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File: 506 KB, 828x997, F09D7196-8E32-4C09-8441-067B0DD37C48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19462072 No.19462072 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of the US president being such a candy ass pussy bitch that he hides in the White House basement and turns the lights out when some fireworks go off?

>> No.19462097

It’s the Democrats only way of winning. Their candidates are not worthy so they’re letting their cities burn to make trump look bad. Prove me wrong

>> No.19462100
File: 1.58 MB, 816x684, howtodealwithcommies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mindlessly repeating CCP and leftoid propaganda

>> No.19462115

No good Warlord jumps in this early, they come in later among the ashes with all the supplies needed to rebuild the communities burnt down, offering them an olive branch as a show of unity. Just throwing darts in the dark here.

>> No.19462133


COPE. Biden was leading in virtually every poll before then. Trump is a weak, cowardly leader he shits his pants when people show up. Notice he hasn’t tweeted anything.

>> No.19462143
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>> No.19462148

So Hillary won?

>> No.19462158

>candy ass pussy bitch
>implying you wouldn't do the same if you were as valuable as he is
Rich white guy lives matter

>> No.19462159


Just like they were wrong in 2018, yeah?

>> No.19462165

We are going to exterminate you commie kikes :)))))

>> No.19462169
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>> No.19462170

>Trump is a weak, cowardly leader he shits his pants when people show up.
>Biden was leading in virtually every poll before then.
Literally shits his pants on a daily basis

>> No.19462172


>most powerful man in the world is afraid of firecrackers

Makes sense after he ran off that stage and had Theresa May hold his hand going down some stairs lol

>> No.19462190


MIGAtard cope. Keep dreaming, trump unitonically wants the death penalty for anti Semitism.

>> No.19462193

KYS kike nogger

>> No.19462200
File: 303 KB, 800x1600, 6744bd3a-103a-4f9f-ba16-3319e756b1f2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Hillary won? Biden said he was going to beat himself.

>> No.19462211
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>> No.19462233
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>> No.19462236
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Trump talks like a retard in public all the time. Remember the “super duper missile”? Pretty sad that trump is unironically now a hikki. Wasn’t this guy supposed to stop white genocide or something?

>> No.19462284

Look at the demoralization kike shill. Poor thing has schizophrenia

>> No.19462286
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>> No.19462295
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Must be one of those things that arent true but happened or are true but never occurred.

>> No.19462309
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>publically available information is propaganda

Yup, it’s a MIGAtard. Bunker boy is scared shitless right now.


>> No.19462319

God damn I feel bad for you. Things are only going to get worst for you demon.

>> No.19462337
File: 36 KB, 425x267, 1C80951A-0DE2-4183-B8AD-F9941EBC97EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seethe and cope. Trump is the laughingstock of the whole world. I wonder if Melanie is bringing him tendies in his little NEET hangout.

>> No.19462369

I swear one fucking nigger dies and you faggots find the inspiration to hate trump again with new vigor, it's actually insane. Seek professional help

>> No.19462402
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>seek help

Believe me, I’ve tried to get as many of you bootlickers out of the MIGA cult for years now, but the brainwashing is way too strong. Trump isn’t recruiting the best people.

>> No.19462435

USA needs to be nuked desperately. Left, right, all are cancer. Wipe them out.

>> No.19462484
File: 923 KB, 1798x1125, 1590891083798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure its not even Trump fault that people are becoming conservative and these riots have pretty much expedited every county and city to becoming red. How to profit off this by the way? How to short democrats?

>> No.19462502
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Seriously, what are some liberal companies that heavily support democrats to short?

>> No.19463143


Delusional, Democrat voters outnumber conservatives. Republicans use gerrymandering and other machinations to suppress democrat voter turnout.

>> No.19463164


Half of those states are conservative you twit. It’s high time that flyover country is burned.

>> No.19463189

That's not what happened in 2016 dumb fuck hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Keep seething. Lefties and dems are desperate, and you're retarded, those cities are democrat run cities. I would short all those companies that support lefty shit if I could.

>> No.19463210

Giga cope

>> No.19463218
File: 443 KB, 1000x1000, 1588183429656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually quite wealthy, but I would still enjoy hanging out with that man far more than I would with communist filth like you.

>> No.19463227


You can’t short anything because you’re a dumbass poorfag. Trump won by 70,000 votes in three swing states. Nationwide, he lost the popular vote by 3 million. That is a razor thin margin and he’s only grown more unpopular since then. I’m going to enjoy election night and watching the last republican president for a generation leave the White House.

>> No.19463228

Priced in. Everyone knows he's a sissy who sucks Melania's big slavic cock and flip flops all the time in fear of her scorn.

>> No.19463229

Lmao you and the other edgy neckbeard army with your mall ninja katanas. Ok bud.

>> No.19463245


I bet you are ;^)

>> No.19463329

Imagine still being invested in donkey-elephant puppet shows. The bread and circus is failing, the American Dream is dying and the proles are out for blood.

>> No.19463370

What is protocol for the secret service for 400, Alex

You have to be brain dead to be a liberal these days. Completely and utterly brain dead

>> No.19463401

Are you serious? Trump is clearly pro-Jewish.


You nu/pol/ faggots need to all fuck off back to the the_donald.

>> No.19463419


>I-it was p-protocol

Cope. Call others brain dead and you support a guy who pardoned a literal kike that hired illegal immigrants. Not to mention the embassy to Jerusalem.

>> No.19463438

Both Liberals & Conservatives need to be culled.

>> No.19463465

I'm neither for the blue or red, and I think we need more representation than just two parties. But, it's getting clearer and clearer by the day that the dems are retarded and even normies are waking up. And yes most of the problems were bound to happen and be amplified with lock downs killing our economy along with laying off people. No jobs and cities not reopening fast enough means riots were bound to happen.

>> No.19463495


>I’m neither

Nice try. You suck trumps cock like it was nothing. Maybe you could keep him company in that hikki hangout.