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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19450706 No.19450706 [Reply] [Original]

4th pillar. Up but on fairly trashy volume for this low circ supply. Big June / July coming. $420k-ish marketcap. 100 million circulating supply. Under a penny. Should 10x, but may run very much higher with this EU support, whether it's all one big larp or not. Don't underestimate this one.



>> No.19450718

Please atleast research , it's a scam project.

>> No.19450761

Scams pump the hardest.

>> No.19450845

pee pee poo poo

>> No.19450893

This is in no way a scam. Is it a pile of spec trash? Maybe. But find me a 300k cap that isn't. This will be an IDEX target.

>> No.19451317

fuck it. in for 8 eth.

>> No.19451387
File: 70 KB, 859x324, 112chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put in 112 ETH the other day. Sucking up more dumps as we speak on Bilaxy.

>> No.19451569

jfc anon

>> No.19451582

Sorry for your loss

>> No.19451658

>he thinks this won't moon
>he thinks he can time the market

>> No.19451688

This project definitely has potential to moon hard and keep pumping.
Comfy af holding this

>> No.19451950

how much you got senpai.

bilaxy books are wack as fuck / fake / won't fill my bids

>> No.19452019

I market bought 1M on Bilaxy. You can't be a lil bitch with 300K cap projects.

>> No.19452101

Simon from Blockfyre :

"- 450k mcap

- Connections to the Slovenian gov and Telemach (basically like the Slovenian telecom)

- The CEO also is part of the UNECE chain project at the United Nations

- No token unlocks until 2022"

Buy now and dump a 3x on Twitters head in 2 weeks or so when June news comes out.. Screencap this.

>> No.19452238

Wait for this fag to put out his report, Bitcoin Brown to shill it, then dump it that day.

>> No.19452476

>- "No token unlocks until 2022"

okay. sold. let's fucking go.

>> No.19452591

another breadcrumb

>> No.19453117

Good stats. I'll throw some ETH at this. 1M is only like $5k and only 100M circulating means it will run eventually if no token unlocks until 2022.

>> No.19453797

wow this is a shitcoin....but i can't argue with the unlocks and blockfyre twitter follower dump on. AYEEEE okkkkkk fags. don't fuck me.

>> No.19454665

Surface : Shitcoin

this one could run higher than most expect tho. dig.

>> No.19454858

This... this is actually interesting anon. Thanks.

>> No.19455081

Team sent like 3 or 4 mil tokens to idex the other day and dumped, when I asked in the telegram he denied it, deleted the message then blocked me..kek

>> No.19455193

Link to team wallet or it didn't happen. Im about to buy 5m of this shit unless you talk me out of it

>> No.19455252
File: 4 KB, 224x112, pepeclap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19455329


these shits all came from the the main wallet to this wallet to IDEX
