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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19505110 No.19505110 [Reply] [Original]

During past recessions the market behaves in a very similar way like it's doing now - an initial steep drop then a climb during the subsequent months, then a drop again. In some recessions this happened a few times before it finally found bottom.

Many people who missed the recent rally are naturally upset; some lack discipline and knowledge and jumped back in the market when it's already too high, pushing it up furtehr - unless they sell before it start going down again they will lose their shirt.
Many of us have the relatively recent drop in late 2018 fresh in our minds - the market went back up quickly and continued to rise until February 2020. We fear that we have missed the rally like we did in late 2018.

But the situation now is vastly different from late 2018 - now we are in a deep recession - deeper than 2008/09 recession.

It will be months before the market is on solid ground and starts to behave rationally. Between now and then it will sink again - maybe much lower than it did in March 2020. Too many people are not convinced of this rally for it to be sustainable beyond the next few weeks or months.

Capitulation has to take place before a new bull market starts again. We are still in a bear market even though we are less than 20% below the February high. What we are experiencing is simply a big suckers rally in a bear market. The coronavirus has done untold damage to the economy - opening up the economy now does not mean we will be back to normal by year-end. (buy Chainlink)

>> No.19505143

Chainlink will dump with the Bitcoin and the stock market soon. It will revisit $2

>> No.19505149


>> No.19505211
