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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19449348 No.19449348 [Reply] [Original]

I've got 1million, will I make it? Is this a pump and dump scam?

>> No.19449428

I sold at 146 sats why it keeps mooning

>> No.19449453

4 or 5 million id say but since this is a scam I wouldn't bother.

>> No.19450181

it was shilled on twitter heavily

>> No.19450292

What makes you think that

>> No.19450323

why is it even increasing in price? what have they done this month to justify it? absolutely nothing sure its pumping now but there is no tech or reason behind it so its going to dump fucking hard once everyone has had their piece.

>> No.19450429

Staking will be coming out eventually

>> No.19450581

Staking coming out in july. Singapur dollar government approved stablecoin runs on zilliqa. Big marketing deal with one of the best marketing companies (pepsi, toyota etc). Tokenised stock company where you can exchange 24h per day running on zilliqa. Vitalik even shilling the coin on twitter.

Its almost wrong to call it undervalued. Its criminally undervalued.

>> No.19450634

the Pepsi test run is over they aren't running on zilliqas public chain. once they realised the saving they could make they chose to just do it privately.

>> No.19450674

Pepsi test run? Im talking about a huge advertising company that might use zilliqa.

>> No.19450697

tell me was the last time mindshare mentioned Zilliqa? what has it been 2 years now? they obviously aren't using Zilliqa anymore.

>> No.19450743

why would you buy this when AAVE exists? Zilliqa is an abandoned project now shilled by Twitter to exit when they DCA'd bottom. Stay away.

>> No.19451483

I only have 250k.. fking hell, i missed this shit rly bad

>> No.19451605

This willbe top 30 in the bullrun with multi billion mcap, mark my words

>> No.19451887
File: 86 KB, 500x667, oma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This willbe top 30 in the bullrun with multi billion mcap, mark my words


>> No.19451921
File: 110 KB, 1080x778, Screenshot_20200601_121100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See anon. Zilliqa will make us all rich.

>> No.19451940

it already was when anquan capital decided to dump on your ass

>> No.19452061

I bought a unstoppable domain like a year ago. I think it'll be useful in the future

>> No.19452132

theyre shadyand hg exchange doesnt really exist

>> No.19452320

It's already x7.5 from the virus dump bottom, it's going to correct hard.

>> No.19452350

0. It's abandoned and only Twitter fags want you to FOMO buy so they can exit. Buy LOKI.

>> No.19452351

People will load up until 30. June then hard dump and steady up from there. Screencap this.

>> No.19452547

this is the thing they set up some social pay thing that lets them be paid to shill it on twitter

>> No.19452958

Not really, if it was something else than staking then might be true, but people are buying in millions for the 10% staking reward

>> No.19453088

wtf motherfuckers??? that much? i dont even have half mill. could but too risky to go all in in my position.

>> No.19453125

haha no. staking coming you nigger. go buy harmony and lose your money when it dumps to 20 sats where it belongs.

>> No.19453165

Just like how retarded biz lost for the ghost scam, the truth is biz doesnt care abt good coins, im pretty sure they will fud it in every way possible, bcz its alrdy mooned a bit and its not a pump n dump shit what theyre looking for

>> No.19453175

nigger the singaporean government is backing this project. Ever been to singapore? They get shit done and their extremely business oriented and tech friendly. If the singapore dollar stablecoin takes off zilliqa will shoot straigt to the moon since its the equivalent of gas in ethereum for this singapore stablecoin.

>> No.19453230

There's hardly anyone in singapore and no-one cares about their currency

>> No.19453256

i mean dont get me wrong the coin could be undervalued but theres no reason for it to moon and anquan have a habit of dumping on buyers, the team is shady and fuck and have a history of fucking over investors for short-term gain, why touch it

>> No.19453286

Never heard anything good about singapore. Are they even relevant?

>> No.19453291

Lol, i was talking about biz fudding this good coin.. jeez

>> No.19453315
File: 59 KB, 928x523, retardus maximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most important business hub for the biggest global market

hehe there is no one in singapore and no one cares hehe

>> No.19453330

ok i got that wrong apologies fren.

>> No.19453383


The economy of Singapore is a highly developed free-market economy.[18][19] Singapore's economy has been ranked as the most open in the world,[20] 3rd least corrupt,[21] most pro-business,[22] with low tax rates (14.2% of gross domestic product (GDP))[23] and has the third highest per-capita GDP in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). APEC is headquartered in Singapore.

>> No.19453439

does anyone actually have any .zil domains yet? i've got a few. and don't forget SC, hasnt yet pumped like ZIL has and decentralised storage will be needed for those decentralised domains

>> No.19453502

I thought about it they were giving them away for free at one point but I never bothered.

>> No.19453590

20 ish years ago i missed the opportunity to buy domains like royalmail.com, tesco.co.uk, britishrail.co.uk - i'd have been so absurdly rich. most top-end domains on zil are reserved, but they've missed a few. asda.crypto (might have been asda.zil, cant remember) for example was available last time i looked. some people will get rich just buying domains alone.

>> No.19453678

If he thinks the coin is worth fudding he thinks it's worth fudding. It's more retarded to come in here and shill it if he think it's good. Jeez anon, sort yourself out.