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19521820 No.19521820 [Reply] [Original]

>Your degree
>Your current job
>Your satisfaction with what said degree and education has gotten you so far (rant, 1 word answer, 1-10 rating etc whatever you want)

>> No.19521835

thats a man and he is possessed by Kali Yugas spirit

>> No.19521856

having been possessed by a spirit of sexuality and destruction, i will say it's worth it

>> No.19521870

Bachelor of (Health) Science, am a physiotherapist. It's pretty boring desu Lots of old folks. sometimes girls in their teens/twenties. Pay is pretty shit with barely any growth unless you run your own practice.
All this corona shit made me wonder if I should switch jobs and do an IT traineeship.

>> No.19521911

BA in mathematics next year

>> No.19521931

well I guess I'm not technically a NEET but I stay at home all day so it feels like it

>> No.19521939

Computer Science
Self Employed

There's a lot of waste for sure. A lot of general education classes that didn't help me be a better programmer. A lot of advanced math classes that I never use. I've taught myself more in the 10 years post college than I learned in college. It was still a good experience and gave me a solid foundation to build off of so mostly worth it. 8/10

>> No.19521940
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>EE (construction)

>> No.19521943

>MBChB (Medical degree from Edinburgh)
>MVB (Veterinary degree from Dublin)

NGMI to be very quite honest lads

>> No.19521971

There's nothing gay about being attracted to trans women. It's actually more straight than being into straight women. Women today are masculinized and anti-feminine. They cuck, demean, and swindle the men who fall into their web. It's actually gay for dudes to like modern women. What kind of fag would want to be humiliated and submit to an angry feminist? But trans women? Trans women are feminine and actually WANT to be women. They want to serve their man. They want to make you a more masculine man. Plus, they know what it's like to actually be a man and so know what you want and need and feel. There's nothing more straight and manly than having sex with a trans woman, submitting her to your will. In the act, her womanhood is not acted upon, but is rather made by the act itself, made real in the very intention of truth as you make it. What can be more straight than that? Meanwhile, all the other normies are busy being bullied and cucked and robbed by the nasty natal-females.

>> No.19522025


Software engineering, software engineer and I'd say 3/10. The degree was pretty terrible and so is the job, but I don't know any other way to survive until my shitcoins take off.

>> No.19522115

>Bunch of IT Certs, no degree
>My job title has engineer in it, but basically a really high up IT person.
>9/10, could pay better. But I work for a small operation of a big company that's owned by an even bigger conglomerate. I'm basically allowed to do whatever I want to complete a task. I enjoy what I do quite a bit.

>> No.19522151

MA in English
Full time solar roofer
Part adjunct English instructor online CC
Can’t complain

>> No.19522178

no degree
make bank

>> No.19522226

Crucial certs besides A+ and Security+?

>> No.19522240

>Your degree
BFA in graphic design
>Your current job
Technician for technology rental company.
>Your satisfaction with what said degree and education has gotten you so far (rant, 1 word answer, 1-10 rating etc whatever you want)
1 I basically only went to collage because parents pushed it. If I had became a tattoo artist like I originally planned I would owe no school bills and probably already have my own shop, maybe even my own house.
Oh well

>> No.19522251

Her black bf is one lucky mother fucker

>> No.19522256

Personal Injury Attorney has not paid off yet but my peers are crushing it so I hope I’m two years it will

>> No.19522275

Finance wagie
8/10, degrees cost too much fucking money but it gets your foot in the door

>> No.19522290
