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File: 3 KB, 303x166, btceth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19477172 No.19477172 [Reply] [Original]

DCA in for 3 months and a long term hold. Which one would you choose?

>> No.19477200

You can do both with STA index liquid pool.

>> No.19477204

bump since I like the current prices.

>> No.19477231

I don't know what that is and I keep my stuff in cold storage, thanks though.

>> No.19477243

ETH for optimal chad folio gains

> inb4 streetshitter.exe


>> No.19477272

Thanks. What does ETH have to do with pajeets? It's not like it's a scam or anything.

>> No.19477274

Bitcoin is less risky, but ether likely has a greater upside in the next market, because the logarithmic growth of bitcoin is slowing, while ether has a bit more to give still.

>> No.19477283

BTC, ETH is bleeding sats as it a shitcoin & ALWAYS will be a shitcoin

>> No.19477282

then just buy both.

>> No.19477312

My thoughts exactly, except maybe a BTC singularity is still not impossible. Thanks anon.

>> No.19477452

I suppose it's not impossible, just not probable. For example. I think the next blow off top could be at 100k. But it may go as high as 200k. Could it go higher than 200k? Yes it could, but it does not seem likely. Either way, smart money will be exiting the market at 100k while dumb money will be pouring in at 120k screaming that the price is going to $1 million EOY. It just won't.

>> No.19477464
File: 45 KB, 645x773, DOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pajeets love to undermine its potential and shill shitcoins like LINK, STA, etc.

ETH and BTC chad-folio stacks and you will be snorting a 8-ball and pounding sloots in no time brother

>> No.19477475

But would that scenario mean ETH doing better than BTC?
You're right about ETH bleeding sats but shitcoin is an overstatement.

>> No.19477478

As for ether, if you can DCA now till the end of the year between 150-250, and the price hits 10k-20k in three years, then your return is 50x compared to 10x for bitcoin (10k -> 100k). So there's that.

>> No.19477486


>> No.19477534
File: 123 KB, 509x572, rencube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You choose the project that puts bitcion on ethereum

>> No.19477754

fuck off raju. i can smell the curry on your post from here.

>> No.19477935

1. btc is roughly 2x away from ath, eth almost 6x
2. increasing amounts of eth are locked up in smart contracts and whallets
3. by the time bulls gain some traction eth 2.0 will probably make significant advancements creating more hype
imo eth is a guaranteed (as far as guaranteed in crypto goes) 10x from current prices, and highly possibly even more

>> No.19478094


>> No.19478209

>I don't know what that is and I keep my stuff in cold storage
wise decision

>> No.19478606
File: 639 KB, 700x1000, KanekiRenIsGoingTo100x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for using the Ren cube <3

>> No.19479326
File: 63 KB, 720x960, Brap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But will they let you stick one in the PNK?