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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19518736 No.19518736 [Reply] [Original]

>What does STA do?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Niggerfaggot kike whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

This is a Uniswap V2 link. Not ideal, but it's an option and useful if you prefer seeing a graph directly from Uniswap. Note that it does not have the same liquidity as Uniswap V1.

Coingecko is slow. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

You can also put it into the Uniswap V1 pool, but you will be missing out on more rewards and incentives to come from Balancer: https://twitter.com/StateraProject/status/1267342879682371586 (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Link to new Medium article on STA, feel free to share
>Official Github

>> No.19518749
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OP here, use whatever thread you'd like frens, I just made this in case no one noticed.

also. So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

>> No.19518759

New target is 10 cents, there's some resistance

>> No.19518766

please don't waste your money on this scam, Vitalik just twitted about STA

>> No.19518780

We will break 10c by EOD.

>> No.19518804

1$ EOM

>> No.19518817

no he didn't fag

>> No.19518819

we're going to 20c, china peeps are on the move.

>> No.19518820

Shut up jungle nigger. I'm open minded. Prove it's a scam with specific arguments or fuck off.

>> No.19518821

this is it. an actual fucking good coin that will make us rich

>> No.19518826



>> No.19518837

Oh fuck off. You can’t just speak things into existence.

>> No.19518838

?? can you post the tweet? sounds bullish

>> No.19518864

There is no tweet

>> No.19518865

The fud on this is the largest buy signal ever. What’s the make it stack?

>> No.19518878

100k? what do you think anons.

>> No.19518886

going to sell 18k when it hits 10 cents just to recoup my initial investment

>> No.19518897

thanks for the heads up anon, swing quick before you get vaporized.

>> No.19518902

Kek 100k was a suicide stack 5 days ago

>> No.19518910

guys I'm dumping everything I have in this but my LINKIES (taking out AAVE loans on those.) I have over 400k now, I'm either going to Lambo Land this summer or losing everything, all l know is I'm riding it all the way with my frens here.

>> No.19518935

not swinging. Just gonna buy the ETH. still

>> No.19518937

This is the way

>> No.19518957


Hi Anon, thanks for keeping this great info available. It'd be great if we could get some detailed step-by-step info on how to contribute to the pool. strategies for why one would want to do so. etc.

I feel like many of us are understand the mechanism of the pool, but don't actually know the logistics of how/ why to contribute. there's been a lot of little pieces of info regarding this thrown about, but it'd be great if someone knowledgable about it could give us a bit of a guide so we can help contribute to our collective success

>> No.19518982

this one made me smile anon

>> No.19518996

going for 0.10 again

>> No.19519001

I have a 100k stack. Not gonna take profits. Either I make it or die trying.

>> No.19519002

That logo would be great for a washing powder or something. Kek

>> No.19519027

how to add the token to metamask?

>> No.19519037

We have a 9mil market cap. but only 100k in the pool.

The devs are working on a one click solution, once that is out the pool will explode and this thing will be pretty much dump proof

Load your bags anons, I wish I had more money I could throw at this

>> No.19519050

it says add token down on the bottom, just search STA

>> No.19519056

I should empty the STA I have back into meta, right? I've been on /biz/ all of 2 days and haven't crypto'd since 2014.

>> No.19519063

yeah im not gonna add liquidity until they add the 1 click thing.

>> No.19519072

I don't understand what you're asking

>> No.19519080

So I just got all my coinbase and wallet shit set up but I can't actually transfer money to my wallet until the bank transactions clear in I guess several days.
If I buy through a Bitcoin ATM can I then transfer it to a wallet and then into STA through uniswap today?

>> No.19519081

it's literally not there

>> No.19519089

About 130k now.
Buy the 5 coins through uniswap (WETH, WBTC, SNX, LINK, STA), go to stateratoken.com and click portfolio. Connect your wallet, unlock the 5 tokens and then add liquidity. Input a number into the pool add liquidity window and it will tell you how many you need of each one.

>> No.19519090

I'm wondering if keeping my STA in uniswap is the same as keeping it in metamask

>> No.19519096

I dont think so anon. If its on uniswap then it is on your meta

>> No.19519097

It would be really helpful if one of our tech enabled anons could make a user friendly YouTube video for a step by step guide to pooling

>> No.19519100

This sounds like an excellent discussion goal for this thread. I was always for the idea of a 20% liquidity stack, for the symbolism behind it alone.

>> No.19519106

yes, I've never used a bitcoin ATM before but you'll want to buy ETH and send it to your metamask public address, hope that helps

>> No.19519110

It should already be in metamask

Add this contract

>> No.19519111


Thank you

>> No.19519121

It isn't in Uniswap, if you used metamask it's in metmask

>> No.19519137

>About 130k now.
my point stands.
Only 1.5% are in the pool.

>> No.19519145

why is the the ETH:STA ratio decreasing on uniswap when i'm seeing STA price go up on coingecko. i purchased 0.4 ETH of STA when STA was at $0.90. STA is now at $0.95 but the best price i see is 0.37 ETH on uniswap.

>> No.19519147

If you cant see it just copy paste coin adress on meta that ends with ED1

>> No.19519154

So for example, say you want to drop 10000 STA, you input that and it will tell you how many WETH WBTC LINK and SNX you need. (you can add at the fixed 20% pool rate)

>> No.19519169

Because the price of STA has gone up so Eth doesn't buy as much

>> No.19519177

Coingecko is not accurate

>> No.19519176

coingecko price listing is inaccurate and the team is working to fix that asap.
This is worth repeating, the price isnt even properly displayed and its relatively difficult to buy right now. This is bullish.

>> No.19519179

Okay fudding started to MOON we go

>> No.19519189

Coingecko is behind because of the difference between uniswap v1 and v2 for the most accurate price use uniswap v1 and compare STA to DAI

>> No.19519200

damn i guess i got lucky day trading this earlier today for a 70% profit based on incorrect coingecko. lmao.

>> No.19519214

checked and based lol

>> No.19519216

Yes it's tiny backing this is pure fomo

>> No.19519217 [DELETED] 

Statera insider here. Look, I don't have much time for that, the snap is coming in thirty minutes. I just wanted to say I saw with my own eyes the leaked whitepaper. It IS AWFUL. I can't describe anymore, but you should sell sell sell right now. Exit as much as you can and buy back after the whitepaper because the snap is still free money even if statera has an awful whitepaper

>> No.19519220

Bless anon who shipped this gem first

>> No.19519223

Coingecko needs to get their shit together and list Uniswap v1 stats

>> No.19519237

There's also way more BTC around than whatever exchange could support at any given time. Even if the #1 wallet dropped 4M STA in one go, it would still be fine. Would dip to 0.01 again probably, but tell me you wouldn't be buying it up.

>> No.19519240 [DELETED] 

"There's been an issue with the gulp function. We are sorry to announce that we had to terminate all activities and transactions tied to Statera V3. Keeping you updated on the upcoming Statera V4 which will be our last revision of the token. Thank you for your support, and expect a new airdrop soon!" - Abu Bakr

>> No.19519263

LULS fud not working. It does not mean anything at this point.

>> No.19519264


>> No.19519295


copy pasta

>> No.19519316


also fud. fuck off.

>> No.19519318
File: 38 KB, 720x899, 96167998_1119805168391232_8869652141107576832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually made money.... using 4chan... what the fuck

>> No.19519331 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19519337

Not just fud, but extremely low-effort fud

>> No.19519361

so the best fud you got is 2 made up claims and some furry faggot completely unrelated to the project. I am impressed. kys

>> No.19519373 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 812x164, 1591224466433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but I can't do this anymore
#1 holder here and going to dump all 4.4m in 10 minutes
I suggest getting out alive before then

>> No.19519401


all by the same id

>> No.19519404

Do it, make Thanos stronger

>> No.19519407 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 342x353, 1591137048962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people really trust a Nigerian prince promising to make them money
LMAO even boomers stopped falling for this shit back in the 00's, this is just embarassing

>> No.19519414

Topkek using old news. That shit got fixed decades ago pajeet. The pool is now trustless. Thanos is now on his own. He doesn't need us anymore.

>> No.19519419
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based nigerian prince pumping my bags.

>> No.19519428

how far does this fly when we finally break 0.10?

>> No.19519439

Okay so I go metamask > coinbase wallet >uniswap right?

>> No.19519443

>Drops a tweet about justice for blacks
>Talks shit about Nigerian Abu
Kek BTFO gayfurry. Go fuck yourself on grindr

>> No.19519451 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 926x669, shitera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving all your money to a 17 year old bisexual furry
what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.19519459

a decentralized exchange means you are trading from your personal address. you don't need to deposit anything

>> No.19519461 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 1024x835, 6a4a986342550b821b284f88d40cb13b3e900577r1-2048-1671v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you defend a coin named after this

>> No.19519462

if your eth is in metamask, that connects right to the uniswap contract

>> No.19519470

i would give my money to a child molester if he gave me the money back with 1000% interest

>> No.19519474

Even if you were telling the truth (which you're not,) You would lose SO MUCH money from slippage. And the price would still recover in under 20 minutes
Plus any real whale isn't selling. They know Statera is going over $1

>> No.19519478

Go to the specific swap Lage address provided here, then link your Metamask wallet. When you trade ETH for STA Metamask will store the new coin.

>> No.19519486

finally some fud again, even if low-effort. hope it dips

>> No.19519503

There are online exchanges other than Coinbase where you can get verified, deposit, and transfer funds all in the same day.

>> No.19519504

you would be plain stupid selling it all at once

>> No.19519508
File: 15 KB, 819x460, youre_ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh right thanks for reminding me to post this

>> No.19519513

Once this is listed on Kyberswap it's gonna fuckin MOON

>> No.19519532

I just used the coinbase wallet since Brave refused to allow metamask and tried to force me to open a brave wallet. I'm currently holding 1ETHs
Where is the best price chart? just use the uniswap interface?

>> No.19519548

He has 0 Statera. He posted yesterday a tweet about it being a scam topkek. The 4.4million whale just added more liquidity to the pool. How's that sound?

>> No.19519586

Yeah uniswap Interface, 1 SAT = a dollar-marching coin like DAI or USDC will tell you about how much the $ value is

This page is also good, better than gecko https://uniswap.info/token/0xa7de087329bfcda5639247f96140f9dabe3deed1

>> No.19519592 [DELETED] 
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Friendly reminder that one of the earliest investors into STA v1 was SCAMMED by Abu and Scott and didn't receive his full investment worth of v1 when it came to the original airdrop of v3
This man also has kids who have now been deprived of money because of the autist Scott and Nigerian scammer Abu stealing it from them
No one with a functional moral compass would give a cent to this project

>> No.19519605
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i just took out my initial, now we moon.

>> No.19519624
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>> No.19519630

How much money would you have made right now if you bought in when these threads started on the 31st

Actually don’t think about it

>> No.19519642

chris my man you invested 5$ and got 6$ worth of return of your pool share. you actually profited. Post your address itt I will send you 5$ worth of STA so you can stop shitting up this thread or maybe buy a rope and hang yourself

>> No.19519646

wish we had more familiar exchanges up but we will have to wait

>> No.19519652

Didn’t he lose 1 dollar on a 6 dollar investment or some shit

>> No.19519673

Thank god I got out that BSOV shit early

>> No.19519676

He made 1 dollar

>> No.19519686

No he even profited kek. His $5 turned into $6. But he wanted the x100 gains

>> No.19519688 [DELETED] 

it's the principle of STEALING that matters here
these scum have taken what would now be a hell of a lot of money away from an innocent man

>> No.19519693

Have any tokens with prescribed burning mechanism been listed on any exchanges yet?

>> No.19519707

why are you here chris just fuck off with your 1 dollar profit.

>> No.19519716

Yeah there is many exchanges that support it, correct me if im wrong.

>> No.19519734

kek stay mad faggot go shill that pile of shit you call project somewhere else people here are busy counting $

>> No.19519758

referring to bsov if it wasn't clear enough*

>> No.19519768 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 198x255, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people really think normies will EVER adopt anything associated with pic related

>> No.19519775
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The absolute state of people who missed the train

>> No.19519782

Imean they support deflatory tokens, but there has not been a token like this before. But the exchange listing is already confirmed not sure of the date or which one it will list on.

>> No.19519823

Is this really the best you have anon?

>> No.19519825 [DELETED] 

>the name statera already belongs to a huge energy company
you fags are getting ruined if they ever sue your shitcoin for stealing their name

>> No.19519837

holy shit you're so dumb

>> No.19519858

>Implying normalfags aren’t in the streets promoting BLM and transfaggots
If anything this bullish

>> No.19519869

They picked really good name for balancer though. Imagine how hard the normies will FOMO into something that has Thanos in it. Also easy "perfectly balanced" memes to spread it around

>> No.19519886

Kek, fudders really can't figure out anything else anymore. Last time I've seen such fud was with LINK and ETH when they just started. Seems like Statera is a good investment to buy and Hodl.

>> No.19519889

The balancer is a project of a different group

>> No.19519904


>> No.19519908 [DELETED] 

>they really think the 10 cent sell wall is ever getting broken

>> No.19519929

it's not something that can be easily mistaken for a fucking crypto tho so they wont have much of a leg to stand on

>> No.19519931


>> No.19519934

meant the trading AI sorry

>> No.19519950 [DELETED] 

it's copyrighted

>> No.19519959

Literally screaming for a dip that won't happen.
Golden bull run otw, I'm already 500% up.

>> No.19519967

You shouldn't be having kids if you're fucking rekt over a 5 dollar investment.

How many STA did you own? I'll personally send you that amount if you shut the fuck up

>> No.19519968

Because weak hands are getting triggered by the FUD. Thanos will BTFO these kike pajeets immediately. And because we pumped from 3 cents to fucking 10 cents in one day. Give it a fucking break. Tomorrow we go for 15 cents.

>> No.19519970

When you wake up tomorrow we'll probably above $0.15

>> No.19519971

can't wait for it to dump, have 50 eth ready to move in

>> No.19519972

was gonna buy 1.8k more to make my stack 10k total but idk something feels off. i feel like it'll dip a lot before 10c and thats when i wanna buy. what do you guys think?

>> No.19519975

Sold half my stack after making 5x
No it wont feel as bad when we will get burned eventually

>> No.19519976 [DELETED] 

people are waking up to this being another shit scamcoin like all the others that are only on uniswap
sell and get out while you can before this crashes to 0

>> No.19519986

Thanos has a shit load of liquidity, it'll dip but not enough for you to buy back in with a profit.

>> No.19520001

Pay attention to the number of total wallets buying this. If it keeps going up steadily it’s probably not going to crash.

>> No.19520009 [DELETED] 

yeah it feels very off

>> No.19520040

Bump this post, some rando asking about deflationary coins, get it to the front page


>> No.19520042
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>> No.19520044

I hope you bought that last dip

>> No.19520052

it feels very much on you pathetic clown

>> No.19520063

Nice fud anon. it did the same exact thing yesterday and then rebounded and reached ATH

>> No.19520078

Buy the dip, until it goes past 10. Dont fall for this bait.

>> No.19520095

even after all this reddit fools keep denying, you can only feel sorry for them really, they’ll fomo in at five bucks

>> No.19520098

It feels off because you think you're being scammed because everyone is so overwhelmingly positive about this. But the reason for that is the smart anons truly understand the inner workings of this game changing system.

This is not a coordinated pnd shitcoin scam. Its the real deal.

>> No.19520112


>> No.19520113

Different industry, so it doesn't matter. If you stopped running your cockholster, you might make some money

>> No.19520121 [DELETED] 

the dead cat bounce won't reach 10
just get out now

>> No.19520136

ok sir very good sir just sold 100k

>> No.19520139

Reddit will delete the post if we all click that link

>> No.19520145

Imagine missing the 33% dip

>> No.19520148

>16 posts full of quite literal garbage

>> No.19520153

Working back to back 12 hour shifts on no sleep because I’ve been following this and thrown some money at it,

Cheers boys - let’s dooo itttt

>> No.19520160

>pajeets dump
>opportunity to buy more coin

>> No.19520161 [DELETED] 

>This is not a coordinated pnd shitcoin scam
yeah that's why there's a whale discord organising all of this that only lets in people with bags above 50k
it's always the same 5 or 6 people from that discord shilling this scamcoin here

>> No.19520164

Reddit. Censored shit. Can only blame them for being there instead of here.

>> No.19520186 [DELETED] 

r/cryptocurrency are much smarter than the goons here
if even they can see that this is a shitcoin it's never going anywhere, sorry

>> No.19520193
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>> No.19520205

link to the discord?

>> No.19520216

10 dollars I assume you mean

>> No.19520219

really tho? i’ve already made 100k, now shut up, no one is buying your shit

>> No.19520233


>> No.19520239
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no such group faggot fudder

>> No.19520263
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be safe so you can enjoy making it next month!

>> No.19520268

>when you're going to be able to buy a house thanks to a /biz/ shitcoin
You've made it bro

>> No.19520341

buying more now
let's take this over 10c

>> No.19520387
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aaaand we're back

>> No.19520397

i get my eth unlocked tomorrow ! dont pump ot too much ~

>> No.19520398

Are you really saying 10 threads reaching max replies per day are all done by 5-6 guys on discord?
FUD somewhere else pajeet

>> No.19520425


>> No.19520472
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>Shilled to me at $0.01
>Ignore it
>Now worth $0.08

>> No.19520481

It's been too stable, I bet a whale is going to dump 300K and drop the price down to 0.5 before it goes back up again. Remember, iron hands.

>> No.19520490

dont worry you will fomo in when we hit a dollar !

>> No.19520495

i know the feel

>> No.19520496

Uhm, I don't know what I will do with my life once this passes $50. I mean, what are any of us gonna do? Shit, what if this goes over $100 and keeps going?

Will we be hunted? We're gonna be so filthy rich it's unreal. Top 10 coin EOY. I'm in shock. I will definitely remember you frens.

>> No.19520504

Possible but it will be eaten really fast. I would buy more.

>> No.19520516

nope, i think i unironically bought the top.i'm 10% down.

>> No.19520518

dont say this or i lterally wont sleep. Ive got newborns to look after im already running on no sleep and my hearts been racing all day. I'm probs gonna die from a heart attack over this shit before i see any of my profit IRL.

>> No.19520526

these dumps have all been eaten so fast you can barely get uniswaps completed

>> No.19520527

Don't click the link, navigate to the post manually

>> No.19520532

we're literally going to be hunted. hope you're using VPN + TOR rn

>> No.19520543

So bullish

>> No.19520549


Will STA essentially keep going up until it reaches a 'volatility equilibrium" with the other cryptos in the pool thanks to Thanos?

Aka, when the marketcap is in line with the others, then it'll be way less volatile much like they are comparatively.

From then on, we appreciate slowly but consistently due to token burns.

>> No.19520552

If this goes above 10$ we organize /biz/ meetup on some comfy tropic island

>> No.19520566
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Damn it dear anons, I've lost like 5k$ in the 2017-2018 wave being a totally dumb cunt, and now I'm sitting on the pile of gold. Is that how winning feels like?

>> No.19520590

Yeah. That's about it.

>> No.19520593

i heard there’s one for sale rn

>> No.19520595
File: 27 KB, 659x539, statera500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It acts as an index fund, and yes it will become much less volatile the higher it goes, with the more people pooling.
Pic related, we're on the far left atm. Dips are healthy.

>> No.19520596

I have a question... what if normans get into this and only buy STA through some exchange? they will not add anything to the liquidity pool as biz has been doing.
What consecuences can that bring?

>> No.19520606

Yeah I've also been wondering - if it's so magical, what prevents some other devs from doing exactly same thing, climbing on other tokens' backs to the moon? It still looks too unrealistic

>> No.19520613

>bought most of my stack at 0.008 Monday dip
Literally just buy in now, there's only 1k wallets.

>> No.19520618

>Will STA essentially keep going up until it reaches a 'volatility equilibrium" with the other cryptos in the pool thanks to Thanos?

Yes, but it will take many more tokens burned for this to happen. Who knows at this point when that will be, but it's fucking ages away. Like a year or more. There is nothing to stop this going straight to $10 once the bot and STA and STA are on more exchanges.

Imagine saying this about buying btc when btc was $10. This is going to go so far past that it's crazy. There is still so many more tokens to be burned. This is the sort of hype that was around link when it first came out. This brings back memories.

>> No.19520627

it will move some transactions offchain but will also create new arbitrage opportunities between exchanges. the way I see it, it will expand the pie, not take away from current tx burn

>> No.19520629

>first mover advantage
>index fund
poor people stay poor

>> No.19520633

They can still add to the pool if they take their liquidity off the exchange, which is always recommended anyway

>> No.19520634

Same shit that prevents superior tokens from overtaking bitcoin; being first of a kind. Nobody will ever buy BSV even if it would function better

>> No.19520637

Statera has first mover advantage. Other coins will have to compete with this for market share and this will already have a large marketcap by then

>> No.19520644

dude you've made 20 posts trying to fud here. it's time to move on you pajeet. you're trying too hard to get a cheap bag

>> No.19520649

You've just answered your own question. We've literally just found a money printing machine. So what if others copy it. Buy in on them too. This cannot be stopped.

>> No.19520652

i’m sorry what now?

>> No.19520658

Since the devs are working with the dex, they'll likely have pooling options available on the page. Once the NDA is expired, we'll find out more information.
Nothing, but what would be the point of copying a trustless deflationary crypto index fund without providing anything to go with it? It's why BTC/ETH/etc are on top. They've already made the impact and are here to stay, copycats can try but it would be hard to break through. Buy some of their own tokens, they'll all support each other but not as much as this one.

>> No.19520664

can we talk about stacks?
what are the different tiers. how much to make it

>> No.19520671

Thank you, then I'm hard again

>> No.19520673

yeah they can. But I doubt many of them will

>> No.19520681

Oh my~ and here I was sitting all butthurt because I'm just the 19th holder instead of my original 7th lucky number.
-eats seeds on your head-

>> No.19520683

20k pajeet stack
50k Suicide
100k Comfy
500k Make it
1m+ Fuck you

>> No.19520684


>> No.19520686

I hope they will make pooling as simple as possible, you can make profits that way also they just gotta simplify it

>> No.19520697


>> No.19520700

If it dips significantly I'll consider buying but I ignored it mostly because I've never bought crypto before, if I'm right I have to buy say 1k worth of ETH then swap it for STA right?

>> No.19520727

Try holding it for atleast 1 or 2 days you brainlet

>> No.19520730

Just wait for a few days faggot

>> No.19520732 [DELETED] 

dead cat bounce, I called it
yep smart move, dump this pile of shit and never think about it again

>> No.19520735

i replied to the wrong fucking guy. message was meant to pajeet who keeps fudding this shit

>> No.19520736

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, they are. They're setting up a one-button system with the devs of the balancer, so it'll be much more simple here on out rather than the current 20 step process.

>> No.19520737

chill the fuck down faggot, come back in a week or two when your stack is 10x
dont buy if arent willing to lose it all

>> No.19520745

What would happen to this board if it overtakes LINK?

>> No.19520752

Lol your talking to yourself aren't you?

>> No.19520753

Yes. Figure out how to buy eth now because it can take days sometimes to buy through most places

>> No.19520756

You seriously need to get a life chris

>> No.19520757

Pajeet, show your parents your posts. They'd disown you for fud this weak and shitty.

>> No.19520765

Think he replied to the wrong guy

>> No.19520767 [DELETED] 

different IDs dipshit
every smart person ITT is calling this Pajeet pile of horsecrap out for what it really is
only the discord tranny crew are shilling here

>> No.19520780


>> No.19520786

link is inside the hearth of statera

>> No.19520788 [DELETED] 

lol that'll never ever happen, this won't even overtake fucking 69chain

>> No.19520789


This is nothing. Of course it was going to stall under .10, that’s a big resistance barrier and it went there from 4 in like a day.

We were losing our shit earlier when it went all the way up to SEVEN, now 8.5 is the new low. Relax.

>> No.19520791

He is a fudder trying to swing trade, he knows it is going up, he just wants to increase his stack size. He does this in every thread, day and night. Please pay him no attention

>> No.19520796


>> No.19520803

Your totally right anon, I forgot that it was impossible to use two different devices.

>> No.19520805

This is so poetic <3

>> No.19520810
File: 1.11 MB, 240x314, 1589434264425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fudding or anything, but it would be kinda amusing if someone did a carbon copy of Statera, except that it would include both statera and their new copied token in the index. Then we could have 5 other copies each with more copied tokens on their index, going full on autistic with the volatility.

>> No.19520813 [DELETED] 

unironically better off dumping all of this garbage into 69chain ahead of his song next week
at least the proof of life on that coin actually has value

>> No.19520816


>> No.19520817

Buddy, yes it may crash eventually, and then we can sell. But you realize almost everyone in this thread is already up MINIMUM 300% right? How do you realistically expect to discourage people who have tripled or quintupled their money in 48 hours?

>> No.19520828 [DELETED] 

that should be their sign to sell
sell high, quit while you're ahead
anything that seems too good to be true is, especially when it's about money and being shilled by a Nigerian in telegram

>> No.19520829
File: 129 KB, 2547x651, isthisyouchrisbsov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least use separate ID's to FUD. 22 posts with random BS. I'm fucking dying.
Filename related. Are you still seething you lost $10?

>> No.19520842


you do realise your ID stays the same on each post?

>> No.19520844

Sthanos Vs Sthanos

>> No.19520848
File: 221 KB, 1280x747, 1591216133684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pity you anon

>> No.19520849

We going to break 10c boys

>> No.19520863

This guy FUDs every day same time. Yesterday he was screaming 2 cents was the top and it was about to crash. Now it’s 9 cents. Tomorrow it’ll be 15 cents and so on.

>> No.19520864 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 967x314, SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute a single one of my posts
protip: you can't

>> No.19520866

I thought you dumped your wallet? What's going on bro... don't be like this...

>> No.19520872

Anyone know anything about BART Bartcoin? Someone offered an airdrop to the first 50 wallets posted.. i received 400 coins which was sweet but I can't find any info on the project

>> No.19520873

Says my account was suspended 29 days ago, interesting. Anyway if any of you who has a slightly old account on reddit to send this post I'd be incredibly grateful:

In my opinion the fact it's backed by 4 large tokens is the most important and successful aspect of it, very closely followed by the ability to offer liquidity in it through at this website. https://v1.uniswap.exchange/swap/0xa7de087329bfcda5639247f96140f9dabe3deed1
The balancer wallet bot rectifying the dumps/buying the dips is also extremely nice and I wish bitcoin or ethereum had it, but the bot would not work without the index fund+liquidity. Also the more liquidity you give the bot the better it is at balancing the price.
I believe that the token burn is the least important aspect of this token. It's just as a neat thing like the bot to add more value to the token. Objectively the fact the token is backed by wBitcoin, wETHereum, ChainLink, SNX is the driving force behind the quality/value. The deflationary part is so insignificant imo it shouldn't be mentioned.

>> No.19520881

letsgoo make the push. once we clear 10c next resistance price could be moon

>> No.19520885 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 748x283, SCAMtera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uniswap issues, I'm gonna dump real fucking soon though so get out while you can

>> No.19520888

youre using the word of a furfag to bolster your argument, how retarded can you get

>> No.19520896




>> No.19520898

You have 0 Statera faggot BTFO to your furry friends

>> No.19520901

Almost 1,100 wallets.
Almost under 94,900,000
Almost 10 cents.

I literally do nothing and my percent of total supply goes up.

>> No.19520902

>anything that seems too good to be true is,

So the HEZ profits aren’t real? ESH? All those 2017 rockets never happened? “Moon Mission” didn’t become a meme because it was a theoretical concept, it became a meme because it happens regularly.

>> No.19520918

Already recovered. You guys need to just bite the bullet and get in. There's no stopping this train

>> No.19520926

How quicky will we burn supply once we gets listed on exchange?

>> No.19520934
File: 77 KB, 1267x620, whales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threatening to dump with your nonexistant whale discord server since 2 cents, but in the end this is what you guys ended up doing

pic related the "whales" buying back in at a loss kek

>> No.19520935


>> No.19520950 [DELETED] 

it's never breaking $0.10, screenshot this
just leave with your profits now before you regret this and embarrass yourself

>> No.19520955

im numba wan wallet here sir, im warning u pls dump b4 me so i can buy ur cheap bags anons sir oooooOOOOOOOoOOoOOooooo

>> No.19520960

So when can this dump exactly? If enough people sell, it surely will, right? Or if the whole market comes down, will the other 4 tokens bring it down?

>> No.19520962

This person has 100 followers on Twitter, tell me again how they have anything to do with the project besides sharing a name that is not uncommon

>> No.19520967

Haha, that swing is going to have costed them $6k when this hits $1

>> No.19520976 [DELETED] 

yes it's dumping because everyone is selling at $0.10
it'll dump to 0 and never recover

>> No.19520981


>> No.19520982

Screencapped faggot. Will repost this tomorrow when we hit $0.15

>> No.19520983

chill the fuck out. your weak hands are the reason you'll never make it

>> No.19520997 [DELETED] 

I've screencapped this as well
I'll post it in a few days when this has stayed consistently back below 0.01

>> No.19521002

based and redpilled

>> No.19521012

He isn't down, he is a pajeet scammer trying to get people to sell

>> No.19521014


>> No.19521019


>> No.19521029 [DELETED] 

>can't even break back through 0.09
just wait for the cope to start rolling in
this is the dead cat bounce, sell now
this'll be below 0.01 tomorrow

>> No.19521030

Ok faggot whats your address, I'll send you 50K STA if you shut the fuck up and learn to not have weak hands next time.

>> No.19521032





>> No.19521045


>> No.19521054

>Ok faggot whats your address, I'll send you 50K STA
Id suck yo dykk for 5k lmao

>> No.19521060

turn off your pc and come back in 24 hours you fucking sweaty hands retard

>> No.19521061
File: 17 KB, 569x284, dumped..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19521062

People are taking profts in small stacks, it will end at some point.

>> No.19521064 [DELETED] 


>> No.19521068

dont give in, his seething is actually pretty bullish.
(and fucking funny)

>> No.19521076

I hate fudding niggers. It went up 250% today then dropped 10%. Either buy the dip or stfu.

>> No.19521082

Why would you buy at an all time high and major resistance spot and expect it to immediately go past it? We couldn’t believe our eyes when it hit 7, and that was only a couple hours ago.

Relax and be patient, you’re still in at the first brick of the ground floor.

>> No.19521084


>> No.19521090

i feel so in balance right now

>> No.19521093

Dear God man. Pull yourself together. You’re embarrassing yourself.

>> No.19521102


>> No.19521103

Please do the needful sir

>> No.19521110

can we get a hard definition of these tiers. like what does a suicide/make it stack actually equate to?
making it for me is 2 mil. which by your definition is it getting to 2 dollars

>> No.19521116

Nah I just want to see how much his weak hands sold, wouldn't actually give it to him, doesn't deserve it.

New OP needed soon, can someone edit the OP with the volume watcher or add it to the second post about the balancer? Thanks bros.

>> No.19521122

Wait a fucking week before crying, in a week my 400 bucks became 5.5k. Who knows where we'll be end of month

>> No.19521123

Yesterday we were just hoping to get to .05 and now you're spazzing out bc it's taking more than 5 minutes to break resistance past .10
you aren't cut out for this buddy

>> No.19521124

babies crying becuase they cant see returns within 5 minuets

>> No.19521129 [DELETED] 

suicide = buying this bullshit scam
making it = not

>> No.19521130

these all caps are giving me a headache. go meditate or something and come back in an hour and you'll be fine

>> No.19521155


>> No.19521160
File: 99 KB, 600x506, 1588425961006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn Statera bros
i hope it dips a bit so i can fomo in the morning
but its okay if it just keeps going

>> No.19521173

Goodnight fren

>> No.19521174

$100k is suicide stack. Just a nice stack to be happy with. So he‘s saying the price target is $2

I personally think it has way more potential and a suicide stack is 1k

EVERYONE can afford a suicide stack right now

>> No.19521179


>> No.19521182

Is everyone a newfag in this thread?
There’s a single id making all the FUD posts and you guys keep replying to him. I see 4-5 replies on average for each of his posts.
I never remember it being this easy to bait on biz.

>> No.19521191

>24h increase of 166%, smashing end of week expectations on a fucking Wednesday
>this is somehow a dump because it dips mildly after reaching ath of over 10x what it was on Monday
Your FUD only makes the bullishness increase

>> No.19521193

We have to make it at least 10k, thats less than a grand now, everyone can afford it. This way we price out pajeets and condemn their villages to famine

>> No.19521198

Btw this is reply number 266 so kek checks it as well

>> No.19521202
File: 5 KB, 650x32, STA gains 04062020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead cat bounce
>coin consistently breaking ATHs
weak fud, you shouldve bought sooner

>pic related

>> No.19521218

stop linking the github in the OP until there's actually something there

>> No.19521230

kys my friend

>> No.19521237
File: 118 KB, 780x646, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19521240
File: 3.87 MB, 345x319, ashtongif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded question. Can I send STA directly to a friend via metamask or should I convert them in ETH?

>> No.19521254


>> No.19521262

Pool some of your stack anons.

We'll bounce back harder from every dump and 10 cents will come toppling down

>> No.19521272

how? just bought 3 ETH worth. have no idea what to do next.

>> No.19521276

how bro

>> No.19521280

A suicide stack means that you will eventually be upset that you didn't/couldn't invest more, but not enough that you will kill yourself for missing out. If you bought 50k for $500 and it went to a dollar, you would be upset that you didn't go all in with $3k and end up with $300k, but you would still be happy with your $50k. In all honestly, this number could be significantly less depending on how this does in the future.

>> No.19521283

130k in the pool now already

>> No.19521287

Send directly

>> No.19521288


10% DOWN

>> No.19521290
File: 995 KB, 2250x2250, 1495327337935-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit guys, I almost just lost everything

>be me just getting into crypto with sta
>have spent over 300 dollars just today buying eth from coinbase and transferring it all to STA
>keep hearing about this metamask app and decide to transfer it all from coinbase to the hot new meem app
>transfer everything and have a panic attack for the next 5 minutes thinking I've lost it all because it's not showing up on my wallet

It just showed up but fuck I was scared

>> No.19521295

Just send ir directly

>> No.19521301

Shut up jungle nigger. And learn patience. Your money will come back in the coming days.

>> No.19521310

Just hold tight for now, until you learn a bit more about crypto and Statera. Once you understand it better you can then contribut to the pool in whatever amount you choose

>> No.19521319

Shit like 80k tokens have been burned in the last few hours, fucking crazy.

>> No.19521321

>tfw have a "suicide stack"
>I'm poorfag with no assets
>invested $600 now at only a couple of dollars I could buy enough houses straight up to earn my monthly wage by sitting on my ass and collecting rent
In my world, it's not a make it stack, it's a fuck you stack.

>> No.19521332

Ive been in crypto since before you knew what this board was, faggot. Never used pools besides for mining pools back when mining shitcoins with a GPU were still a thing. This is some bizarre ass game theory bullshit. I take a 6 month break from this board and this shit is being shilled.

>> No.19521337

Very nice growth, each day like 30k more.

Once price goes up and more finds out about it, it will go to 1m fast.

>> No.19521340

You can send it to me any way you like

>> No.19521343

>critical situation - lunch money almost gone

>> No.19521346

>hot new meem app
anon, how long have you been in crypto? 3 days?

>> No.19521360
File: 1.67 MB, 4032x1908, 20200604_160613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my setup

>> No.19521361

enter your money into coinbase then transfer it to coinbase pro for making any trades.
Coinbase takes a 2.99 charge and coinbase pro only takes 0.5
At least for me anyway: GBP

>> No.19521374

2 days, I just decided that since everything is going to hell and I could very well lose everything at any moment now is the best time to gamble

>> No.19521377

My advice still stands, learn about pooling and then make your own decision once you understand it. If you ask me, I would tell you to add 100% to the pool because it benefits me more if you do, but it might not benefit you as much as putting maybe 20% in

>> No.19521384

Not bad. Hope you’re in the telegram too. It’s just faster /biz/

>> No.19521405

Link me to the tele group? New to crypto and never used telegram

>> No.19521420

download telegram
search for Statera

>> No.19521443
File: 97 KB, 845x373, Screenshot_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We about to follow the pattern

>> No.19521459


>> No.19521462


Might be the best investment you will ever make

>> No.19521470

Topkek the waves seem to get bigger and bigger. $1 EOM

>> No.19521486

Look at the medium article it tells you how. It's a bit long-winded at the moment. You have to hold all the coins in the pool in your wallet, then connect your wallet to the pool and then hit add liquidity.

The devs are working on a solution to add liquidity at the touch of a button but I'm not sure how far out that is.

You can obtain all the necessary tokens on Uniswap

>> No.19521534

A fucking TSUNAMI is coming bros !

>> No.19521565

thanks anon, appreciate your level head. Do you have know of any resources for learning more about pools? I can do some googling tonight but it's be great to get some help wading through the inevitable trove of crap info

>> No.19521594

good choice anon. just so you know, metamask is the gold standard for browser integrated wallets. make sure to back up all your private keys

>> No.19521638

Why is Metamask better than coinbase wallet?

>> No.19521647

I have eth in my metamask and linked it to uniswap but when I click swap nothing is happening

>> No.19521681

Leave gas fee, buy thru v1, check for blocked browser popups

>> No.19521685

open your metamask and confirm the transaction

>> No.19521725

Cb doesnt allow for any other cryptos besides what's listed. Is buying into a coin that newfags are getting shilled into a sell signal though?

>> No.19521743
File: 21 KB, 320x343, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that on firefox metamask sometimes bugs out and doesn't open for whatever reason. Might be or might not be related.

>> No.19521746

Can anyone translate the whitepaper to chinese

>> No.19521755

I think the medium article would be the place to go. Pooling is hard to understand at first but once you figure it out, it seems pretty simple. Long story short, the pool has 5 coins all equal in value to each other, so let's say STA price goes down because someone sold, the bot will have to buy some of it back because the pool would then be unbalanced. It does this using arbitrage, so it can sometimes get a better price than what the person sold for. This mitigates some of the price drop. It also uses arbitrage for the other coins as well, so basically the balance AI (Thanos as he is now called) is buying and trading at the best price and can make gains that way. If the pool makes gains, you get your respective percentage. The larger the pool, the more of a buffer it provides against swings.

>> No.19521771

Ok now where can I see my sta balance?

>> No.19521789

Like this guy >>19521594
says, backup your wallet key or seed phrase on paper and put it somewhere safe. And

>> No.19521790

>I've noticed that on firefox metamask sometimes bugs out and doesn't open for whatever reason.
YESSSS!!! Same thing happened twice to me today and my browser even crashed while i confirmed transaction
Luckily i had app installed and it went thru on a dip

Fuck you mozilla

>> No.19521796

open metamask, go to menu -> add token -> add custom token.
Paste the contract adress from etherscan of Statera in there and add.

>> No.19521808

It does. I have mine stored on CB wallet

>> No.19521814

Make sure they have the sta token unlocked in their metamask before you send it. Copy and paste contract address in custom tokens, if you don't theres a slight chance it could be lost, not sure, haven't made that mistake luckily

>> No.19521815

In metamask? Add coin number with ED1 at the end

>> No.19521818

who else is buying this dip?

>> No.19521821
File: 809 KB, 1300x1244, 1545882454299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still find it a better browser than the botnet that is chrome, but this forces me to open it once in a while to do transactions. :(

>> No.19521840

google translate it

>> No.19521867

If we get the Chinese on board it’s game over $10 will be FUD

>> No.19521883
File: 89 KB, 1084x867, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time I click Add Liquidity nothing happens, I just got done accepting all metamask requirements. wat do?

>> No.19521888

there isnt even a whitepaper yet kek

>> No.19521904

Use this link https://noproxy.pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682

Click each coin max button so there is no orange around the deposit amount.

>> No.19521913

new thread niggy wyat

>> No.19521937

every time I try and add any number to STA box, all other categories go up in number as well and have the orange circle around them.

>> No.19521945
File: 19 KB, 497x491, FB98DEF7-07B8-4FD9-BA54-7EBD396072F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx bros
I only bought 250 to try but I’ll put another hundred $ or 2(I am poor right now)

>> No.19521949

On the left side of the page there is a box to 'wrap Eth', you need to wrap whatever eth you want to contribute before you can add it to the pool

>> No.19521980

You need all the 5 tokens. It says you have 0

>> No.19521983

They have to be added in equal value. For instance $100 worth of each. Click max on each coin until there are no more orange boxes and that one will be the lowest common denominator, so to speak.

>> No.19521986

>Thx bros
>I only bought 250 to try but I’ll put another hundred $ or 2(I am poor right now)
Im broke as fuxx because of corona virus. I put $100 today and now its $370

Good luck to you fren

>> No.19522008

250 STA or $250

>> No.19522019

so you're telling me that if I have $800 STA, that Ill need to have $800 of everything else just to stake the STA?

>> No.19522052

You don't need to stake 100% unless you're a rich whalefag, just 20%. Do whatever is possible or comfortable for you. If you can't pool, then don't worry about it and just hold, get outside income later on to pool.

>> No.19522074

yes, but it's not a big deal right now. You don't want to pool your whole stack, especially if it's small

>> No.19522081

sta is only 20% of the pool fren.. swap 160$ of each other coin

>> No.19522101

Put 100 euros into crypto a few months back. Spent a few dollars worth (like 5-10??) on STA and it's already around 160, we're gonna have to just go through multiple moon missions to make it. I'll sell this and BUIDL for a few hundred more, and then that is gonna turn into more and more until I make it.

>> No.19522109

Don't sell STA, it will be eaten up by Thanos. You won't be able to swing.

>> No.19522123

It isn't staking exactly. If you wanted to put 100% into the pool, which I don't recommend, then you could trade 80% of your STA for other coins and you will have contributed $800 total to the pool, or you could buy $3200 (800*4) of the other coins and put that in and have put $4k into the pool. The pool is less risk, but also less reward, but it helps prevent swing trading, wash trading, and whale dumping, so it is good to contribute if you can. Not a big deal if you don't but every bit helps.

>> No.19522125

no. for example, if I have 100k sta. then I would pool 20% of it, which would be 20k. now let's say those 20k STA are worth 20$ then I would have to pool 20$ of each coin

>> No.19522153

we are so gonna make it frens !!

>> No.19522169

Swinging does work with small STH numbers

Dumping giant stacks om the other hand...

>> No.19522182

>New thread
>New thread
>New thread

>> No.19522190

do we still have faith in this coin?
will it break 10c?

>> No.19522219

it's going up and is stable while eating the dumps. if it hit's $1 before the exchange, expect $10 EOY

>> No.19522255
File: 33 KB, 699x564, 5650091B-910D-4D4F-9A46-6AE37CCCCAFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250 Sta
It was just a test to make sure I set everything up right and didn’t send the eth to the wrong place

>> No.19522296

I've never had more faith in anything in my life, honestly

>> No.19522297

I understand. I am so terrified of doing that, especially when I transferred my STA to my Ledger for safekeeping

>> No.19522342
File: 110 KB, 785x636, AAFA34C7-8F99-4F51-AD7B-42CB34DD0FE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many STA you have?

>> No.19522380

500k + bought a 27k stack for my mom so she won't be mad at me for not telling her about it lol
Whats your public wallet address?

>> No.19522387
File: 149 KB, 797x528, shrug_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything went fine. You can technically send STA to someone who doesn't have a wallet, I've confirmed it. We're both happy to be together on this ride

>> No.19522489

what are the pros and cons of pooling?

my understanding is that the value of your total pool should go up just the same as if you were holding only STA, no?

is the only reward the tx fees? i would have thought that the if the value of the pool goes up i would get an equal increase in all 5 tokens as thanos buys? is that not how it works?

>> No.19522606

Pooling provides a buffer against swings and dumps. The larger the pool, the better it works. You can also make gains because it trades using arbitrage, and you get your respective percentage of the gains. There will also be pool mining soon and you will get mining rewards in the form a BAL tokens, which are not exclusive to Statera.
Cons would be that you can lose sta because the pool sells them when the price goes up, but it uses that money to buy the other 4 coins which increases the pool size, but your percentage remains the same. So it is safer, more consistent gains, but maybe not as large as if you held 100% of your STA. It benefits you and every STA holder when you add to the pool, but you should decide what proportion to hold/contribute.

>> No.19522617

the pool is just a giant balancer, the machine that makes the project run. You're value stays the same in the pool, the amount per token changes as their real world price changes, it creates a perputual burn for STA token. Poolin is not for your whole stack and if its small you should just wait for STA to moon.

>> No.19522697

okay, I'm finally starting to get it.
thanks for holding this thread down with solid info!

>> No.19522716

No problem, I am actually using this info to make a copypasta, because there are newcomers to every thread and I have typed it out a bunch of times lol