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File: 62 KB, 696x884, staking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19497799 No.19497799 [Reply] [Original]

Staking imminent. LINK Devs are testing staking right now. Pic related.

>> No.19497809


>> No.19497892

no you need to fund ypur oracle contract with eth so your node can reply to requests since it needs to create an eth transaction.

also the requesting smart contracts need to be funded with links in order to query the chainlink network.

this is unrelated ro staking

>> No.19497893

fucking idiots

>> No.19497926

Sadly this is the precoordinator contract that is designed to reduce gas costs from the look of things. Still good news fren.

>> No.19497953

Ok so you have no idea what staking is. Delete this thread

>> No.19498030

I may not understand code but I can see this is using a testnet to test a chainlink node filled with link tokens just by reading the notes on the contract here:

>notice Displays the amount of LINK that is available for the node operator to withdraw
>Allows requesters to cancel requests sent to this oracle contract. Will transfer the LINK sent for the request back to the requester's address
>@notice Allows the node operator to withdraw earned LINK to a given address
>@dev The owner of the contract can be another wallet and does not have to be a Chainlink node
>* @dev The owner of the contract can be another wallet and does not have to be a Chainlink node
> * @param _recipient The address to send the LINK token to
> * @param _amount The amount to send (specified in wei)

>> No.19498081

> require(msg.sender == address(LinkToken), "Must use LINK token");
> "Must use LINK token");

>This has nothing to do with LINK

ok fags

>> No.19498125
File: 24 KB, 846x370, LINK token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has nothing to do with Chainlink

>> No.19498175
File: 1.77 MB, 2000x2550, ADCB19C1-B98B-4F46-B2BE-519CAB974FBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double chegged
Summer is fast approaching and that can only mean one thing; drum and bass is back on the menu boys:

>> No.19498227

Knock knock.
I told you all a few days back all that was needed was latest code.

>> No.19498285

42, what are your thoughts on Qanon / trump being a luciferian movement? They keep worshipping light, an despite shilling bible verses, Q has not once mentioned Jesus.

>> No.19498291

Cool pic, 42, did you make that?

>> No.19498456

Yes it has to do with link. I agree with you. But it is not staking. This is the precoordinator contract from my understanding. Basically they are putting a bunch of link onto the node in advance to reduce the gas cost of having to send numerous transactions for small increments of earned link, if that makes sense. This is good news as it reduces gas costs significantly, especially when they can get threshold signatures online.