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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 229 KB, 511x290, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19493567 No.19493567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Its hilarious to see you protecting black people while they rob you blind.

anyway heres a fat piece of shit

>> No.19493591

wrong board

>> No.19493652

It's pretty difficult to speak honestly about this in public because if you disagree with the groupthink you're automatically branded a racist or a white nationalist or whatever. None of these people would be protesting if I got killed by the police, so fuck em.
Personally I think the divisive atmosphere that everyone is getting memed on is the result of foreign interests trying to destabilize our country. It's probably the chinks and the ruskies working together on this

>> No.19493703
File: 8 KB, 208x243, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally I think the divisive atmosphere that everyone is getting memed on is the result of foreign interests trying to destabilize our country. It's probably the chinks and the ruskies working together on this
good intuition, but it's not foreigners per se

>> No.19493813

>you're automatically branded a racist or a white nationalist or whatever
You say that like it's a bad thing. Racist Lives Matter

>> No.19493940


Kinda are, they've just been here for 5000 years doing the same shit repeatedly. They destroyed the roman empire throuh currency debasement and they're doing it to us now.

>> No.19494005
File: 53 KB, 748x566, 2-22-19-GettyImages-1126520851-748x566[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's probably the chinks and the ruskies working together on this

>> No.19494022

fuck off back to /pol/, basement dweller
all fields

>> No.19494052
File: 154 KB, 500x634, 25E9E495-28B0-4DB0-BC3D-993BE9FCFC40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rob “you” blind

They’re robbing the very mega corps that I want to go out of business. I want this shit to go poorly. I’m overexposed on bear market betting and this optimism is really killing my boner.

>> No.19494077
File: 1.08 MB, 771x935, 1591111031622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19494100

Dear diary,
I used to work across the street from that restaurant

>> No.19494128

Hopefully they rob your ass with a big fist to your white mouth. Go cry about it

>> No.19494339

i love how retards assume that because there is a pallet of bricks in a city in means it was delivered there for a riot.

>> No.19494511

Enter the mind of the low-IQ conspiracy theorist who looks for things to be outraged about. This is like 90% of /pol/.

>> No.19494527

This. There's fuck ton of brick buildings, brick roads and the like in so many major cities. You probably need a regular supply of them just for repair work alone.

>> No.19494529

Random pallet just suddenly appears to a street corner where there isnt any construction taking place, near riots.

>> No.19494595

Where does the image imply anything about where those bricks are?

>> No.19494714


>> No.19494722

Sorry, besides that they've been delivered to Frisco. That's a lot of potential locations it could be at.

>> No.19494726

Conspiracies can never go the other way, they can only fit my narrative. Luckily my worldview is the correct one so I dont have to worry about my inability to abstract on things that make me uncomfortable to consider. Based and redpilled xDD

>> No.19494757

So true. That's what happens when JOOS take over your country.

>> No.19494768

>randomly posts image involving EU
uhh... obsessed??

>> No.19494792
File: 134 KB, 250x239, waiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to distract people from what a collossal fucking fraud NOVID was.

Pic related. Me waiting for that big surge in COVID cases since none of these people are even remotely social distancing.

>> No.19495249

you've never in your life seen a pile of brinks on the sidewalk in the US that wasn't in a sectioned off construction zone. it's a liability, obviously. construction crews don't leave materials around in public, for other obvious reasons. stop being a retard.