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19462028 No.19462028 [Reply] [Original]

>We plan to release a new version of the Idena node on June 6, 2020. It will be a hard fork update. There are the following changes planned:

>Preventing the issues that caused the last validation incident
>Additional protocol improvements
Full text here: https://medium.com/idena/idena-hard-fork-announcement-42416b1178a6
Is it unironically over or is there still some hope? I know ETH ran into similar problems at the beginning and had to do rollbacks but man, these last few days have sucked.

>> No.19462043

bought 13k more today, nice sale

>> No.19462088

FUCK I was trying to buy 10k last night and no one sold.

>> No.19462106

Also mining was about 12 DNA per day between the last validations but now its about 25 per day because the ID's dropped :D
>Buy the fear, sell the greed.

>> No.19462113
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I doubled my stack with this incident. I'm happy

>> No.19462125

all the important nodes are only suspended luckily. It does suck for all the new nodes but they'll be back.
I hope quality of next validation's flips will be good. It will be mostly flips from newbie nodes

>> No.19462220
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>I hope quality of next validation's flips will be good. It will be mostly flips from newbie nodes
Great point. They'll be reported to hell if not and won't count luckily.

The keywords better load.

>> No.19462279

It will be interesting to see. I don't think we've ever had this ratio of nodes that can make flips vs nodes that can only validate

>> No.19463202

I will be reporting every single flip next session to get back at the people who survived the snap.

>> No.19463252
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>I will be reporting every single flip next session to get back at the people who survived the snap.
same here, the motherfuckers are laughing at us

>> No.19463393

this is the perfect opportunity because anyone killed by the bug isn't submitting flips so we aren't harming innocents by doing this