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1944315 No.1944315 [Reply] [Original]

We're not trying to get rich, we're trying to get happy. I'm not saying money won't bring you that, for most of us, it will. But don't lose sight of what the end goal is. Don't get wrapped up in chasing the means in an attempt to find the end. And never forget, the best investment you can make, is in bettering yourself.

>> No.1944319

>Implying a perpetual state of "Happiness" can ever be attained

Life's ups and downs, by dude. I would just rather ride the waves in a yacht rather than a tugboat.

>> No.1944323

i genuinly think financial stability would make me happy. because that is something so outlandish to me. if i had that i could put my energy into my other issues like love or just entertaining myself. i think it would make most people happy. i think with me though if i started a company and was making a lot of money i would sell it pretty early if i could i dont need to be a gazillionaire just want to live comfy

>> No.1944329

What fucking piece of shit book for middle-aged housewives did you pull that vague faux-profound shit from?

Most of the world's richest people don't care about money, it's just a way of keeping score. tangible proof that they're winners in the game: and playing that game be it investing, or being the #1 in their industry etc.

And the fact they keep doing it year after year shows that the only people you're POS quite applies to are directionless people so obsessed with appearances and external metrics that there is no real self to invest in, no deep seated desire or image of a better self worth sufficing. Because they are skin with nothing inside there.

>> No.1944341

I am sorry you are so unhappy.

I didn't get this from any book, it's life experience. Money buys happiness, but I find, once people achieve happiness, they don't know how to enjoy it, they continue doing the only thing they know how, they keep on the grind, frittering away their lives.

Many of the world's richest people are quite happy, and out of recreation or joy, they continue their financial games. Perhaps it is their endeavors for wealth that brings them happiness and fulfillment in the first place and they care not for the luxuries the actual wealth brings.

I wouldn't want anyone to get caught up in running on the mouse wheel all their lives, when that is not what they want out of life.

>> No.1944352

I'm only after financial stability and one day a totally passive, pretty large income. Not totally impossible. To get there though I'd have to be 'rich'. I don't want to worry about money. Worrying about money is what's STOPPING my happiness. Its not that getting money will MAKE me happy for the money, it'll make me happy because I don't have to stress about not having it anymore.

Basically, lack of money can hold back happiness you have inside you. Getting money releases your happiness because no worrying about shit and no stressing.

>> No.1944365

I don't think you actually read what I said

>Money buys happiness, but I find, once people achieve happiness
What does that even mean "achieve happiness"? happiness is a description of a state of mind not a tangible object that can be purchased. How can they "achieve happiness" and then not know what to do with it? They are "happy", this isn't layman's notions of quantum physics. you either are happy or not. Binary. How can you "achieve happiness" and not be happy?

>they continue doing the only thing they know how, they keep on the grind, frittering away their lives.
I just told you: it's because there is no capacity in them to enjoy material wealth because they have no passions, no higher purpose in regards to their perception of themselves and the world. You didn't read what I said?

They are working, earning money because there is nothing for them to earn it for. It occupies them, like your hamster wheel analogy, except like the hamster they have no 'ambitions" except to live and be occupied.

>Perhaps it is their endeavors for wealth that brings them happiness and fulfillment in the first place and they care not for the luxuries the actual wealth brings.

Well I think it's not a "perhaps" but I think there is a direct correlation between self-made billionaires and the passion they have for the industry or skillset that enriched them, and it being paramount and a more salient thing in their mind then cash itself.

>> No.1944368

all i want is to own a nice house and go on fun vacations with my family

>> No.1944404

Hell is listening to our grandparents breathe through their noses while eating a sandwich.

Think about that for a second.

>> No.1944438

I never got why people go on about money I= happiness because it sure as hell does. Rather, more specifically money provides all the opportunities and options to acquire happiness.

Fuck yes I'd rather be FI/RE and commit the rest of my life to cultivating my hobbies, love, raising a family whose parents are actually around to care and provide them with every opportunity to succeed at life.

Or would you rather spend your life TRYING to do the aforementioned things whilst shriveling in financial mediocrity/counting pennies, hoping you'll have enough left over to buy your family a packet of mac&cheese?

>> No.1944462

I finally have 10k in the bank, 750 credit score, buying 2 houses, bout to take kiyosakis real estate handholding classes.

I would say im pretty hapoy finally

>> No.1944467

Butthurt poorfag detected.

Prove me wrong faggit

>> No.1944471

I kbow rich people. They all agree. They dont have to work but they like to. A yact is cool but a private cruise ship is cooler.

Also msling money is easy af and a hobby when you can gamble