.19544266

I'm not a racist, I just wanna make it and leave the city.

>> No.19544269

No, it's because of [insert impossible to prove/disprove theory here].

>> No.19544272
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>> No.19544274
File: 285 KB, 673x672, IQ-niggers-are-retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You side with 55 IQ hybrid apes from Africa and think were the dumb ones when we have all the data on our side. Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night you political invalid.

>> No.19544286

no, i view people based on their actions regardless of skin colour

racism is angry seething low iq, antiracism is chad enlightenment, with brothers of every creed.
caring too much about anything is pretty gay imo

>> No.19544319
File: 97 KB, 640x487, muslim-rape-gangs4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not caring about mass child rape is complicity and deserves a death sentence under international law.

>> No.19544351

my sides, you dont think those drongos down below are that stupid do you

>> No.19544358
File: 75 KB, 750x495, australia-abbos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats referring to the Australian Aboriginals.

>> No.19544372

nice bait
fuck niggers and kikes
and fuck trannies too

>> No.19544374


>> No.19544383
File: 57 KB, 800x600, Cave-Beast-Abo-Beauty-Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dont find that beast attractive youre a bigot, come on tell me about how the cave beast > white women now

>> No.19544393
File: 74 KB, 1172x659, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead and get yourself all pent up and angry about it, while i sit here not caring making money
you sound pretty emotional anon, take a breath

>> No.19544401

I respect the individual and think that ideology and IQ ultimately matter more than your skin colour.

That being said;
-In group preference is real across ALL races
-There is vast empirical evidence that blacks are on average disproportionately have lower iqs and are more violent than other races
-There is vast empirical evidence that jews are on average more biased towards being nepotistic racial supremacists who repeatedly promote cosmopolitan, marxist ideas that repeatedly subvert civilizations over the course of history

It’s the facts, just like how blacks are generally disproportionally represented in sports or jews are disproportionally represented in finance and politics or whites are disproportionally represented in gun ownership and hobbyism. I don’t understand how racial reality and differences can stop mattering to some people

>> No.19544433
File: 285 KB, 445x618, okay boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea a million white kids raped, ha ha, who cares. Just be sure to shut the fuck up and give similarly zero fucks next time whites slaughter some more invaders.

>> No.19544446

The 110 one is a evil little basterd though, he could do some real damage from being underestimated.

>> No.19544479
File: 64 KB, 1024x682, F9CEB84F-8284-4E53-9C26-CBF8F148E1AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19544481

Your reactionarism is understandable considering you feel disenfranchised, however, you need to realize it is driven by emotion rather than logic and reason. Your out-of-context infographics are cute though.

>> No.19544496

meant for >>19544433

>> No.19544546

lol. did you also know that a lot of eastern europeans are involved in human trafficking in the UK
They share the same colour skin as you

also, that one million figure was reported by the daily mirror, and if you are the kind of person that reads that newspaper, your opinion goes in the bin.

>> No.19544561
File: 29 KB, 402x333, white-genocide-race-war-south-africa-zimbabwe-natsoc-niggers-blacks-jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your attempted ragebait only has the effect of intensifying polarization and likeliness of conflict, keep it up, thats all you will achieve. Youre next to worthless. In any other time period there would be niggers and kikes and shitskins being dragged through the streets by their entrails. You can mock white alienation and disenfranchisement but you wont like white vigilantism and dissident nationalism. The IRA are going to be made to look like childsplay compared to whats coming.

>> No.19544582

Russian mafia are just Jews. Thats all Jews.

>> No.19544599


>> No.19544615
File: 3.19 MB, 1977x2888, Friedrich_I._Barbarossa_(Christian_Siedentopf,_1847).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keked and saved

>> No.19544635

the world is not how you think it works, everything is not run by jews, not everybody is white or black

>> No.19544636

These are people who think the Meds and Slavs aren’t actually white. He probably thinks the Romans were Arian lmfao.
I hate niggers because of their culture

>> No.19544660

I too hate niggers btw, I just don't let politics consume my life. That's what ((they))'d want.

>> No.19544684

i dont see anything wrong with hating niggers. niggers are niggers.
but i dont think that means you should hate all blacks. not all blacks are niggers, and desu, not all niggers are black. ive met several white, brown, latin niggers. Unpleasant people span all races

>> No.19544689
File: 91 KB, 1526x679, Jews-Israel-AIPAC-Run-America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what youre talking about but nothing to stop you from speaking authoritatively as if you do. Jews run literally everything and admit they do.

>> No.19544708

No, they want you to spend your time on fruitless and pointless pursuits, self pleasure. Youre exactly what (((they))) want. Political activism against the admitted Jewish genocide of whites is the highest and only worthy pursuit.

>> No.19544726
File: 552 KB, 690x5604, jews run the world jews control the world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19544727
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 12345345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is not run by jews
You have to be the most bluepilled fucker on all of 4chan.

>> No.19544747
File: 63 KB, 408x357, 1589558938967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews run literally everything and admit they do
you only see outside your little bubble of "murica"
there is more to the world than your narrow minded opinion of the jews in your country

or maybe no, youre right, and the jews are the reason that the mcdonalds by me is closed right now

i dont know why i reply to racists on 4chan, its a futile exercise and i really gain nothing from it. None of you will ever change your minds

>> No.19544769
File: 271 KB, 725x887, Jews-Control-European-Markets-Hundreds-Years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19544772

They know they will get cancelled if they tell the truth. Look what happened to James Watson and there is probably no one more informed on the reality of racial differences and genetics than him. Yet basedboy cucks like yourself would rather virtue signal than know the truth. Very fascist of you actually

>> No.19544776

I can only speak for myself and say, YES! I observe the shitskin and see something undeserving of European culture and invention.

>> No.19544783

no dude, i just dont live in america and as such havent been raised to believe that jews are bad. i really do not care about jews at all

>> No.19544798

Henry Ford

>> No.19544811

What bothers you in society, what gets your blood boiling

>> No.19544834

you might be interested in how Evola categorizes race, namely by the four castes—sacred leaders, warrior nobility, bourgeoisie (economy, 'merchants') and slaves. Here, the core of racial superiority lies in the spiritual qualities of the higher castes, which express themselves in physical as well as in cultural features, but are not determined by them.

>> No.19544835

only honestly and systematically anon

>> No.19544846

I don't like niggers. Call it what you want

>> No.19544850

He needs to watch Yuri Bezmenov first to understand why some whites act like niggers.

>> No.19544879

>what is fiat currency
>what is fractional reserve banking
>who are rothschilds
>what is bilderberg
>what is the kalergi plan
>what is cultural Marxism
>George soros antifa BLM
>109 countries

Some Google searches to get you started anon

>> No.19544893

Which country are you from? I wasn't raised to believe Jews were bad either. You eventually do learn about them. Ironically, it was crypto that led me to learning about Jews.

>> No.19544894

Based misleading anon
Fuck kykes, fuck niggers, fuck the sjw death cult

>> No.19544941

Ive used to enjoy Jon Leibowitz during Bush's presidency and wasnt racist until about 20, Ive been a /pol/ack for almost a decade now and used 4chan /b/ back in 2007. Yea, you dont get raised to hate Jews, you learn. This place used to be a natsoc factory on /pol/, nobody left without learning the truth. Most the quality posters left because Reddit brute forced cancer for years.

>> No.19544947

Cautious racism best racism

>> No.19544961
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honest question: what makes you think there are people who aren't, deep down, racist/sexist/etc? what makes you think there are people who don't truly want more of any given good thing for "their kind"?

just look at the han mandarin ruling china or the jogger looting and literally murdering white people on the streets in the US cities. they aren't racist? just white people? lmao what a fucking hypocrit if you think only white people are racist. everyone is bigoted towards their group. women want more good shit for women. gay people want more good shit for gay people. it's just common sense.

>> No.19544970

retarded guy doesnt understand that politics is the single most stupid thing in life

>> No.19544984
File: 118 KB, 1280x1278, race-war-vote-democracy-boogaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Election politics is, not revolutionary politics.

>> No.19545033
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nothing desu, i mean my worldview has been declining rapidly since the year trump and brexit happened, the internet while it is an amazing tool needed for human advancement has given a soapbox to the lesser educated, which form a much larger percentage of the population. Too many other things in the world are bad for me even to be bothered to list.

But i dont believe in god, or the afterlife, or that anything thats going on really matters in the grand scheme of things. i guess you could say that i am numb to everything going on around me, because none of it really matters. people get so emotional about things, and i have learnt that wasting emotion on the negatvity in the world is pointless. im not going to cure cancer, or end racism, so why bother getting myself worked up about any of it

long paragragh because im currently blitzed and the thoughts are pouring out

yeah sure jews have been involved with money since the beginning of their religion which is probably why they are so prevalent in finance, but how does that really affect me? it doesnt. so not my problem

>> No.19545053

this place is full of /pol/

>> No.19545060

There is no real right wing movement anymore, no actual conservativism


>> No.19545097
File: 125 KB, 990x1024, 1591320298763m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you the last 2 weeks during the planet of apes riot?

>> No.19545115
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>> No.19545138

it's literally not though

>> No.19545143
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>having my wealth continually stolen from me via currency printing forcing me to wageslave until I die and permenantly keeping me out of the elite, and trying to exterminate us via the kalergi plan doesn't affect me, so it's not my problem

As long as there's sportsball on the TV and gambling and booze right? Why even care about how Jews are enslaving us when we have our bread and circuses

>> No.19545171
File: 162 KB, 959x956, capitalism-socialism-loser-race-white-14-words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19545181

Irrelevant meme but OK

>> No.19545190
File: 80 KB, 899x898, capitalism-consumerism2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19545242


>> No.19545257


>> No.19545268

Conservatism is the politics of being bearish on reform and never had a movement

>> No.19545279
File: 78 KB, 900x448, feels-goodman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like youre a nihilist.

>> No.19545306

I didn't used to be racist. Experience changed me.