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19444854 No.19444854 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19444986

Lmao I can't believe you didn't buy in at 3.7k during the middle of a global pandemic
The next time btc will be under 4k is at its death spiral in the 2030s

>> No.19445000

Nope straight to 240k from now on

>> No.19445002

its going to 1900

>> No.19445023

1900s by 20th of June screen cap this

>> No.19445043

Why do you presume to know my trade history? I actually did buy the March lows and recently sold at $10,000. I hope you hold all the way down to this year's upcoming low like the true faggot that you are.

>> No.19445051

A world ending pandemic took us to 3k, what makes you think it'll happen again?

>> No.19445054 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 1780x1996, bsvplan6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does that have to do with this?

>> No.19445062

that guy is a fucking retard

>> No.19445068

This >>19445054
Yes. Something huge is brewing.

>> No.19445085

I have 20 years of trading experience. I hate to break it to you anons but BTC is going to 1K. I would tell you how I know this but it would ruin my advantage in this market

>> No.19445094

I have also identified June 20th as a key date, but I think 1900s is possibly too bearish

>> No.19445104
File: 128 KB, 507x266, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just short 100x on Phemex

>> No.19445120

except after the halving $6k is the new $3k. ta is not used to assets like bitcoin with such fundamental events so it will mislead you if you don't adjust mentally.

>> No.19445121

The bottom is $1250

>> No.19445128

this guys not larping absolute king

>> No.19445132
File: 232 KB, 3266x1478, 1_HY-1OfJ_O7pPhcw_KwKcdQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doe it have to do with Elliot waves? Pic related. Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road, drew this from prison. Tyler Jenks (R.I.P.) also predicted a hyperwave crash to $1000.

>> No.19445157

I think 1918 by June 16th exactly I'm just giving it a few extra days

>> No.19445177

oooooo more lines

>> No.19445195

>Ross Ulbricht! The Legendary! HE drew this!

also from Ross Ulbricht:

>"I made a huge mistake building Silk Road and I will pay for it for the rest of my life."

lmao this guy is the one youre saying has an opinion worth listening to now? he was crying in court blabbering like a baby

>> No.19445208

>except after the halving $6k is the new $3k.
You're the one who is misled, man. The Chinese mine essentially for free. They control the vast majority of the hashing power. More importantly, those numbers you posted are actually meaningless when it comes time for the big whales to dump. The price can plummet to suicide-inducing depths that will leave you dumbfounded. Don't get caught in a state of disbelief when it all unravels. You seem too comfortable in the narrative that they spoon-fed you on crypto Youtube.

>> No.19445211
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Will it rebound? because if so, im just gonna hold and not think about it. Swinging is too risky

>> No.19445225

You're bragging about something so small, kiddo? I'll have you know I have 25 years in trading just bitcoin alone and I've never made a bad trade despite trading every single day. I can tell you for certain that bitcoin is definitely going up or down in the foreseeable future.

>> No.19445247
File: 101 KB, 680x448, EYfj-ngU0AASN4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also listed Tyler Jenks. He was an esteemed analyst.

And say what you will about Ulbricht, but he was one of the first people in the world to see the utility of Bitcoin and make a business that used it. He has been analyzing the Bitcoin price since its inception, which is more than most crypto analysts can say.

>> No.19445248

>I have 20 years of trading experience
>t. certified crypto trader
thanks, just sold

>> No.19445265
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it's cute to see newfags repeating ashdrake's same mistakes
time really is just one flat circle

>> No.19445280

Imagine wittingly holding through a 70-90% correction.

Wew, lad.

>> No.19445286

meh schizo fucks keep rambling and bitcoin keeps going up.

>> No.19445343

bruh a fucking global meltdown couldnt even break below 3000 fucking retard

>> No.19445363

Why not, the alternative is selling it all and then having to fomo back in at 20k.

>> No.19445365

You're a fucking faggot and extremely butthurt about something. Especially considering you actually believe in TA and even worse, Eliot Meme waves.

Post your trading history immediately or absolutely fuck off.
and post your open short position. You wont.

BTC is going to 16k within 6 weeks before it's correction

>> No.19445405

Yeah, no one sees it coming. That's why it will be so devastating. This is what is needed to shake out the insufferable twitter moonboys and the like. There can be no golden bull run as long as the herd of mouthbreathing normies is still in it. They need to capitulate and only come back to buy near the blow off top, by definition. I hope you shit your pants and panic sell when the death candle comes, fag.

>> No.19445437

>Try not to end up in prison like I did
Terrible advice indeed.

>> No.19445446


your the same faggot using this rhetoric for months. you are the newfag.
There has always been perpetually bullish retards in crypto since day dot. i remember them in the last bear market when I first bought in on twitter. nothing makes them bearish, they are just airheads. your a fucking idiot if you think they represent anything meaningful. they are a weird minority of faggots so tiny in number its not even worth thinking about.

holy shit your are fucking yourself over those airheads, and they may actually make it while you are shorting becase of them lololol

>> No.19445496

>when the...
blah blah blah
i'm sick and tired of all these baseless predictions.

>> No.19445497

im a 2015er fren
I think 1918 before 43000 is probable

>> No.19445560

I'm not just talking about the Twitter moonboys. They are just the most vocal ones. I am talking about the vast majority of people in crypto currently. Everyone out there who is holding a few bitcoins and thinks they are gonna be rich in a few years. The average hodler who bought in since 2017 or so. The prevailing sentiment in crypto right now is one of exuberence and euphoria. People are cocky and arrogant, expecting another 2017 style run just around the corner. They think the March lows were the worst of it and that it's all blue skies from here. We haven't felt maximum pain yet. We haven't seen real panic selling yet. There will be a proper bloodbath and complete demoralization of the average holder before the bull run can start in earnest. Cope.

>> No.19445695
File: 56 KB, 204x200, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah if you had any brains or if you're really from 2015 you'd see you're the equivalent of ashdrake and others like him on crypto twitter back in 2016
it took literally the largest derivatives exchange shitting itself and cascading liqs to bring bitcoin to $4k
i don't see it happening again

i've been in this space for a long time and this is the most sure i've felt in a rally since 2017. the disbelief to me is exactly like 2016. way too many people simply think it can't go up due to [insert their favourite narrative]. that's a one way ticket to blow up city. the disbelief is even reflected in the funding and basis.

best of luck to any bears who still have sub $3k conviction. you're gonna need it.

>> No.19445711

Screenshotted. See you in a few weeks.

>> No.19445790
File: 23 KB, 346x419, hmpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot what? I'm not calling for $20k tomorrow. Simply that new lows are highly unlikely.
If you believe the largest single day dump and liquidation washout in BTC history isn't "maximum pain", I'm not sure what to tell you.

It's clear you haven't been humbled by multiple market cycles when you speak in absolutes. You newfags will learn eventually I guess.

>> No.19445810

something like ->7k->28k->85% correction would be even more devious.
depends how much it can be bidded up on low liquidity.
muh 2k after a 3k is too obvious - remember the 2k anons in dec 2018. heh what a bunch of losers.

>> No.19447138

You're a nigger dude.

>> No.19448125

Ok, dont forget, that bitcoins base layer is still at 1 mb. I can see a shift to other coins.

>> No.19448173

in all seriousness for June I’d say 20% it goes to 3500 maybe 10% chance of breaking new bottom in the 1900s most likely crabs at 5400

>> No.19448246

Delusional butthurt Bobo cope
You missed the bottom AGAIN