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19475537 No.19475537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I won a few $k betting Trump in 16.

All of this black lives matter hysteria looks like a political attempt to discredit Trump.

Might sell some of my crypto stack to place the bet

>> No.19475570

Don't understand how 4 cops killing a black man is somehow Trump's fault, but I've stopped watching media bullshit years ago.

>> No.19475591

This. Seems like a regularly scheduled chimp-out to me

>> No.19475610

Race tensions were worst under Obama. This whole thing was exacerbated by the media

>> No.19475612

That’s exactly what it is

>> No.19475804

Yep. I put 400 bucks on the orange man.

>> No.19475823

How 2 bet on elections?

>> No.19475843

>don’t understand how someone dividing the country at every possible turn is somehow to blame for the country being divided
You see what you want to see.

>> No.19475864


>> No.19475866

>pot, meet kettle
Your lack of self-awareness is astonishing to me

>> No.19475889

if you actually watched any of the livestreams. there was actually little real racial rhetoric. sure the joggers were jogging, but there were lots of antifa whites mixed in stealing and burning as well.
the media is just trying to frame this as a race war because its the only angle that seemingly attacks trump.

truth? probably people locked up for 60 days under media hysterics and told now they have no job and no future. the media's certainly not going to take the blame for that....

>> No.19475891

Name one thing Trump's done to divide america.

I'll wait.

>> No.19475896

I saw some knockers like these yesterday. Her titties were so big that she had blue veins all over her chest. It looked pretty sickening but dam were those some jugs

>> No.19475901

This. If anything, I would put more of the blame on the media and their sensationalism.

>> No.19475909

leftist morons unironically think they just started revolution a civil war they gonna win LMAO

>> No.19475928

Walk into any betting shop and go to the counter

>> No.19475949

This is all straight from Sun-Tsu: misdirection, divide and rule. People are simple and the people with power know this very well.

>> No.19475973


>> No.19475981

Stop posting this moley ass bitch, she is disgusting.

>> No.19475992


>> No.19476020

Trump doesn't need discrediting, he's perfectly capable of that himself.

>> No.19476074


>> No.19476094

Exactly. You're seeing it as a tin foil conspiracy because you want it to be like that.

>> No.19476431

Your lack of intelligence and ability to understand my point is astounding. In fact, not one counter-argument in here actually understood me. It’s not that it’s a difficult concept, it’s that you’re too worried about your feelings being hurt and protecting your pride.

>> No.19476481


The last time I gambled on Trump via Paddy Power they said "Hillary won the popular vote" and declared that I had somehow lost the bet. They stole my winning AND the money I put in. 10k total.

Be very careful where you bet, make sure you don't put your money in the hands of Leftists because they don't play fair.

>> No.19476515

He's not wrong. You're a massive projectionist.

>> No.19476543

Can't you sue them for that?

>> No.19476562

Bet on lean hogs

>> No.19476567


I reported it of course but guess who handles these kinds of issues. Nothing was done about it.

>> No.19476605

Kek utter delusion.

I wouldn't bet till I see the debates, that's gonna be a fucking shitshow. Trump has a tendency to go full authoritarian on Twitter and that looks bad. Biden has to make less of an ass and then condemn looting and he'll look like a more measured law and order candidate.

>> No.19476678

I honestly never cared about politics until trump claimed he was enforced on covid then proceeded to show the complete lack of understanding of how viruses work.

It murders me as a biologist.

I have never voted. I dont know enough about politics to ever feel comfortable about voting but why the fuck lie and say he knows how viruses works and then prove he doesnt.

I am not taking about the bleach and light shit. I am talking about the other shit he talked about with viruses.

This enraged me to a point where I might actually vote this year. It's a big might.

>> No.19476684

biden is senile and will become even more apparent if he doesn't to hide from a debate. nigger riots only increase white voter turnout for trump in november.

>> No.19476689

you can "bet" using predictit

>> No.19476709

Because fuck white people

>> No.19476733

Im waiting for Trump @ +150 before placing a bet.

I've punted some money on Hillary +3500 as well.

>> No.19476734


Shut the fuck up your illiterate nigger, you can't even articulate what he was supposedly wrong about.


Yeah, not an argument. Kill yourself dumb kike.

>> No.19476763
