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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19520327 No.19520327 [Reply] [Original]

Vitalik won’t even mention ADA he’s like a scorned Ex lover.

He’s scared to hype Cardano because he knows everything about it and the upcoming releases will shit on ETH.

ADA has major things happening DYOR and once it hits CB you know what’s going to happen.

Get in or stay poor, in 2 years this will be $5

>> No.19520411

No one care about your shitcoin propped up by a known piece of shit scammer.
Charlot is the must unsufferable motherfucker from the whole cryptospace.

>> No.19520474

Vitalik won’t even mention ADA he’s like a scorned Ex lover.

He’s scared to hype Cardano because he knows everything about it and the upcoming releases will shit on ETH.

ADA has major things happening DYOR and once it hits CB you know what’s going to happen.

Get in or stay poor, in 2 years this will be $5

>> No.19520475

fuck off with your garbage shitcoin, nobody gives a fuck and Charles is an unlikeable piece of trash charlatan, traveling the world and fucking hookers on your dime

you got scammed dumbass

>> No.19520510

This is why you will never make it, you can't see past your retarded personal views about one person in a project and see the fundamentals.

>> No.19520764

Wow, you ETH holders are really starting to get uncomfortable. Bullish for ADA

>> No.19520843
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I can't imagine what it's like being a delusional ada bagholder. Just wait until the next slight pump for charlie brown to dump on everyone and take another year long vacation.

>> No.19520894


Let me guess you have not hear about crypto before 2018, right?

>> No.19520972
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>Won't acknowledge Cardano
>Basically describes Cardano if he were to start a new project.
He has such tunnel vision. It's a shame really., he's surrounded by memesters and SJWs. Being pedestalized by the likes of Novogratz etc.
He'd blossom and be such an amazing resource in the right scientific environment.

>> No.19521126
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Anyone else remember when this guy was the "King of /biz/"?

>> No.19521304
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who could forget

>> No.19521334

>known piece of shit scammer

can you elaborate? he's a scammer because the project was delayed? LOL why is /biz/ full of smooth brains?

>> No.19521392
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ADA bagholders actually shill this.

>Buy this chart

>> No.19521418

oh anon, people certainly care
>mETH bagholder
triforce of faggotry

>> No.19521437
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>> No.19521449
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cope level
OP, you're right about everything.

>> No.19521453

>the fundamentals.
lol what a retarded faggot
fundamentals are irrelevant to token price

>> No.19521454
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>buy high, sell low
That's a raging buy signal if I ever saw one. The coming bullrun will be glorious. Cardano has never even been marketed. Now they have McCann doing it.

>> No.19521520


accept it looks like literary every other shitcoin that died after 2018 on CMC.

Unless you are a retard you'd just buy chainlink and sit comfy instead of this shit

>> No.19521527
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>> No.19522077

You think this is not going to $5 you’re fucking retarded

>> No.19522168

caradano IS the eth-killer and we will show these idiots what a real cryptocurrency coin can do. there is no comparison and that is why vitalik is scared.

>> No.19522194

all the fucking pajeets in this thread disgust me

you jeets make me want to puke. Fuck your scam.

>> No.19522435
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>> No.19522476

It's going to $100 you dumb shit >>19520524

>> No.19522485

You are retarded. A coin that hit an all time high of 1.33 during the bull run of 2017 while it had NOTHING but a name and the Co-founder of ETH behind it who now actually has a working product and is coming out with everything it’s promised won’t go back to at least $1. You’re a moron.

>> No.19522491

Fucking finally somebody getting it.
Accumulation phase of 3y. And now all shit is breaking loose. This is not even the bullrun. This is just upwards correction.

>> No.19522511

Welll excuse me make it $100 then!

>> No.19522545

I bet you Charles has half of Davos and 8 countries lined up to transfer over to Cardano Backbone.

>> No.19523107

does ADA even do anything yet?

>> No.19524095

It doesn't need to cuckboy. It has the hoss backing it.

>> No.19524241


General Overview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1EocqtPDVE [Open]
Coinbureau General Research
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKuV-_sicNo [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6Fy-MccGn0 [Open]

Shelley – Decentralization
Launch path in coming months. This is why people are now looking into ADA
Cardano has its own unique Proof of Stake System - Ouroborus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foxhj-i4FLs [Open]
It will be easy to upgrade Cardano, because 2 layer system. So Ouroboros will upgraded.

Goguen Smart Contract
Not on mainnet. But people can build on it. Review here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvaFFSqyVwM [Open]

Charles already mentioned he cannot talk about Coinbase, because he has NDA with coinbase. General expectation is that after Shelley, it will be listed.

Basho and Voltaire
Is being worked in parallel. Voltaire expected to deliver also this year.
Basho not yet, as Ouroborus in shelley is more than enough for coming years.

Long term Adoption Strategy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbwpr5TXXzE&feature=emb_logo [Open]

Charles on Bitcoin and Blockchain.
Founder really get crypto. Here excellent explantion of bitcoin and blockchain.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDyQEUZ0PlY&feature=emb_logo [Open]

Excellent Interview Updates End May 2020
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BptZkkNN3tw [Open]

>> No.19524297

I’ve been in Cardano for years. This happens every year. They make a minor announcement and people get excited, start shilling and the price pumps a few cents. IT ALWAYS CORRECTS LOWER. PS: smart contracts are still 2 years away. What you see here is bagholders that have been stuck losing money since the last pump. Nothing is going to happen here and it will dump to sub 3 cents before it does.

>> No.19524523

You again dude, stop doing copy paste please

>> No.19524537

It’s like this every time. It’s easy to reason yourself into believing it. It’s not time for the moon mission yet. That will come when smart contracts hit MainNet and developers learn the ENTIRELY NEW LANGUAGE to build on it, and it is offered on Coinbase. That is at least 1.5 years and it will get dumped hard before that. It’s market cap is also so high it can’t do anything without a proper GBR. That has to happen first and ADA won’t get a piece of that unless it’s on normiebase when it happens.

>> No.19524546


>> No.19524560

True but he already made me rich
Just waiting to short back down to 3c

>> No.19524575

ETH is pure spaghetti code. ETH was without a doubt a great idea; I will not deny that at all. However, most people in crypto don't have the comprehension or knowledge to be able and look at the code-base and identify flaws that could be catastrophic, both in terms of economic, security, and overall functioning in cost signals.

Vitalik is smart. However, he's the most retarded smart person in all of crypto. He's a fucking child who doesn't own up to his inability to produce a creation and has longevity. Him and his cronies wrote shitty-ass code. It can't scale. The only way it can scale is constant upgrades each time they feel things are getting congested. This is where the problem lies. It is impossible for ETH to implement a scaling solution to where it doesn't need upgrades anymore. For ETH to work, it will need constant upgrades of ETH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, so on and so forth for an indefinite amount of time - just kicking the can down the road. Off-chain scaling won't work either because ETH's security is already shit on a stick. Making something more complicated that is already a piece of shit is 100% pointless. People can never steadily develop something on ETH because with each 'scaling upgrade', those who are creating on ETH will have to pivot each time to ensure their product is compatible to work on ETH. To sum it up, each time ETH decides to upgrade to scale, it just gets worse.

For ETH to work to the level needed, the amount of ETH in ever single wallet needs to be known after each transaction. Since ETH cannot implement SPV, it's impossible for ETH to scale because it does not have the capabilities to know the exact amount of ETH in every single ETH wallet after each transaction at a massive scale.

The only way to permanently fix ETH would be to roll back the chain to the beginning almost. Vitalik is just your average Russian retard who can't produce anything of value

>> No.19524615

>samefagging pasta bullshit.
This shit won’t see 15 cents for two years. every. single. time.