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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19526780 No.19526780 [Reply] [Original]

Should /biz/ have flags?


>> No.19526791

No meme flags, just geo. TRIAL RUN JANNIES PLS??

>> No.19527930

Yes, but jannies are gay so it won’t happen

>> No.19527946

>flags enabled
>significantly reduced amount of shitposts
>no australian flags to be seen

>> No.19527956

Honestly it’s so easy to spot pajeets. They shill stuff other than link which every white person here knows is the only project with real potential.

“If it ain’t link, avoid the stink.”

>> No.19527969

it's just gonna divide us more

>> No.19527979

flags are more fun. i voted yes.

>> No.19527993

No, one of the reasons biz can be a gold mine is because the only way to figure out if something is a scam or a legitimate opportunity is with critical thinking, you can't rely on flags, user history, upvotes, etc. Let's keep it this way

>> No.19527995

between what, pajeets and us? so?
although poos will just start using VPNs. we can still tell by the way they type though

>> No.19528139

the answer is a hard NO - the anonymity it's the key to this place, if you can't see that or don't like it, fuck off somewhere else. you're obviously new and don't understand the benefits of having all the good info to be found here hidden amongst shitposting & shills. in fact, it's to keep retards like you OUT & poor. you don't deserve to make it

>> No.19528249

we will still be knowing who the esteemed Indian gentlemen are. Flags will not becoming the solution.

let us buy Curio instead for many riches.

>> No.19528279

I am agreeing with this gentle sir , curio is the coin for me and my vil-family... Yes ,, bhenchode

>> No.19528283

it's because jannies are pajeets and russians with the odd chink

>> No.19528324

Half the posts would be indian

>> No.19528342

Only people that don’t want flags are pajeets, then they all get systematically exposed as being 100% of the LINK shills