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File: 989 KB, 3840x2160, EZcnpanU4AAVrUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19460247 No.19460247 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you're shorting Sony right now.

>> No.19460285

Powerful. We need more companies to stand up like this.

>> No.19460294

Stunning and brave.

>> No.19460304

not even once

>> No.19460310

>we don't want our release getting fucked up by looters

>> No.19460414

A bloodbath of hypocrisy

>> No.19460448

im not sure they realize it but i wont be buying PS5 and im a rich white man who has all their previous consoles

>> No.19460479

>Force people onto unemployment
>Crash economy
>Allow violent riots to take place
>Take away the vidya
They are trying to force a war aren't they?

>> No.19460508


>> No.19460524

Fuck the Piss5. They can take their angry lesbians elsewhere.

>> No.19460581

>we fucked up the preparations.
> this is an excellent way out

>> No.19460618

Don't worry, they will sell anyway to leftist manlets and "gamer girls".
The vidya industry died of overproduction lowering the quality of their games, just like any form of art.

>> No.19460639

I’ve been a devout PlayStation Mans since the original console. Skipped the PS4 due to gaming burnout and am glad I skipped this console generation because everything is so pozzed.

>> No.19460644

This but unironically. Japs hate niggers btw

>> No.19460684


Playstations have always been the nigger choice. And all the 3rd world soccer niggers.

>> No.19460688

> Be Sony
> Try desperately to market the PS5
> "It has an SSD"
> Even Laptop owners do not value PS5
> Sony BTFO'd hard
> Pandemic fucks over the economy
> "Well, at least we can advertise, lets try and shill Last Of Us 2"
> Leaks come out and Sony's main selling point goes down the drain
> "Fuck it, we'll launch it in June, should be good by then and most people will have money from the stimulus checks in the US"
> Nignogs ruin the entirety of the US, destroying any remaining attention Sony had
> "Well, we'll try and latch onto the Black Lives Matter movement for attention"
> Trump reveals that most the rioters are Antifa and brands them a terrorist, meaning Sony is supporting terrorists
> "Fuck this, we're done"
> Delay the release for an unknown amount of time
> Recently created Antifa/Black Lives Matter twitter mob attacks hardcore Sony fans

Sony is just constant failures.

>> No.19460728


>> No.19460743

I think any corporation attempting to personalize themselves as "friends" or 'individualized personas' need to be shot up. I'm talking Charlie Habdo but without the cartoons and all the death targeted towards the idiots who post this shit.

>> No.19460755

Same here, I’m their core demographic and I won’t touch their shit with a ten foot pole and will be telling all my friends to do the same. Sony is dead to me.

>> No.19460777


Say... in minecraft.

>> No.19460787

Sony is literally just using this shit for free advertising

>> No.19460817

all these retards hating on sony. The PS4 was fucking great compared to whatever Microsoft shit out. I'm definitely gonna buy a ps5

>> No.19460821

Lmao this is going to cause more black people riots than George Floyd, all they do is "play dat 2k"

>> No.19460901


Nobody cares nigger. Everyone I know who still "games" uses a computer now. Sony is as dead as that Nigger who overdosed on the drugs he swallowed while cops held him down.

>> No.19460967

>Everyone I know who still "games" uses a computer now.
Computer gaming scene was always more robust faggot. the interface of the PS4 was seamless and smooth. If I want to play some random fucking games with the bros or hoes it was perfect.

>> No.19460985


>> No.19460990

Idc I’m still buying a ps5

>> No.19461026

Based fagtron

>> No.19461048

Most people I know who game use a PS4 or Xbox. You must not leave this board much anon.

>> No.19461879 [DELETED] 

this could maybe have worked 10 years ago but now? this whole marketing team will be fired 1 year after ps5 release tops kek

>> No.19461905
File: 155 KB, 720x717, 1591030635112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could maybe have worked 10 years ago but now? this whole marketing team will be fired 1 year after ps5 release tops kek

>> No.19461917
File: 9 KB, 233x217, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19461936

Delay release so the launch isn't immediately looted, portray it a woke protest

>> No.19461964

I've had all the main consoles + psp and although i was already on the fence about 5 due to hating paid for online and being screwed by sony over PSN purchases, this has cemented my decision to avoid.

>> No.19461972
File: 55 KB, 372x434, JDogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You breathed yesterday, Trayvon. What do you need all that air for anyway? You're just going to waste it.

>> No.19461996
File: 11 KB, 468x229, snoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good sales tactic?

>> No.19462006
File: 134 KB, 1024x625, 1590963628495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So strong

>> No.19462010


They're already giving away free playstations to looters and rioters, bless their hearts

>> No.19462023

no anon, the stores paid them for it

>> No.19462073

it will be insurance companies paying for the loot, they will cover the costs by making every stores insurance higher, and the stores will cover the increased insurance prices by putting more margin on sold products.
so in the end you will end up paying for those playstations.

>> No.19462090
File: 6 KB, 250x182, angry pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf I hate niggers now!

>> No.19462482


>> No.19462556

If you're older than 22 and you still play video games, your value to society probably isn't that high so this doesn't really affect anything

>> No.19462558
File: 499 KB, 1152x1304, 1548220712490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.19463238

>their target audience is currently out looting

>> No.19463288
File: 502 KB, 598x961, BreatheInHell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totes your goats.

>> No.19463316

jesus christ i cant handle the virtue signaling at the moment its so fucking cringe