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File: 21 KB, 1000x646, unicornofdeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19543244 No.19543244 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19543277

What did you burn it on?

>> No.19543279

tell us how they got you OP
which shitcoin did you buy?

>> No.19543297

there are three easy money shitcoins that are shilled here daily and post constant gains. why aren’t you buying them?

>> No.19543300

You need to really scan which are gems and which aren’t

>> No.19543303

buy h3x now;)

>> No.19543314


I basically lost money because a transaction failed eventhough i had 1 dollar 50 gas and 50 % siippage.

Thats why I got -50% instead of +100% at one point.

What the fuck guys.

>> No.19543341

That's high slippage for anything really. Also what are you trying to buy that's swinging 150% in a few minutes lmao

>> No.19543352

guys I relly dont know anymore like really.


its too pumped dude.

>> No.19543367

If you want to play with shitcoins, you need to go way higher than $1.50 with your gas.

>> No.19543382


chi gastoken. Fucking chink scam.


How high mane?

>> No.19543444


Like I literally MANUALLY edit the gas in foxmask to FAST. What more can I do?

>> No.19543486

this is by design
ethereum gives you enough rope to both lift you and hang you
dumb people lose money, smart people make money, it's nature

>> No.19543490

fucking chinks, like everyone thinks pajeets and kikes are worst but secretly the chinks are worst.

>> No.19543524


I didnt do anything wrong I sold at 50% more cause I am not a greedy retard who hopes for 10x or whatever and still I get bet over cause of all those stupid ass minutelong delays.

>> No.19543547

i bought 400k black lives matter yesterday, now when i try and sell it back for eth, it just keeps aproving the blm but not swapping it..

>> No.19543571


>> No.19543580


I had this bug too go delete history on uniswap and its fixed.

>> No.19543681

h3x is also literally unsellable, at least on uniswap. confirmations don’t trigger.

>> No.19543764

ok, i'll try. thx m8

>> No.19543776


Which slippage should I use while trading these shitcoins on uniswap?

>> No.19543856


>Which slippage should I use while trading these shitcoins on uniswap?


I am not even kidding.

>> No.19544665

Why can’t you just say what they are you fucking cunt

>> No.19544813
File: 226 KB, 701x424, 1583595590032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be of low knowledges to be losing money on the unicorn exchange literally everything is mooning on their.

>> No.19545426

I already 3x'd my portfolio because of it

I love uniswap