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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19437893 No.19437893 [Reply] [Original]

I went all in on ETH at $245

>> No.19437958

It's better than buying ETH over $300
Literally anything below $250 is considered accumulation range

>> No.19438041

Absolutely ngmi if you dont think longterm dweeb

>> No.19438103

ETH used to be $1 why do you idiots insist on making whale leverage and ICO fags rich?

BUY THINGS THAT HAVEN'T MOONED. Sell when they moon. It's literally that easy. Dump your ETH for Suterusu and wait.

>> No.19438119

And you're still in?
Fucking exit now, within a month crypto will dump.

>> No.19438145

like a true /biz/nessman

>> No.19438218

i sold at 200-210 thinking it was the top last week

>> No.19438393

This seriously. Buy SUTER unironically

>> No.19438420

>ETH $180
>And you're still in?
>Fucking exit now, within a month crypto will dump.
>ETH $210
>And you're still in?
>Fucking exit now, within a month crypto will dump.
>ETH $235
>And you're still in?
>Fucking exit now, within a month crypto will dump.

>> No.19438432

This. People begging for ETH to die are like TSLA shorters

>> No.19438860

Why would it?