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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19452937 No.19452937 [Reply] [Original]

I applied to hundreds of jobs these past 4 months and NOTHING. NOT EVEN A GENERIC REJECTION EMAIL. You would expect health care and delivery services to be hiring but NOPE. Starting to wonder whether all these jobs being posted online are fake just to create the illusion the economy is "recovering".

>> No.19453002

try some glaziers

>> No.19453022

Let me guess. You're "overqualified".

Lots of places are hiring. Go deliver pizza.

>> No.19453031

it truly is the end of times

>> No.19453042

have you tried doing your job interview wearing black bloc garb?

>> No.19453048

ditto, fucking sucks

>> No.19453060

Hi, I live in the south east of America.

If I walk out of my house the work available to me is widespread. I can do landscaping and yard work for hundreds of miles around me. I can do construction work for hundreds of miles around me. I can do any odd job I find on craigslist. I can flip vehicles or other things from auctions.

I dont need a resume or a background check or even an application for any of that. In any of those positions I can clear $1000 per week in a very low cost of living area.

>> No.19453504

thats what happens when the government """"""protects"""""" workers
being forced to pay wages while your workers stay home and being forced to not fire redundant workers in order to qualify for emergency loans means employers DO NOT want new employees, so if you lost your job because a business literally goes bankrupt then tough shit, heres your unemployment now shutup and vote

>> No.19454038
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amazon still hires for their warehouse, anon

>> No.19454243

you say all these things and knowing that you're on 4chan tells me you don't do any of these jobs you're just bragging about it. I bet you're a lazy fucking neet.

>> No.19454246

Why yes, yes I am

>> No.19454311

No one is hiring (you)

>> No.19454312


Short answer is that other ppl got the jobs.

As someone who has had hiring power at small businesses, let me tell you how it is. Imagine being overwhelmed at work already and then having to write dozens if not hundreds of rejection emails to people they dont need. Even if its a generic email, sending takes a lot of time for any company that cant have an automated service manage applications and responses. On top of that, its hard to manage and keep track of job listings on diverse platforms, and doing so takes even more time, so even when filled they tend to stay up.

>> No.19454371

I've been making 20 an hour driving for doordash, shit isn't glamorous but you can do it at anytime and gives you plenty of time to think about your future while driving around

>> No.19454379

t. has no experience
Have you looked for a McJob OP?