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File: 709 KB, 1412x824, statera_Competitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19512468 No.19512468 [Reply] [Original]

Statera competitors are in development. A single one that slightly improves the current concept will be enough to draw attention and causing a STA sell off. This is the last time to sell STA at ATH. Thank me later.

>> No.19512524
File: 25 KB, 288x292, 1587132266470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cool i will be buyings sir

>> No.19512565

We all will. But this will still crash STA. It would be completely retarted to not buy a new STA on a ground level. Even if this is a complete copy of STA.

>> No.19512592

They will need V4 once the issues with arbitrage are exposed. That's all I'm saying and I'm saying it here so people can't accuse me of fud.

>> No.19512626

The arbitrage bot problem also was known for me for a couple of days know. :) Interestingly they went completely dark and against FUD of any form after some days.

Remember the first days of STA in which even FUD was allowed in telegram? Now not even price talks is allowed. kek. This is how scared they are ....

>> No.19512635

It's not that simple, the more liquidity STA has, the more valuable and difficult it becomes for other index funds to compete. This is yet another situation where the first mover has a huge advantage. We'll see though, nothing is ever set in stone, just my 2 cents

>> No.19512737

>The writing style of FUDders in this thread

>> No.19512748
File: 72 KB, 800x732, 1520596752_FeelsBadMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kinda sad that you have to try and fud people to get your bags a little cheaper, just buy them now because its gonna make you lots of money anyway guys.

>> No.19512755

There is a price channel telegram though you're just retarded

>> No.19512778
File: 186 KB, 340x696, BUY STATERA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19512802

Very poor. Imagine creating a thread just to FUD

>> No.19512814

I think STA has a major first mover advantage, because it's a coin in it's simplest form. It does what it's suppose to do, there's not much to improve.

Finally, you have NO IDEA what's gonna happen so shut the fuck up about what WILL crash the price and what not, you just don't know and if you claim that you do, it just makes you a giant dickhead.
Post looks like low effort FUD.

>> No.19512822

Ah pajeets copy pasta want your money
Well rakesh, we also had several ETH and BTC competitors. For years
It won't work like that. Good luck. Staying with STA which we all know is not a scam. With all the copy pasta you have a very high risk of getting scammed
People know this so it is only for dumb people.

>> No.19512882

Yeah with 150people in it because they do not want to scare the other 90%. You are the retard if you believe this is simply not to hide the obvious truth.

With the massive success of this token. Many competitors will come. Assuming STA going straight to 1$ is delusional.

>> No.19512906

Did btc or eth crash when competitors were released?

>> No.19512909

What if the new copy coin is as fair as STA simply with some other tokens in an own balancer? Like for example Stablecoins?

>> No.19512921
File: 118 KB, 708x633, 1588015550014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems kek has made sure to mark you by providing you with a poo coloured ID

>> No.19512981

Is it needed? No because with STA you can make another balancer with other tokens.
Like I said, everybody already knows that STA is not some scam.
Pajeets copy pasta is only a money grab and ultra high scam risk. Way less liquidity and big fail from start because of that.

>> No.19513001

are you from the "whale" discord and just pissed that you couldn't drop it from 2 cents to buy in lower and now making up more bullshit? kek

anyways, if you're just dumb and not pretending, yeah, competitors will come but who gives a fuck about clones when you have the real deal

also tg price channel has 315 people as of right now

>> No.19513102

Another interesting find is. That it is true that the devs hold nearly none STA tokens. But at the same time are running the biggest Uniswap pool. This means they are mainly profiting from the insane volume on this coin.

>> No.19513157

Well remember P3D when zephr was released? Sure P3D won in the end but still zephr took a lot of energy away.

>> No.19513167

you have not done your research on this coin at all u pajeet curry fuck. get outta here

>> No.19513221

Lol tell me whats wrong about that? 10 Million STA where in the bsalancer pool to balance out and the other 91Million in uniswap pool when they started this.

>> No.19513284

talking about UniPower right?

>> No.19513370

Lol people are already trying to copy sta. Just proof sta is here to stay.

>> No.19513442
File: 102 KB, 1910x771, STA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I am talking about the Token I am creating right now. :)

>> No.19513465

Also UniPower is not an index fund and also not deflationary afaik.

>> No.19513565

Can't wait for spin offs. I have STA profits I will buy into these day 1. Then dump and fud them at chance of any successes. Investing in my my investment mafia style.

>> No.19513592

unipower is def about to hit the same returns as statera

>> No.19513599

you're gonna have to keep fudding for atleast 20 years for 2$ a day to even set up a pool. good luck sir

>> No.19513675

I’ll buy your token

>> No.19513708

I would've had 100k with my 1.5mil sta if i didnt sell at 2.2 before the first crash. Couldve bought at 0.006 and sold at 5 cents wouldve had about 300k. This london rise is not sustainable I know many people that bought in at 1 eth/ 500000 Sta. This is incredible fomo.

>> No.19513802

Wait so you don't have a bag?

>> No.19513822

good luck raising 100k united states dollars for your balancer ranjeet.

>> No.19513838

Fock off with this shit

>> No.19513881

Hey guy creating new token

I was working on one too... do you have a telegram we swap ideas

Work on branding etc

And do a proper launch

Funding the pool is not an issue

>> No.19513915

Another competitor will air drop free tokens, and this time I won't miss out and get a fat chunk. Why is it bad if there is a competitor? No rule saying one shitcoin must rule them all.

>> No.19513917
File: 168 KB, 1440x405, Statera V4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statera V4 will kill the competitors

>> No.19513936

Kek, no Statera v4 coming. That's fake post

>> No.19513996

A balancer pool costs 0.15ETH you idiot.

>> No.19514013

nice attempt. as I said, what you're doing is useless you jealous fuck. nobody will buy your shitcoin. stay poor

>> No.19514029

sure but good luck raising 100k to put in it you dumb ranjeet.

>> No.19514069
File: 157 KB, 549x413, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes set up a pool with 0.15 eth in it and see how it works out for you fucking idiot

>> No.19514320

Op start a telegram group and post and then we can make it private

>> No.19514535

You stupid idiot. When Statera started it was worth a fraction of a cent. They started with 50 Million tokens in balancer. Back when you could buy 2 Million tokens for 0.5 ETH.
This x 5 means it costs them like 2.5 ETH in total to create that pool.

>> No.19514778

I guess you really are a street shitter with cum in your brain. You're missing the part where the pool has 5 tokens in it, and they added 50k worth of WBTC, WETH, LINK and SNX on top of STA.

Trying to copy a project and don't even know how it works. kek