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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1944863 No.1944863 [Reply] [Original]

Post ideas/habits that enables you to get more done in a day.

I'll start.
>When I need to work at home, I put on a dress shirt and slacks instead of casual wear.

>After I get home from work I immediately go for a run with my dog so I remain productive at home.

>Listen to business podcasts while doing dummy work (laundry, driving, cleaning).

>> No.1944943

>Smoke in the shower to save time

>Save money by washing only half of your laundry with detergent

>Buy any stock and just wait till it's worth more than what you bought it for

>> No.1944952

Cold showers in the morning. Wakes me up and minimizes the amount of time I spend in the tub.

>> No.1944956

trade stocks on my phone at lunch break at my cucc job, dig food out of the trash to save money, shitpost while writing code

>> No.1944974

>Taking tubs every morning
Nobody is that autistic.

>> No.1945103

>don't snooze your alarms
>dont procrastinate your tasks
>prepare your food for the week sunday so you won't have to spend your time making food on weekdays
>remember to have fun as well so you have the energy to be productive

>> No.1945199

Take Adderall

>> No.1945227

work smarter not harder kid, getting "more done" is just extreme wagecucking

>> No.1945254

t. femanon/lgbt

>> No.1945261

Jerk off as fast as possible

>> No.1945288

>Jerk off while smoking in the shower

>> No.1945297


The fuck do you people clean yourselves at?

>> No.1945300

>don't snooze your alarms
I can accept that everyone on /biz/ is 6"2 with a six pack and a 401k but this is too much

>> No.1945308

snoozing is a waste of time because when you snooze you don't get anymore sleep anyways! The lying down doesn't count as sleep because you're awake. The time you use lying there could be used eating breakfast or preparing yourself for work

>> No.1945327

Lie to people to get more time for yourself

>> No.1945381

>When I need to work at home, I put on a dress shirt and slacks instead of casual wear.
this is a really fucking good idea thanks mang

>> No.1945389


>> No.1945394


>> No.1945453

Not all tubs have a shower and vice versa. If you refer to being in the tub, people will think you're taking a bath immersed in water, which is something not a lot of people do, and most men never do. So even if your shower is attached to a tub, you'd normally just call it a shower.

tl;dr: Your writing was confusing to some anons.

>> No.1945456

I think they think you're taking a bath

>> No.1945467

> use mindmapping tools to create "learning maps" from books helps to organize knowledge spatially
> use eisenhower matrix and trello to plan tasks on a daily level

>> No.1945902

Hace off the charts anxiety and depression. Force myself against my will to go socialise and be productive. Never 1 time regret it. The happiest people i know turns out were abused or drink to much and have the same problems i do. 8 truly see how lucky i am and strive to be these people.

Also my shrink said caffiene triggers anxiety. So 2 or 3 days a week i make a pot of 1/4 cup grounds worth of coffee, throw the pot in the freezer for an hour and chug a pot of luke warm bean watter in about 4 to 5 good pulls.

Go ona autistic fit of anxiety and get shit done.

Also fortunate enough on average 1 or 2 days a week i am dead slow at work and get payed 10 hours to study personal finance or read forbes and shitpost.

1 day a week i promise my wife i will work an hour on the house. Almost always get momentum and dont wanna stop for 2.

Or a tree falls and kills my garage so i am forces ro clean my yard and build fence all day...

Pic related.

Kill me

>> No.1945904

Do u mean expired shit or like used hot dogs????

>> No.1945921

Fucking hell anon are u me???

I do all this and i have litterally prayed to have the balls to blowjob a shotgun. After one of my 2 best friends drank beers with us and said he would teach me to grill in the morning and then went and fucking shot himself where my other best friend would find him i was not okay with the boss upstairs. I know better than to challenge an all powerful being but holy shit was i pissed at him and me and everything in general. My other bff is a churchfag. Said something like as people we cannot physically understand gods plan. Makes sense i guess. Give up trying to put reason into it and try to forget or forgive myself for giving him shit about living with his mom at 21 and getting fired... just giving him shit. He tapped his foot a lot that night and seemed a little anxious but he had been doing a little coke so i never even thought about it.

Most of what motivates me sadly is anxiety and knowing if i stop trying to help everyone i know i will stare at the wall think about what a peice of shit i am. Most days i dont want to live but i figure if i help others at least i will enjoy heaven. I have pretty much been tortured to the point i hyperventilated and passed out for 3 days. There are people i litteraly want to kill but i wouldnt wish that on them. Maybe my moms ex boyfriend that hit her once and i got arrested trying to beat to death. He should die slow. Hes going ro hell anyway tho as is his piece of shit son who burned doen a single mother of 2s house. .

>> No.1945926

Like a naled john butler trio. Fuck i love this hellhole

>> No.1945930

I wack off into the fast food bag that I just ordere for easy cleanup ^.- carls jr, jack in the box, mcdonalds, etc.
-also take a morning shit before you shower

>> No.1945937

My wife snoozes her shit 4 trillion times. Its gay af. If i set my clothes and lunch out i can piss, brush teeth, get dressed, load dogs, and putter to work in ~15 minutes. I start at 7am and almost never had a customer before like 7:05am. I dont know or see my bosses much but the last place i worked for were nazis. Talking was 3 minutes late the second time in 3 years and the boss asked if i had a flat or something. I said no and stoke a bill engval joke fucking around. Other 3 just swelled right up. WELL U CAN GO HOME. Fine by me u stumpy cunt its raining and i already have 88 hours it Napolean. Fuck u

>> No.1945939

Not for me. Why the fuck woukd i wear a tie. It may actually be a fine able offense. Leans in to look at belt. Sucked into belt by tie neck first. Rip retard. Lol

>> No.1945943

Aint took a shower but a few times in 31 years. When i was a kid and the year my keg was wraped up. Sucks ass

>> No.1945949
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>> No.1946237
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>> No.1946252

I jerk off onto my hands and then lick it all off to save money on tissue paper.

>> No.1946253
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>>Buy any stock and just wait till it's worth more than what you bought it for

fuck you, thats exactly what I did.

now I lost about 4K and I am sitting here praying it goes up again.

>> No.1946254
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I shitpost on 4chan all day after work.

>> No.1946256

Shit in a bag and throw it in the trash. Saves time going to the restroom.

>> No.1946258

Eat my own shit. Saves time cooking and saves money by extracting all the nutrients possible from the food I buy.

>> No.1946697
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I actually love /biz/ shitposts. It's always like 50% of good/bad advice and 50% shit sometimes in the same post.

That would make me want to die.

Point taken. Just depends on what you're working on.


Where can I get whatever this guy is on.

>> No.1946714

shit before shower. saves toilet paper

piss in shower

ask strangers for cigarettes, collect them and give them to friends when they ask you (I dont smoke). Thus they will be more likely to give you something back

ask in bakery for bread of the day before. saves money.

take bike to work, saves fuel and no need for gym

charge phone at work

only 1 lightbulb per room, even if a lamp has space for more

share wifi with neighbors and split costs

>> No.1946751
File: 43 KB, 720x693, 1422206056594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post ideas/habits that enables you to get more done in a day.


This thread is not about how to be a cheapo, you sad fuck.

I hope you die a painful and slow dead.

When you have a lot of money, you still will be a greedy cunt, maybe you will die with millions on your bank account, but what's the fun if you don't enjoy spending them.

Instead of living like a kike, try to fucking make some proper money. You are so cheap it's disgusting!

>ask strangers for cigarettes, collect them and give them to friends when they ask you (I dont smoke). Thus they will be more likely to give you something back

You are so sad. I hope all your "friends" one day see the light and see how cheap you are, bah , disgusting....

>> No.1946775

I do have money (~300k), I just dont like to spend it. I live in a 1-room apartment and Im happy

>> No.1946854

Horey shet. Potatoe juice from the liquor store. I gotta quit drinking...

>> No.1947013

A good trick to beat proscrination is to visualize yourself as doing your task on deadline, and the consequences of failing to do so in time. Will you finish typing your report in 1 or 2 hours? Will you receive the complete information in time to type all the report? What will you do in the meeting when confronted with an incomplete report?

Not a wageslave, huh?

Same principles, different questions. Even in your regular life, the idea remains the same. What will you do when the dip is over, the client is at the front demanding his product, or the energy company cut the service because delayed payments? Do you really want to work under the pressure of not having time to fix that one thing that will broke/ go wrong in the last minute?

No, people don't perform better under pressure. They perform more stressed, and quite often, worse.

>> No.1947103

What are some good business podcasts

>> No.1947702

What kind of business podcasts?

>> No.1947731

>be a shitskin
>illegally walk to europe
>have your entire life payed for

>> No.1947737

Time is money
So being a cheapo is productive

>> No.1947751

Ignore the other poster, what you're doing is actually very smart. Keep saving and investing your money, you'll be a millionaire in ten years if you do it correctly.

>> No.1948196

please write an ebook with shit like this and sell it für 30 bucks

>> No.1948223

>smoke in the shower


>> No.1948431
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>buying as much as you can at once
>not dollar cost averaging a medium or high volatility stock
>not buying the dip and making ~3% increase per day

>> No.1948438
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>not shitting in the shower then waffle-stomping those nuggets down the drain to save even more time and money

>> No.1949502

Holy fuck wow

>> No.1949695

Liar, I saw that post about someone's friend going to teach him to grill and shot himself the next day on suggest yesterday.

>> No.1950239
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Well i imagine it's pretty common. 7 billion anons out there and most every male sees grilling as as a socially acceptable and manly alternative to cooking. Guess i will never know. Cant bring myself to fire up the smoker. Probably going to whoever will come haul the useless hunk of metal out.

>> No.1950249

Not him but could you tell me what ebook authors use to put together an ebook?