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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 512x512, nkn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19490576 No.19490576 [Reply] [Original]

NKN is a top-20 project. No BS and no pajeet shit. I don't give a shit if biz believes it or buys any. But it's a top 20 token and will be there in the coming years regardless. Some people here know it and understand what's being built and used. The rest of those who know about NKN on biz hate it. Between the team being Chinese and the token performance over time, they refuse to believe it could ever go anywhere.

The realism is that very few fudders have even looked into the project. And those who have, certainly haven't done so recently or in any real detail. We're seeing the same copy paste shit that goes back almost a full year in some threads.

NKN is right on the edge of breaking into a marketplace worth trillions of dollars.You think Theta has something good going on? NKN could offer the same, but with lower latency and better speed of service. You've heard of Sia? They have a new CDN which took 5 years to make with a lot more funding, and yet NKN can out-perform it comfortably in under a year's worth of development. You want to hear adoption? NKN have signed iQIYI as a client. Not some wanky partnership or product placement. They're signed as a paying customer. Who's iQIYI? They're China's largest video platform. Think Netflix - but they have almost twice the subscribers as Netflix do in the US. Is the tech any good? Yea - some of the best in the business. And the team? well founder Yanbo, was the co-founder of OnChain and helped build Antshares / NEO. CTO Yilun is a legitimate genius dev, that can throw out insanely high level blockchain development like it's nothing. Absolute machine. Allen has had a long career working between large business and bringing them together, and Bruce has a long history of high level work for major telecom companies worldwide.

Bottom confirmed over and over at 1.5c, and there's no where to go but up.

>> No.19490653

Double-dose NKNpilled. Based af.
NKN is going to savage this entire market, and the biz haters rekt.

>> No.19490681

I know this is a long. But how high this time? 270?

>> No.19490693
File: 168 KB, 1495x1177, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imho this should already be in top 50 at least. How many other shitcoins even have any commercial contracts in top 50 not to mention the scale of the contract and future commercial potential. NKN is undervalued as fuck right now. It's like buying a lottery ticket that has 100% chance to win. Also, this June will be full of NKN happenings.

>> No.19490696

The chinese have earned their reputation. I stopped losing money overnight the time I decided to stop buying chink coins.

My thought process is literally:
>find out a coin exists
>check it out in CMC or coingecko
>check their website
>click the "about us" or "team" page
>if there are more than two (2) chinese in positions of responsibility I don't buy it

This weeds out 95% of the scams easily and has saved me so much time in research. You are stupid if you buy anything the chinese are involved with.

>> No.19490723

Literally NKN 2.0 and Security Audit is complete - waiting for final report. Exchanges and wallet integration with native token. Dropping ERC20 garbage. Further adoption with NAS providers as well as a possible US video customer.

lmao thanks for the bump friend, nice to see you in every thread.

>> No.19490740

Friendly reminder that NKN threads are psychologically tailored in such a way as to make you want to FOMO and part you from your stinkies. There's no length to which professional fudders won't go to accumulate more of this revolutionary project. Never forget DR;NS!

>> No.19490761

Imagine unironically holding LINK over NKN. LINK has already made it's money, now it's time to dump into a project that can actually do what they've promised. Holding LINK in 2020 is cringe as fuck

>> No.19490765

i cant believe youre still holding this shitcoin

>> No.19490769


>> No.19490790

Buying at 50c years ago was a shit idea.
Buying today at 2c is an absolute sure-thing. I've made over a grand in the last 2 hours.

>> No.19490809
File: 37 KB, 483x640, 1544543043267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this post on every NKN thread. Either delusion or greatest FUD ever. Either way keep posting it, me and based /nkn/cians gotta accumulate for $1 EOM

>> No.19490950

Imagine thinking link will do a 10x before nkn will. Have you compared marketcaps?

>> No.19490992

More cheap manipulation. Especially funny if I consider how you said the very same thing two years ago. And now look at what happened. You overall seem emotionally attached to your coin. It's best to acknowledge that you have a permabull problem and it's more likely for your chink scam to go another -90% instead. Especially now that the team has received another 50 million coins they can dump onto the market at their leisure.

>> No.19491059

There is no cheap manipulation. They're working with one of the largest streaming services of the world right now. They took those two years and actually built working products that they can now offer to real world companies instead of shilling, marketing, partnership bragging, and pump n dumping.
It's more than 90 out of 100 coins in the top 100 can claim and the marketcap is tiny.

>> No.19491104

you don't understand that NKNs time is yet to come

>> No.19491144

Your entire post is full of unconstructive and fomo-inducing language. Simply the fact that you misconstrue an inability to conduct marketing in face of an absence of a working product (and they still have no product as of now) as them doing so voluntarily says a lot about your agenda. Then you make up an arbitrary statistic to support the idea of why your shitcoin, which has done nothing but dump until now, should suddenly start mooning. I think not, Anon.

The time for another 90% drop. Soon.

>> No.19491259

> (and they still have no product as of now)
Stopped reading here pajeet, you clearly have no idea what NKN is. They have one of the most impressive networking or communication product portfolios of any alt.

>> No.19491296

>anon is again manipulative and cherry-picks a single snippet out of a greater construct in order to invalidate the entire conversation
You're good at this shilling business, I give you as much. But you won't fool me. I'll keep my Link, thank you very much.

>> No.19491402

Imagine being this much of clueless about NKN. Cringe.

>> No.19491482

>out of arguments
>starts same-fagging from the phone
The absolute state of nkn shills

>> No.19491590

> I'll keep my Link, thank you very much.
Kek good luck.

>> No.19491678

They have several working products online, and you have outed yourself as dishonest by claiming the opposite so I don't feel the need to convince you.
For other anons: they have several working products online, which they are testing with large real world companies, and which can be marketed to companies the world over. If one of those bites, and this is a non zero chance because their products offer cost reduction for several types of businesses, this project is SEVERELY undervalued. The 90/100 number I threw out there is not literal, but it is an undisputed fact that most coins in the top 100 are either vapourware or have 0 paying customers, the only thing that gives something legitimacy in the real world. DYOR.

>> No.19491809

They don't even have their main net fully ready anon. There was nothing to market and adopt. I understand that you have been bagholding from 50 cent and are emotionally attached, but please. Be honest. To us and yourself.

>> No.19492005

And despite all these products and clients the token price isn‘t going up, so u feel the need to shill this chink coin.
Maybe just maybe it is on you new Kind of niggers to accept that the whole project is shit. You spend your money on a payment token for a chink team that claims to buy for their clients. What is next? Santa Claus is real? Deluded.

>> No.19492069

Mainnet has been ready, and deployed, for over a fucking year. They've also just finished a full security audit of their entire core code.

You realise we're at 20%+ sats today?

>> No.19492235


>> No.19492250

Unfortunately you weeded out an at least 50x performer here. Ngmi.

>> No.19492318

If you can't differentiate between NKN and a random Chink scam, my advice to you would be to stop investing in crypto.
I guess it's hard for brainlets to understand that something can be overvalued at ICO with little information/reputation about the team at .50 and a good investment at .02 after the team has shown nothing but progress and dedication.
Just as link was a good buy at .20 and now terribly overpriced after years of not solving what it set out to solve.

>> No.19492384

i confirm. dumped my bag of links for NKN

>> No.19492627

I literally bought some and wanted to try out their token swap website, but it didn't work. Your definition of "deployed" is interesting to say the least.

This anon gets it. Don't fall for the shills. DYOR.

>> No.19492764

This thing will at least 5x from here. It did in 2019 from 1.2c to 11c. So what is 1.5c to 10c in 2020? With actual progress on the commercial side, it will happen again. Just don't brush it off because of some other chinks scams. Wolfram reached out to NKN team and he highly praises this project, even making an example out of what New Kind of Science (cellular automata) can do in term of networking in the form of NKN in Wolfram's latest presentation.

>> No.19492848

Hahahaha. Cope.

>> No.19493039

I monitor the swap tool and it sees hundreds of transactions. If you couldn't make it work, it says more about you than the tool.

>> No.19494061

It's literally down right now. I don't know who you are trying to fool here. If you hold NKN, you can literally check it out right now for yourself. Anyone holding NKN can.

>> No.19494208

You mean the NKN to ERC20 tool is down.

The ERC20 to NKN is up.

>> No.19494281

Thanks, Anon. You are right. Which incidentally explains why it has been "mooning": There are a lot of bagholders who converted their ERC-20 into NKN under the assumption of being able to convert back. Now they are stuck with a token they literally can't sell on any exchanges. This means there is an artificial token lock.Once Binance starts listing the NKN mainnet token and these bagholders can dump, you can expect a huge dip.

>> No.19494358

I am one of those bagholders btw. Can't believe I fell for this token swap scam. Never trust chinks.

>> No.19494360
File: 1.08 MB, 400x537, goku_charging_ka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be right.
But I think anyone that converted from ERC20 to NKN, will hold.

I mean, I will.

NKN will actually be in the top 50 this year.
Top 25 by end of summer next year
Top 5 by end of 2021.

>> No.19494674

Coping with my 40% profit from 1.5c entry. Thanks man.

>> No.19495044

Kek not even close to being true. The swap opens every 6 weeks, for 2 weeks, and only closed like 5 days ago. If all them bagholders wanted to convert to ERC20 to sell they've had several chances this year, including only a week or so ago. You dumb fucking spanner. Stop trying to spread shit, it's comical how wrong your FUD is.

>> No.19495055

About to tee off on the hourly btc pair. GL

>> No.19495061

Total bullshit. No one's holding mainnet without knowing they can swap back to ERC20. It's the same tool to go either way, with clear links to the main>erc20 scheduling.

>> No.19495262

Even if this were true, them being unable to even code a simple swapping tool which works all day, but has a downtime of 75%, just shows how bad their team is. Imagine trusting such a team with creating a decentralized internet of kinds. Will it be down 75% of the time, too? Kek.

>> No.19495282
File: 1.84 MB, 1191x1066, 1590940232111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I love how there is no real [actually true] fud for NKN.

>> No.19495403

this is the baseless fud we need. Easy to detect. Bullish af.

>> No.19495420

>subpar team which can't even code a reliable swapping tool
>mainnet delayed for over one year
>deluded bagholders constantly strung along via vague promises of partnerships and adoption SOON™
>dumping constantly until a pump and dump group picked it up and started shilling recently
Sure got yourself a winner there, Anon.

>> No.19495492

Okay now I know you're trolling lol.

>subpar team which can't even code a reliable swapping tool
Team has some of the best blockchain talent in the space.
>mainnet delayed for over one year.
Mainnet launched 24 hours late, so it could be on a Monday instead of Sunday.
>deluded bagholders constantly strung along via vague promises of partnerships and adoption SOON™
Partnerships and adoption is already well under-way
>dumping constantly until a pump and dump group picked it up and started shilling recently
> almost anyone who bought in the last 6 months is in profit today

Well trolled sir. Kept the thread going far longer than it needed to.

>> No.19495500

For people reading here: It sounds as if this project is a winner. But the reality presented here is heavily warped by the emotional investment of anons holding heavy bags all the way from 50 cent. Do not be fooled and enter their warped view on reality. DYOR!!

>> No.19495661
File: 250 KB, 628x437, delusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nkn bagholders looking into the mirror.jpg

>> No.19495716


>> No.19495817

copy paste fud from samefag

>> No.19496013

this! so much!

>> No.19496074

unironically this

>> No.19496268

exactly, 50x minimum in 2021

>> No.19497262

mew kind of metwork