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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19449582 No.19449582 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't women stop spending money on useless shit? Do they not know about saving money?
I swear most of them have the same level of financial self control as a toddler.

>> No.19449595


because pussy provides them with new moneis lmao

>> No.19449600

what? a toddler even doesn't have financial self control? what are you implying OP?? sexist ass motherfucka baka

>> No.19449602

Because other people will take care of them.

>> No.19449657

Are you implying that a woman is not free to show her beautiful body on the internet and spend as much as she wants?

>> No.19449675
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Are you?

>> No.19449677

it's 99 out of a 100 times not their money, so why would they care how it is being spent? After the source runs out they just move on to the next one.

>> No.19449711

Women want to be entertained anon.
Girls just want to have fun.
You may write it off as stupid, but it's actually a very complex philosophical subject that has to do with things like subjective value and existential purpose.
That's how the male/female dynamic has been built, women have built it that way, and men have built it that way too - through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.

The more you understand it, the less you'll essentially pound sand.

>> No.19449733

>Taco Bell
>Shitty vodka and fruit juice
>Not knowing how to cook and eating not just shitty processed and/or frozen food, but expensive shitty processed and/or frozen food daily
>Make up
>Skin care products
>Other recurring monthly purchases
>Movies (both in theater and purchasing online)
>Random online purchases
The not being able to cook real food and the recurring monthly purchases is what does most of the damage.

>> No.19450198

Because their brains evolved to consume, not to build/ accumulate ressources.
It's a natural drive for you as a man to want to accumulate enough ressources to be able to support yourself and your family. That's how you ensure the survival of your genes (at least in nature it is). Women don't have that same drive. They just have to attract a good provider to win at evolution.

>> No.19450272
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>girls just wanna have fun

>> No.19450327

Think about all the things women spend their time and money on. It's all about maximizing their looks and getting as much attention from men as possible.
Why do women blow all their money on clothes, make up, skin care, beauty treatments etc.? To maximize their looks (= their value as women).
Why do so many women go to university for meme degrees? No, not because of muh career opportunities, it's to meet a good provider. Why do they spend all day on Instragram, Tinder and Facebook? To get the attention of as many providers as possible.
All women are shallow whores, but their behavior makes sense when you think about it.

>> No.19450443

but....what if....i....just wanna....have fun....???

.....hahah...jk jk......unlesss????

>> No.19450456

A lot of men are the same way, myself included. Social media and the internet in general has poisoned billions of minds

>> No.19450532

Meanwhile men buying

>classic cars
>capeshit merch
>protein drinks
>lego sets
>excessively large lawnmowers
>overpriced watches
>craft beer

Men waste their money even more

>> No.19450633

Don't forget
>video games
>home spying devices
>tvs for every room
>equipment for the monthly new meme hobby

>> No.19450652

Very low quality bait.

>> No.19450709

>classic cars
>overpriced watches
Most men don't buy things like these until they're financially stable. And they spend their own money on it.
> capeshit merch
> craft beer
> lego sets
> video games
All soiboy stuff. It's low T/ high estrogen men acting like women.
> guns
> protein drinks
Perfectly reasonable to want to want to stay fit and be able to protect yourself/ your family.
> shitcoins
That's an investment.
> home spying devices
> tvs for every room
People don't watch tv anymore, boomer.

>> No.19450797

>things men like good, things women like bad!

>> No.19450917

The funny thing is how we didn't have this problem before smartphones became a thing, despite there being the internet. As a matter of fact, I liked the internet precisely because it was free of social media antics and related shittery. You have to go back, Anon.

>> No.19450983

I disagree but it's funny

>> No.19451024

he's right except for the evolution meme bit. women are like children and they also lack the seed of life within them. they need a man to give them purpose and meaning. they just want to be entertained and rely on boundaries set by men to steer their behaviour. of course if you give them money they'll frivolously spend it on material trivial bullshit. they don't know any better.

>> No.19451110

People watch Netflix and such which they mostly do on a tv

>> No.19451114
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Sole aim of the behavior of almost all mammalian females is to instill aggressiveness among all, including themselves, in order to test, and thus perfect by refining, male behavior and resources (by prevalence of successful assemblies of resourceful apex predators).

>> No.19451126

they are the only ones keeping the economy running. if they don't spend, who will?

>> No.19451564
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>> No.19451694

What are you trying to achieve? Have you seriously fooled yourself enough into believing that the vast majority of the earth's population are not just after shiny things? They do not make their decisions out of being confident in their financial stability. They go into debt to prove that they have status. Get out more.

>> No.19451706

Fast food is pretty cheap, especially with coupons/deals and especially when you factor in the time saved and lack of food waste.

>> No.19451717

This. Making money comes easy for them so they do not know the value.

>> No.19451725

Not true. Our current sexual marketplace is highly regulated by the government

>> No.19451776

An economy that relies on women frivolously spending men's money is retarded.

>> No.19451784

You're right doette.

Most men, like most women, are dumb as fuck.

>> No.19452256

In terms of IQ distribution there are more retarded men than retarded women, (and more genius men than genius women)

>> No.19452548
File: 83 KB, 600x448, relaxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't understand wealth as a product of value creation. They think money is magically distributed by government.

Which is actually true, currently. Governments give magic money to banks, without limits, resulting in extreme corruption and the establishment of a pseudo aristocracy.

Taxation is legitimately a scam to fool low information voters. Party politics is a theater to distract from the obscene criminality of bankers.

What this all means is that fiat currency is technically worthless, infinite supply = 0 value.

Which is why we need to move to a trust-less financial system with a sound money standard.

>> No.19452775

people forget this
women are middle of the road
much more stable IQ and unstable emotionally

>> No.19452823

if you remove your r/incel glasses you will see that it is not just wahmen, but people in general. I mean, look around you, majority of people are on phone (((plans))) where they pay 50% more on the phone in total than if they got it cash. Most people happily get loans and most people retire with nothing in their savings.

>> No.19452893

Jessica Khater.
That's the long and short of it about /biz/nisnesswomen and finance.

>> No.19453212

don't you dare bring shitcoins into this

>> No.19453282
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I had cash set aside to buy sub $3, but then LINK broke out, and it looks like it's never breaching $4 ever again at this point. Should I just go all in right now?

>> No.19453304

>buying LINK
youre a retard who fell for the 4th industrial revolution meme

>> No.19453323

Fuck off. It pumped from 11 cents to $5+. It's going to $1000, and no amount of FUD can stop it

>> No.19453362

>moving to new house with gf/breeding cow
>tell her to go look at furniture to get some ideas of pricing and quality before we commit buying anything (had mentioned i will be buying it)
>she comes back with a 12,000 bill

she's lucky she's an asian with a fat fucking ass which was my one rule of settling down. i'm going to pump this bitch full of babies and eat her shithole out for the rest of my lifr and live like a king. but yeah girls are fucking stupid

>> No.19453435

Kys race traitor

>> No.19453451

If you are so sure it goes to 1k then why do you need to ask if you should go all in at sub 5 $? Fuck off stupid shill

>> No.19453456

kys larping pol fag. DAY OF THE COPE

>> No.19453493

Im not larping. You are disgusting. Go back

>> No.19453564

>4chan beta dates and has kids with an oriental women

Wow what a shocker...can’t wait to see your kids posting on incel forums in 18 years

>> No.19453766

because they need to show off other to other women to feel they are doing better than them

>> No.19453793


one of the biggest redpills here. women can't into long term thinking. the (((media))) tells them they need to travel and buy shit. need content for the gram.

>> No.19454078

Women spend disproportionately to men. That's the entire premise of this thread. Schopenhauer identified this in his essay "On Women". Nobody ever claimed many men do not spend money on frivolities.

>> No.19454264

isn't consumer guilt a thing? do women feel this? i feel bad spending extra money than what is absolutely required. as a result, i've been able to save a lot for my age and considering the state of the world past few months/years. saving money is easy if you just agree not to be a degen faggot.

>> No.19454372

wow what a babe

>> No.19454435

>isn't consumer guilt a thing?
Kind of. I've noticed there is a disassociation with most people, and I suspect it's cause of a shitty education system, lack of physical labor, and physical currency.
>do women feel this?
Depends on the woman and man, and their goals in my experience. If the man is someone the woman desires, she'll bend over backwards for him.

>> No.19454764

Fast food is poison. I mean if you eat fast food, you don't need Bill Gates vaccines, you are killing yourself slowly, depopulating on your own.

>> No.19454817

they prefer to live life while you prefer to save your money for the next one

>> No.19454852

You're paying premium prices for the lowest quality food.

>> No.19454931

>lack of food waste
Explain. I don't waste any food except for milk occasionally when I don't have any eggs and heavy cream to turn it into ice cream to preserve it for later.
>Fast food is pretty cheap, especially with coupons/deals
Young women do not use those coupons. If you believe that though, I get coupons all the time in the mail for my local grocery store (although admittedly it mostly ends up just being for garbage like soda and chips).

>> No.19455004

It rules when she has the money and spoils you instead. Take the helicopter-pill and only date women that come from wealth.

>> No.19455186

you cant hide those wrists brother