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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19466353 No.19466353 [Reply] [Original]

The Chad Investment... *SNIFFFFFFFFFF* you smell that anon? smells like LUNAR SOIL

>> No.19466434
File: 152 KB, 491x508, IMG_20200507_191233-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150K here

>> No.19466449

Based anon checking in

>> No.19466460

Only purple ids will make it

>> No.19466485

linkies on suicide watch

>> No.19466590


>> No.19466658

it's gonna happen. :)

>> No.19466962

May I touch your bags and honor them?

>> No.19466994

If purple ID I buy orchid
If blue ID I buy Link
If anything else I sit and wait for both to dump

>> No.19466999

We will make it. Together. As orchies.

>> No.19467014

What color is that? Magenta? Does that count?

>> No.19467021

i bought a small bag because of you faggots, let's see how much this shit pumps

>> No.19467029

the orchid gods have spoken.

yes, it counts. go suicide stack 500k orchies

>> No.19467233

None of these posts seem organic. Go back to your gay discord cum dungeon

>> No.19467249


stinky linkie on suicide watch ladies and gentleman. stay mad twink

>> No.19467333


Yeah, that fucking counts. Do it, pussy.

>> No.19467346

based, and checked

>> No.19467355


They don't, I agree, but you can't really pnd this coin.

>> No.19467381

This. Orchid is one of the few coins on /biz/ that is not a P&D

>> No.19467391
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Imagine shilling this shit coin

>> No.19467411

Why should I fomo into orchid? Is it really gonna moon?

>> No.19467423

CEO is announcing partnership tomorrow. It's already on coinbase, and is at its all time low. Literally retarded if you don't all in to Orchid

>> No.19467424

My gians aren’t doing a damn thing right now so buying this and hoping to cash out on tomorrow’s listing.

>> No.19467430

sauce on the partnership?

>> No.19467459
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also, another huge announcement from them tomorrow at some crypto event

>> No.19467464

How much do I need to make it? Is $1k enough?

>> No.19467477

I would all in

>> No.19467488

What kind of price increase are we thinking? 100%? 200%?

>> No.19467497

1,000% at least

>> No.19467499

nobody will know. could 20%, 200%, or 2000%.

imo it will reach like $2

>> No.19467514

$2 would be amazing, I want those gains

>> No.19467534

how is this different from all the other privacy focused crypto vpns?

>> No.19467568

We're gonna see them anon.

best case scenario $20 eom.

worst case $1

>> No.19467572

How many of those shitcoins are listed on Coinbase, Gemini, and Kraken? NONE. Orchid is the ((((chosen)))) coin. It glows in the fucking dark, in the best po$$ible way. Also, it's not just a VPN. It's a decentralized marketplace of bandwidth providers. Think decentralized ISPs. This shit will compete with Comcast in due time. Ignore at your own risk.

>> No.19467616

Orchid is the ((((coin)))) of the century. It's NOT just a VPN bro.

You literally own the internet.

That's Orchid.

That's ((((THE)))) coin.
That's ((((YOUR)))) investment.


>> No.19467640

Dude if we hit $20 that would earn me more than I make in a year

>> No.19467657

Got a bag, tempted to go all in and convert everything for a pamp

>> No.19467663

If you don't buy orchid, you WONT make it

>> No.19467689

Rolling for purple

Bless me rng gods. My time is now

>> No.19467705

Based purple get

>> No.19467711


feeling lucky

>> No.19467722


>> No.19468128
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>> No.19468176

purple wins

orchid hits 10$


orchid hits 15$

>> No.19468219


>> No.19468225
File: 16 KB, 225x224, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19468230


>> No.19468242

If purple I convert my remaining ETH to orchid

>> No.19468489


>> No.19468551
File: 19 KB, 216x233, orchiepride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the BARE minimum. BARE. MINIMUM.