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19488669 No.19488669 [Reply] [Original]

I know of an underhanded and scum-bag human being method to make money. The method Im referring to falls into the gray area of the law. The only person losing out are big companies but I am essentially stealing.

Should I do this? Morally I dont think I should but fuck am I broke

>> No.19488702

Don’t anon. Karma is very real. But also. Fuck corporations. I am conflicted. It depends on whether or not you can get jail time.

When in doubt, think of Robinhood.

>> No.19488710

The devil lies in the details, so we‘ll need more info than that

>> No.19488713


Times are about to get very, very tough. If you have an opportunity to get fast money and put it in crypto, do it. You owe this sick and twisted society full of freaks nothing.

>> No.19488737

I can attest to karma being real.

I used to run a ton of Blackhat scams through Facebook and google ads and probably ruined many people financially.

I have now had two straight years of appalling luck in business and lost basically everything.

I wouldn’t do it if I were you OP.

>> No.19488738

>not illegal
>gets you money
>fucks over corporations which is actually a good thing overall

I'd say do it. Also what is it?

>> No.19488901


I honestly want to do it because I've been straight edged my whole life and In the last 5 years i've been constantly screwed over financially in weird karma-like ways.

kind of just want to say fuck it.

The method isn't really detectable. I make the end consumer happy (robin hood). the Corporations take a petty hit. don't really want to go into to much detail. I guess its the guilt of the idea

>> No.19488920

I would just go for it anon

>> No.19489046

fuck corporations, do it

>> No.19489065
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>> No.19489139

The people who run the world aren’t good people, anon. You should know this.

>> No.19489371

karma is part of a false pajeet system
def a sin that leads to death and hell though

>> No.19489418

Do it once or twice and see how you feel afterwards. Just try it and go from there. This will be the realest answer honestly. Karma exists, but everyone has a different take and a different path to their karma. >>19488737
Is totally different from what you plan to do so yeah, go for it.

>> No.19489536

Karma isn't real. In the words of Chris Rock, people say what goes around comes around, but sometimes it just keeps going around. History is full of disgustingly atrocious people who went on to live perfectly fine lives. There is no karma, no God, and like another anon above said the world is ruled by people with zero moral compass and what do they have to show for it? Endless wealth and comfort, that's what. If you can give one fuck you to the system and win yourself back some money, do it. Dignity never knocked out the rent

>> No.19489553

Whatever works in making the society unnigger-like. OP is on the verge of becoming a nigger.

>> No.19489808

That’s not what he’s saying. Karma isn’t your cope system

>> No.19489817

Read the Greeks, this point is refuted and has been spouted since the dawn of man.