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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1953210 No.1953210 [Reply] [Original]

Who will be the one holding the ETH bag before BTC goes $2,000?

>> No.1953232

Me I'm never selling me eth. That being said I only have 15 ;_;

>> No.1953249


Nah m8

>> No.1953259
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>> No.1953319
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>mfw btc craters after the mempool explodes and the network completely fails erasing 20b in marketcap

>> No.1953357
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in all honesty, bitcoin can go up to 10.000$ no problem, but it has too many problems and flaws, forks and miner problems

I held my ethereum bags since it was pre-20$, so i'll keep holding untill i can retire

>> No.1953382

bitcoin is dogshit

flippening soon

>> No.1953388


I see ETH hitting $1000 long before BTC hits $2000

>> No.1953425

$15 million is still a decent amount of cash man, don't worry.

>> No.1953450
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I've frequent a few crypto communities, but none of them believe in ETH as much as /biz/ does. I almost want to call it shilling, but I don't see how shilling for ETH could benefit anyone.

Why does everyone here have so much faith in ETH?

>> No.1953459
File: 358 KB, 800x400, eth alliance desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mainly because it isn't a currency, but fuel to power dapps and smart contracts.

ethereum has the potential to revolutionize the internet, and the fact that so many companies (more to come in may) is already backing it, just proves that it has atleast some kind of potential to reach its goal.

crypto forums dont care much about it because they are mainly dedicated to shilling bitcoin and since ethereum is not a forum, it doesn't catch the attention from those crypto fags

>> No.1953461

since ethereum is not a currency*****

>> No.1953471

Because ((((they)))) are behind it. Just follow the jews and you'll eventually get rich too.

>> No.1953472

it's gonna form a new back bone to the internet, that is decentralized and uncensorable.

Anyone around at the begging of the net longs for it's return....this might do it.

>> No.1953477

BS...he wants to get Israeli programmers and wants to talk to them. He did the same thing with Chinese.

>> No.1953496

It is a currency dipshit. It functions the same as bitcoin but with conditions to distribute the money so you don't have to rely on humans at all once a contract is set

>> No.1953523

vitalik, the creator of ethereum, has said multiple times that ethereum is not a currency

so it is not a currency

>> No.1953527

the tokens that'll work together with the dapps, are currencies, ethereum itself, is not

educate yourself, retard

>> No.1953538

>he doesnt know 4chan is the best at gauging future trends.
Only the most distilled memes survive on 4chan and later propogate throughout the entire internet.
This place is the engine of internet culture and the web is whats gonna decide the price of ETH.

>> No.1953542

He also said multiple times that ETH is not "only a currency".

>> No.1953546

why does it take so fucking long to transfer money on coinbase? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.1953553

The raiden network will make it act more like a currency.

>> No.1954189

Guys I am in the OR right now about to have an operation I'm so scared.

Biz, you are my only family. Here's hoping I make it so I can keep shit posting with you guys.

>> No.1954244

In what reality does ETH hit 1000$? The supply is that much greater and not capped. Think about it logically. Do you know what would be the market cap in that case? Not realistic.

>> No.1954311

>mfw everyone is so bearish on BTC and it's going to be the big winner this year

altfags are gonna get cucked so hard

>> No.1954444

it'll be capped when ethereum goes PoS, which means a big percentage of eth coins will be locked away from the market

and if ethereum reaches its goal and becomes web3.0 and sucks up every major sites and it companies net worth, then one eth can be worth a lot of money one day.

if ethereum becomes just a trillion dollar market, that'll mean one eth will go for 11.000$, and that's basically only the total worth of amazon, apple and microsoft combined.

imagine if the entire world begins to run on the ethereum blockchain.

>> No.1954457

Good luck man, hope to see you on the moon!

>> No.1954459

im 18 years old I own 232 eth
if eth hits
$4.1 == $10k
$431 == $100k
$4310 == Millionaire

>> No.1954481

Dude, no one cares.

>> No.1954523

Hey guys I just finished, it was really quick and fine.

>> No.1954692

What were they at when you bought em?

>> No.1954705

at what price did you get them? I have 512 right now, bought them around 19~24

>> No.1955085

Quads means eth worth 11k? Hold!!

>> No.1955101

0x351A8D4a7fd14bF3f17b92a89FFFEbeBe2fFC396 Everyone has so much much ETH and I only have 1. Anyone wanna throw me one or two? I'd be your friend forever :)

>> No.1955198


>> No.1955354

what the fuck is this board talking about, apps ran on some blockchain crypto currency thing? WHAT LOL

>> No.1955427
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I am with you. I want to get into crypto, but I'm not sure where to even begin outside of setting up a coinbase account. If some kindly soul will pass on 1 ETH to my wallet, I think karma will come back and double their gains.


>> No.1956592

does this actually work?

>> No.1956610

me when /pol/ posts on my /biz/

>> No.1956612

nothing really its just the future of computing dont worry about it kid

>> No.1956620
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It's just the web 3.0, nothing to worry about.